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jQuery session update

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jQuery session update

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts


I port some seaside 3.1 application from Pharo to gemstone seaside 3.2.12 environment.

I have the code:

 html anchor
            (html jQuery ajax
                callback: [
                  each isDisabledSale
                    ifFalse: [ self setupVoceAttiva: each ] ]);
            (html jQuery ajax
                script: [ :s |
                  s << (s jQuery: #'idVoceAttiva') load
                    html: [ :h | self masterView renderVoceAttivaOn: h ] ]);
            (html jQuery this
                  (each isDisabledSale
                    ifFalse: [ 'active' ]
                    ifTrue: [ 'disabled' ]));
        with: [ self render6Item: each on: html ].  

All works fine into pharo.

In gemstone  where i run 3 seasideFastCGI gem,

when i click on the anchor sometime the object log report the error:

warn        Commit failure - retrying  

Any click on the anchor  report two line:     the callback action  and the browser update.

The relative  object log is:           

0)transcript  '1  Time: 20:27:43 CashBinSelection: redbull1'         13037  06/19/2017 20:27:43:112
1)transcript  '2 Time: 20:27:43 BR VoceAttiva redbull1'              13037  06/19/2017 20:27:43:228

2)transcript  '1  Time: 20:27:43 CashBinSelection: redbull2'         12943  06/19/2017 20:27:43:985
3)transcript  '2 Time: 20:27:44 BR VoceAttiva redbull2'              12943  06/19/2017 20:27:44:087

4) transcript  '1  Time: 20:27:45 CashBinSelection: latte+menta'      12991  06/19/2017 20:27:45:173
5) warn        Commit failure - retrying                              13037  06/19/2017 20:27:45:179
6)transcript  '2 Time: 20:27:45 BR VoceAttiva latte+menta'           12991  06/19/2017 20:27:45:339

7)transcript  '1  Time: 20:27:46 CashBinSelection: bevande3'         13037  06/19/2017 20:27:46:109
8)transcript  '2 Time: 20:27:46 BR VoceAttiva bevande3'              13037  06/19/2017 20:27:46:213

9)transcript  '1  Time: 20:27:47 CashBinSelection: bevande1'         12943  06/19/2017 20:27:47:307
10)transcript  '2 Time: 20:27:47 BR VoceAttiva bevande1'              12943  06/19/2017 20:27:47:427

11)transcript  '1  Time: 20:27:48 CashBinSelection: bevande2'         12991  06/19/2017 20:27:48:231
12)transcript  '2 Time: 20:27:48 BR VoceAttiva bevande2'              12991  06/19/2017 20:27:48:340

13)transcript  '1  Time: 20:27:49 CashBinSelection: spremuta'         13037  06/19/2017 20:27:49:087
14transcript  '2 Time: 20:27:49 BR VoceAttiva spremuta'              13037  06/19/2017 20:27:49:199

15)transcript  '1  Time: 20:27:51 CashBinSelection: succo1'           12943  06/19/2017 20:27:51:093
16)transcript  '2 Time: 20:27:51 BR VoceAttiva succo1'                12943  06/19/2017 20:27:51:209

17)transcript  '2 Time: 20:27:52 BR VoceAttiva succo1'                13037  06/19/2017 20:27:52:342

18)transcript  '1  Time: 20:27:52 CashBinSelection: estathebicchi...  12991  06/19/2017 20:27:52:389

    At line 5 i found the commit failure error in the 13037 gem

    and at line 17 i have a relative ( asyncron ??) 13037 action.

    But the next 18 line is a single line and the browser is not right update.

    The ol commit failure is:

.             -> 3 Commit failure - retrying(13037)->aSymbolDictionary
(class)@      -> WAObjectLogEntry
(oop)@        -> 345077249
(committed)@  -> true
continuation@ -> nil
label@        -> 'Commit failure - retrying'
object@       -> aSymbolDictionary( #'RcReadSet'->anArray( aRcCollisionBucket( aWARcLastAccessEntry), aRcCollisionBucket( aWACallbackProcessingActionContinua...
pid@          -> 13037
priority@     -> 3
request@      -> '/management?_s=0KodAEH078F0HqKr&_k=6PcQFw8uQOm_plZk&2773&_=1497895158422'
resumed@      -> nil
resumption@   -> nil
stamp@        -> 2017-06-19T20:27:45.1792719364166+02:00
tag@          -> nil

the relative       -> #'WriteWrite_minusRcReadSet'

is: .           

