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Zinc Server and Backlog Situation

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Zinc Server and Backlog Situation

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts
I think, that a not called ZincServer can be the reason for a backlog
problem - I have several Zinc server running in various gems and one of
them is not called - and the backlog number for that task is increasing
without end - as I understand this instance can be a reason for a not
working garbage collection.

That also means, that the low-level receiving part of Zinc should be
rewritten for a regular timeout - and then after that timeout an abort
should be executed ?


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Re: Zinc Server and Backlog Situation

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts
This analysis seems to me to be exactly right.

Sent from my iPad

> On Aug 30, 2015, at 12:36 AM, [hidden email] via Glass <[hidden email]> wrote:
> I think, that a not called ZincServer can be the reason for a backlog
> problem - I have several Zinc server running in various gems and one of
> them is not called - and the backlog number for that task is increasing
> without end - as I understand this instance can be a reason for a not
> working garbage collection.
> That also means, that the low-level receiving part of Zinc should be
> rewritten for a regular timeout - and then after that timeout an abort
> should be executed ?
> Marten
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Re: Zinc Server and Backlog Situation

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts

How are you calling the ZincServer ... if you are using one of the
startup scripts provided with GLASS, you will see the following pattern:

System transactionMode: #manualBegin.

     [:ex :cat :num :args |
       "Run the abort in a lowPriority process, since we must acquire the
         GRPlatform current transactionMutex
           critical: [
             GRPlatform current doAbortTransaction ].
         System enableSignaledAbortError.
       ] forkAt: Processor lowestPriority.
   category: GemStoneError
   number: 6009
   subtype: nil.
System enableSignaledAbortError.
"This thread is needed to handle the SigAbort exception, when the primary
  thread is blocked on an accept. Assuming default 60 second
  STN_GEM_ABORT_TIMEOUT, wake up at 30 second intervals."
   [ true ] whileTrue: [ (Delay forSeconds: 30) wait ].
] forkAt: Processor lowestPriority.

and this code is intended to avoid a CR backlog in a gem that is idle
and waiting on a socket ....


On 8/30/15 6:49 AM, James Foster via Glass wrote:

> This analysis seems to me to be exactly right.
> Sent from my iPad
>> On Aug 30, 2015, at 12:36 AM, [hidden email] via Glass <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> I think, that a not called ZincServer can be the reason for a backlog
>> problem - I have several Zinc server running in various gems and one of
>> them is not called - and the backlog number for that task is increasing
>> without end - as I understand this instance can be a reason for a not
>> working garbage collection.
>> That also means, that the low-level receiving part of Zinc should be
>> rewritten for a regular timeout - and then after that timeout an abort
>> should be executed ?
>> Marten
>> _______________________________________________
>> Glass mailing list
>> [hidden email]
>> http://lists.gemtalksystems.com/mailman/listinfo/glass
> _______________________________________________
> Glass mailing list
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> http://lists.gemtalksystems.com/mailman/listinfo/glass

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