-> anArray( aWAValueHolder contents: aWADTRCashBaseCartPlusView, aWAValueHolder contents: aWADTRCashBaseCassaComponent, aWATimingToolFilter, aW...
..           -> #'WriteWrite_minusRcReadSet'->anArray( aWAValueHolder contents: aWADTRCashBaseCartPlusView, aWAValueHolder contents: aWADTRCashBaseCassaComp...
(class)@     -> Array
(oop)@       -> 345074177
(committed)@ -> true
(size)@      -> 11
1@           -> aWAValueHolder contents: aWADTRCashBaseCartPlusView
2@           -> aWAValueHolder contents: aWADTRCashBaseCassaComponent
3@           -> aWATimingToolFilter
4@           -> aWAValueHolder contents: aWAToolDecoration
5@           -> aWAValueHolder contents: aDTRLoginWebGstOrdOnLine
6@           -> aWAValueHolder contents: false
7@           -> aWAValueHolder contents: aWATimingToolFilter
8@           -> aWAValueHolder contents: aDTRWASession
9@           -> aWAValueHolder contents: aWADeprecatedToolFilter
10@          -> aWACallbackProcessingActionContinuation
11@          -> aWAValueHolder contents: aWADTRCashBinSelectionWidgetView

    It's right to have two WAComponent subclass  aWA*View   in this list?

    Thanks for considerations,



Glass mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: jQuery session update

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts
    i do some test about this problematic.

    As Esteban suggested i redefined the  anchor code with:

     html anchor
            (html jQuery ajax
                callback: [
                      each isDisabledSale
                        ifFalse: [ self setupVoceAttiva: each ] ];
                    (html jQuery ajax
                        script: [ :s |
                          s << (s jQuery: #'idVoceAttiva') load
                            html: [ :h | self masterView renderVoceAttivaOn: h ].
                          s << (s jQuery: #'idCassaRiepilogo') load
                            html: [ :h | self masterView renderCashCartPlusDettailOn: h ].
                              ((html jQuery: #'dockcontainerR') find: 'a.active')
                            removeClass: 'active'.
                              (s jQuery this
                                  (each isDisabledSale
                                    ifFalse: [ 'active' ]
                                    ifTrue: [ 'disabled' ])) ]));

    This code works fine and the browser is right update at any click on the anchors.

    But the object log sometime in a causal way, ( i don't understand when and because )

     report the errors:

        warn        Commit failure - retrying                              13037  06/20/2017 17:03:41:028
        warn        Commit failure - retrying                              13037  06/20/2017 17:05:13:010
        warn        Commit failure - retrying                              12943  06/20/2017 17:32:43:166
        warn        Commit failure - retrying                              12991  06/20/2017 17:32:44:849
        warn        Commit failure - retrying                              12943  06/20/2017 17:40:30:160

    It's a normal behavior or are wrongs status - exceptions?




I port some seaside 3.1 application from Pharo to gemstone seaside 3.2.12 environment.

I have the code:

 html anchor
            (html jQuery ajax
                callback: [
                  each isDisabledSale
                    ifFalse: [ self setupVoceAttiva: each ] ]);
            (html jQuery ajax
                script: [ :s |
                  s << (s jQuery: #'idVoceAttiva') load
                    html: [ :h | self masterView renderVoceAttivaOn: h ] ]);
            (html jQuery this
                  (each isDisabledSale
                    ifFalse: [ 'active' ]
                    ifTrue: [ 'disabled' ]));
        with: [ self render6Item: each on: html ].  

All works fine into pharo.

In gemstone  where i run 3 seasideFastCGI gem,

when i click on the anchor sometime the object log report the error:

warn        Commit failure - retrying  

Any click on the anchor  report two line:     the callback action  and the browser update.

The relative  object log is:           

0)transcript  '1  Time: 20:27:43 CashBinSelection: redbull1'         13037  06/19/2017 20:27:43:112
1)transcript  '2 Time: 20:27:43 BR VoceAttiva redbull1'              13037  06/19/2017 20:27:43:228

2)transcript  '1  Time: 20:27:43 CashBinSelection: redbull2'         12943  06/19/2017 20:27:43:985
3)transcript  '2 Time: 20:27:44 BR VoceAttiva redbull2'              12943  06/19/2017 20:27:44:087

4) transcript  '1  Time: 20:27:45 CashBinSelection: latte+menta'      12991  06/19/2017 20:27:45:173
5) warn        Commit failure - retrying                              13037  06/19/2017 20:27:45:179
6)transcript  '2 Time: 20:27:45 BR VoceAttiva latte+menta'           12991  06/19/2017 20:27:45:339

7)transcript  '1  Time: 20:27:46 CashBinSelection: bevande3'         13037  06/19/2017 20:27:46:109
8)transcript  '2 Time: 20:27:46 BR VoceAttiva bevande3'              13037  06/19/2017 20:27:46:213

9)transcript  '1  Time: 20:27:47 CashBinSelection: bevande1'         12943  06/19/2017 20:27:47:307
10)transcript  '2 Time: 20:27:47 BR VoceAttiva bevande1'              12943  06/19/2017 20:27:47:427

11)transcript  '1  Time: 20:27:48 CashBinSelection: bevande2'         12991  06/19/2017 20:27:48:231
12)transcript  '2 Time: 20:27:48 BR VoceAttiva bevande2'              12991  06/19/2017 20:27:48:340

13)transcript  '1  Time: 20:27:49 CashBinSelection: spremuta'         13037  06/19/2017 20:27:49:087
14transcript  '2 Time: 20:27:49 BR VoceAttiva spremuta'              13037  06/19/2017 20:27:49:199

15)transcript  '1  Time: 20:27:51 CashBinSelection: succo1'           12943  06/19/2017 20:27:51:093
16)transcript  '2 Time: 20:27:51 BR VoceAttiva succo1'                12943  06/19/2017 20:27:51:209

17)transcript  '2 Time: 20:27:52 BR VoceAttiva succo1'                13037  06/19/2017 20:27:52:342

18)transcript  '1  Time: 20:27:52 CashBinSelection: estathebicchi...  12991  06/19/2017 20:27:52:389

    At line 5 i found the commit failure error in the 13037 gem

    and at line 17 i have a relative ( asyncron ??) 13037 action.

    But the next 18 line is a single line and the browser is not right update.

    The ol commit failure is:

.             -> 3 Commit failure - retrying(13037)->aSymbolDictionary
(class)@      -> WAObjectLogEntry
(oop)@        -> 345077249
(committed)@  -> true
continuation@ -> nil
label@        -> 'Commit failure - retrying'
object@       -> aSymbolDictionary( #'RcReadSet'->anArray( aRcCollisionBucket( aWARcLastAccessEntry), aRcCollisionBucket( aWACallbackProcessingActionContinua...
pid@          -> 13037
priority@     -> 3
request@      -> '/management?_s=0KodAEH078F0HqKr&_k=6PcQFw8uQOm_plZk&2773&_=1497895158422'
resumed@      -> nil
resumption@   -> nil
stamp@        -> 2017-06-19T20:27:45.1792719364166+02:00
tag@          -> nil

the relative       -> #'WriteWrite_minusRcReadSet'

is: .           

-> anArray( aWAValueHolder contents: aWADTRCashBaseCartPlusView, aWAValueHolder contents: aWADTRCashBaseCassaComponent, aWATimingToolFilter, aW...
..           -> #'WriteWrite_minusRcReadSet'->anArray( aWAValueHolder contents: aWADTRCashBaseCartPlusView, aWAValueHolder contents: aWADTRCashBaseCassaComp...
(class)@     -> Array
(oop)@       -> 345074177
(committed)@ -> true
(size)@      -> 11
1@           -> aWAValueHolder contents: aWADTRCashBaseCartPlusView
2@           -> aWAValueHolder contents: aWADTRCashBaseCassaComponent
3@           -> aWATimingToolFilter
4@           -> aWAValueHolder contents: aWAToolDecoration
5@           -> aWAValueHolder contents: aDTRLoginWebGstOrdOnLine
6@           -> aWAValueHolder contents: false
7@           -> aWAValueHolder contents: aWATimingToolFilter
8@           -> aWAValueHolder contents: aDTRWASession
9@           -> aWAValueHolder contents: aWADeprecatedToolFilter
10@          -> aWACallbackProcessingActionContinuation
11@          -> aWAValueHolder contents: aWADTRCashBinSelectionWidgetView

    It's right to have two WAComponent subclass  aWA*View   in this list?

    Thanks for considerations,



Glass mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: jQuery session update

Paul DeBruicker
1579 posts
Seems normal.  Seaside on GS is set up to automatically retry a request up to 10 times on commit failure errors.  Looks like your commit failures are happening minutes apart. As long as the work you want gets completed for each request I wouldn't worry about it for now.  

GLASS mailing list wrote

     i do some test about this problematic.

     As Esteban suggested i redefined the  anchor code with:

      html anchor
             (html jQuery ajax
                 callback: [
                       each isDisabledSale
                         ifFalse: [ self setupVoceAttiva: each ] ];
                     (html jQuery ajax
                         script: [ :s |
                           s << (s jQuery: #'idVoceAttiva') load
                             html: [ :h | self masterView
renderVoceAttivaOn: h ].
                           s << (s jQuery: #'idCassaRiepilogo') load
                             html: [ :h | self masterView
renderCashCartPlusDettailOn: h ].
                               ((html jQuery: #'dockcontainerR') find:
                             removeClass: 'active'.
                               (s jQuery this
                                   (each isDisabledSale
                                     ifFalse: [ 'active' ]
                                     ifTrue: [ 'disabled' ])) ]));

     This code works fine and the browser is right update at any click
on the anchors.

     But the object log sometime in a causal way, ( i don't understand
when and because )

      report the errors:

         warn        Commit failure -
retrying                              13037  06/20/2017 17:03:41:028
         warn        Commit failure -
retrying                              13037  06/20/2017 17:05:13:010
         warn        Commit failure -
retrying                              12943  06/20/2017 17:32:43:166
         warn        Commit failure -
retrying                              12991  06/20/2017 17:32:44:849
         warn        Commit failure -
retrying                              12943  06/20/2017 17:40:30:160

     It's a normal behavior or are wrongs status - exceptions?


> Ciao,
> I port some seaside 3.1 application from Pharo to gemstone seaside
> 3.2.12 environment.
> I have the code:
>  html anchor
>         onClick:
>             (html jQuery ajax
>                 callback: [
>                   each isDisabledSale
>                     ifFalse: [ self setupVoceAttiva: each ] ]);
>         onClick:
>             (html jQuery ajax
>                 script: [ :s |
>                   s << (s jQuery: #'idVoceAttiva') load
>                     html: [ :h | self masterView renderVoceAttivaOn: h
> ] ]);
>         onClick:
>             (html jQuery this
>                 addClass:
>                   (each isDisabledSale
>                     ifFalse: [ 'active' ]
>                     ifTrue: [ 'disabled' ]));
>         with: [ self render6Item: each on: html ].
> All works fine into pharo.
> In gemstone  where i run 3 seasideFastCGI gem,
> when i click on the anchor sometime the object log report the error:
> warn        Commit failure - retrying
> Any click on the anchor  report two line:     the callback action  and
> the browser update.
> The relative  object log is:
> 0)transcript  '1  Time: 20:27:43 CashBinSelection: redbull1'        
> 13037  06/19/2017 20:27:43:112
> 1)transcript  '2 Time: 20:27:43 BR VoceAttiva redbull1'              
> 13037  06/19/2017 20:27:43:228
> 2)transcript  '1  Time: 20:27:43 CashBinSelection: redbull2'        
> 12943  06/19/2017 20:27:43:985
> 3)transcript  '2 Time: 20:27:44 BR VoceAttiva redbull2'              
> 12943  06/19/2017 20:27:44:087
> 4) transcript  '1  Time: 20:27:45 CashBinSelection: latte+menta'      
> 12991  06/19/2017 20:27:45:173
> 5) warn        Commit failure - retrying                              
> 13037  06/19/2017 20:27:45:179
> 6)transcript  '2 Time: 20:27:45 BR VoceAttiva latte+menta'          
> 12991  06/19/2017 20:27:45:339
> 7)transcript  '1  Time: 20:27:46 CashBinSelection: bevande3'        
> 13037  06/19/2017 20:27:46:109
> 8)transcript  '2 Time: 20:27:46 BR VoceAttiva bevande3'              
> 13037  06/19/2017 20:27:46:213
> 9)transcript  '1  Time: 20:27:47 CashBinSelection: bevande1'        
> 12943  06/19/2017 20:27:47:307
> 10)transcript  '2 Time: 20:27:47 BR VoceAttiva bevande1'              
> 12943  06/19/2017 20:27:47:427
> 11)transcript  '1  Time: 20:27:48 CashBinSelection: bevande2'        
> 12991  06/19/2017 20:27:48:231
> 12)transcript  '2 Time: 20:27:48 BR VoceAttiva bevande2'              
> 12991  06/19/2017 20:27:48:340
> 13)transcript  '1  Time: 20:27:49 CashBinSelection: spremuta'        
> 13037  06/19/2017 20:27:49:087
> 14transcript  '2 Time: 20:27:49 BR VoceAttiva spremuta'              
> 13037  06/19/2017 20:27:49:199
> 15)transcript  '1  Time: 20:27:51 CashBinSelection: succo1'          
> 12943  06/19/2017 20:27:51:093
> 16)transcript  '2 Time: 20:27:51 BR VoceAttiva succo1'                
> 12943  06/19/2017 20:27:51:209
> 17)transcript  '2 Time: 20:27:52 BR VoceAttiva succo1'                
> 13037  06/19/2017 20:27:52:342
> 18)transcript  '1  Time: 20:27:52 CashBinSelection: estathebicchi...  
> 12991  06/19/2017 20:27:52:389
>     At line 5 i found the commit failure error in the 13037 gem
>     and at line 17 i have a relative ( asyncron ??) 13037 action.
>     But the next 18 line is a single line and the browser is not right
> update.
>     The ol commit failure is:
>         .             -> 3 Commit failure -
>         retrying(13037)->aSymbolDictionary
>         (class)@      -> WAObjectLogEntry
>         (oop)@        -> 345077249
>         (committed)@  -> true
>         continuation@ -> nil
>         label@        -> 'Commit failure - retrying'
>         object@       -> aSymbolDictionary( #'RcReadSet'->anArray(
>         aRcCollisionBucket( aWARcLastAccessEntry), aRcCollisionBucket(
>         aWACallbackProcessingActionContinua...
>         pid@          -> 13037
>         priority@     -> 3
>         request@      ->
>         '/management?_s=0KodAEH078F0HqKr&_k=6PcQFw8uQOm_plZk&2773&_=1497895158422'
>         resumed@      -> nil
>         resumption@   -> nil
>         stamp@        -> 2017-06-19T20:27:45.1792719364166+02:00
>         tag@          -> nil
> the relative       -> #'WriteWrite_minusRcReadSet'
> is: .
>         -> anArray( aWAValueHolder contents:
>         aWADTRCashBaseCartPlusView, aWAValueHolder contents:
>         aWADTRCashBaseCassaComponent, aWATimingToolFilter, aW...
>         ..           -> #'WriteWrite_minusRcReadSet'->anArray(
>         aWAValueHolder contents: aWADTRCashBaseCartPlusView,
>         aWAValueHolder contents: aWADTRCashBaseCassaComp...
>         (class)@     -> Array
>         (oop)@       -> 345074177
>         (committed)@ -> true
>         (size)@      -> 11
>         1@           -> aWAValueHolder contents:
>         aWADTRCashBaseCartPlusView
>         2@           -> aWAValueHolder contents:
>         aWADTRCashBaseCassaComponent
>         3@           -> aWATimingToolFilter
>         4@           -> aWAValueHolder contents: aWAToolDecoration
>         5@           -> aWAValueHolder contents: aDTRLoginWebGstOrdOnLine
>         6@           -> aWAValueHolder contents: false
>         7@           -> aWAValueHolder contents: aWATimingToolFilter
>         8@           -> aWAValueHolder contents: aDTRWASession
>         9@           -> aWAValueHolder contents: aWADeprecatedToolFilter
>         10@          -> aWACallbackProcessingActionContinuation
>         11@          -> aWAValueHolder contents:
>         aWADTRCashBinSelectionWidgetView
>     It's right to have two WAComponent subclass  aWA*View   in this list?
>     Thanks for considerations,
>     Dario

Glass mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: jQuery session update

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts
In reply to this post by GLASS mailing list


    i analyzed the object log.

    I note the error:

        The   warn        Commit failure - retrying                              13037  06/20/2017 17:03:41:028

    in the most cases follow this behavior:

        transcript  '1  Time: 21:01:34 CashBinSelection: brioches3'        13037  06/20/2017 21:01:34:428
        transcript  '2 Time: 21:01:34 BR VoceAttiva brioches3'             12991  06/20/2017 21:01:34:537
        warn        Commit failure - retrying                              13037  06/20/2017 21:01:34:584

    The warn Commit failure is generated by the gem ( 13037 ) which manage the first ajax ( the callback )

     but after the 2 ajax ( gem 12991)  which update the browser and create some other callback.

      As if the  commit of the  first gem 13037 is do too late.

       All test are do with only one web session open.

       Every consideration are welcome.



    i do some test about this problematic.pdate

    As Esteban suggested i redefined the  anchor code with:

     html anchor
            (html jQuery ajax
                callback: [
                      each isDisabledSale
                        ifFalse: [ self setupVoceAttiva: each ] ];
                    (html jQuery ajax
                        script: [ :s |
                          s << (s jQuery: #'idVoceAttiva') load
                            html: [ :h | self masterView renderVoceAttivaOn: h ].
                          s << (s jQuery: #'idCassaRiepilogo') load
                            html: [ :h | self masterView renderCashCartPlusDettailOn: h ].
                              ((html jQuery: #'dockcontainerR') find: 'a.active')
                            removeClass: 'active'.
                              (s jQuery this
                                  (each isDisabledSale
                                    ifFalse: [ 'active' ]
                                    ifTrue: [ 'disabled' ])) ]));

    This code works fine and the browser is right update at any click on the anchors.

    But the object log sometime in a causal way, ( i don't understand when and because )

     report the errors:

        warn        Commit failure - retrying                              13037  06/20/2017 17:03:41:028
        warn        Commit failure - retrying                              13037  06/20/2017 17:05:13:010
        warn        Commit failure - retrying                              12943  06/20/2017 17:32:43:166
        warn        Commit failure - retrying                              12991  06/20/2017 17:32:44:849
        warn        Commit failure - retrying                              12943  06/20/2017 17:40:30:160

    It's a normal behavior or are wrongs status - exceptions?




I port some seaside 3.1 application from Pharo to gemstone seaside 3.2.12 environment.

I have the code:

 html anchor
            (html jQuery ajax
                callback: [
                  each isDisabledSale
                    ifFalse: [ self setupVoceAttiva: each ] ]);
            (html jQuery ajax
                script: [ :s |
                  s << (s jQuery: #'idVoceAttiva') load
                    html: [ :h | self masterView renderVoceAttivaOn: h ] ]);
            (html jQuery this
                  (each isDisabledSale
                    ifFalse: [ 'active' ]
                    ifTrue: [ 'disabled' ]));
        with: [ self render6Item: each on: html ].  

All works fine into pharo.

In gemstone  where i run 3 seasideFastCGI gem,

when i click on the anchor sometime the object log report the error:

warn        Commit failure - retrying  

Any click on the anchor  report two line:     the callback action  and the browser update.

The relative  object log is:           

0)transcript  '1  Time: 20:27:43 CashBinSelection: redbull1'         13037  06/19/2017 20:27:43:112
1)transcript  '2 Time: 20:27:43 BR VoceAttiva redbull1'              13037  06/19/2017 20:27:43:228

2)transcript  '1  Time: 20:27:43 CashBinSelection: redbull2'         12943  06/19/2017 20:27:43:985
3)transcript  '2 Time: 20:27:44 BR VoceAttiva redbull2'              12943  06/19/2017 20:27:44:087

4) transcript  '1  Time: 20:27:45 CashBinSelection: latte+menta'      12991  06/19/2017 20:27:45:173
5) warn        Commit failure - retrying                              13037  06/19/2017 20:27:45:179
6)transcript  '2 Time: 20:27:45 BR VoceAttiva latte+menta'           12991  06/19/2017 20:27:45:339

7)transcript  '1  Time: 20:27:46 CashBinSelection: bevande3'         13037  06/19/2017 20:27:46:109
8)transcript  '2 Time: 20:27:46 BR VoceAttiva bevande3'              13037  06/19/2017 20:27:46:213

9)transcript  '1  Time: 20:27:47 CashBinSelection: bevande1'         12943  06/19/2017 20:27:47:307
10)transcript  '2 Time: 20:27:47 BR VoceAttiva bevande1'              12943  06/19/2017 20:27:47:427

11)transcript  '1  Time: 20:27:48 CashBinSelection: bevande2'         12991  06/19/2017 20:27:48:231
12)transcript  '2 Time: 20:27:48 BR VoceAttiva bevande2'              12991  06/19/2017 20:27:48:340

13)transcript  '1  Time: 20:27:49 CashBinSelection: spremuta'         13037  06/19/2017 20:27:49:087
14transcript  '2 Time: 20:27:49 BR VoceAttiva spremuta'              13037  06/19/2017 20:27:49:199

15)transcript  '1  Time: 20:27:51 CashBinSelection: succo1'           12943  06/19/2017 20:27:51:093
16)transcript  '2 Time: 20:27:51 BR VoceAttiva succo1'                12943  06/19/2017 20:27:51:209

17)transcript  '2 Time: 20:27:52 BR VoceAttiva succo1'                13037  06/19/2017 20:27:52:342

18)transcript  '1  Time: 20:27:52 CashBinSelection: estathebicchi...  12991  06/19/2017 20:27:52:389

    At line 5 i found the commit failure error in the 13037 gem

    and at line 17 i have a relative ( asyncron ??) 13037 action.

    But the next 18 line is a single line and the browser is not right update.

    The ol commit failure is:

.             -> 3 Commit failure - retrying(13037)->aSymbolDictionary
(class)@      -> WAObjectLogEntry
(oop)@        -> 345077249
(committed)@  -> true
continuation@ -> nil
label@        -> 'Commit failure - retrying'
object@       -> aSymbolDictionary( #'RcReadSet'->anArray( aRcCollisionBucket( aWARcLastAccessEntry), aRcCollisionBucket( aWACallbackProcessingActionContinua...
pid@          -> 13037
priority@     -> 3
request@      -> '/management?_s=0KodAEH078F0HqKr&_k=6PcQFw8uQOm_plZk&2773&_=1497895158422'
resumed@      -> nil
resumption@   -> nil
stamp@        -> 2017-06-19T20:27:45.1792719364166+02:00
tag@          -> nil

the relative       -> #'WriteWrite_minusRcReadSet'

is: .           

-> anArray( aWAValueHolder contents: aWADTRCashBaseCartPlusView, aWAValueHolder contents: aWADTRCashBaseCassaComponent, aWATimingToolFilter, aW...
..           -> #'WriteWrite_minusRcReadSet'->anArray( aWAValueHolder contents: aWADTRCashBaseCartPlusView, aWAValueHolder contents: aWADTRCashBaseCassaComp...
(class)@     -> Array
(oop)@       -> 345074177
(committed)@ -> true
(size)@      -> 11
1@           -> aWAValueHolder contents: aWADTRCashBaseCartPlusView
2@           -> aWAValueHolder contents: aWADTRCashBaseCassaComponent
3@           -> aWATimingToolFilter
4@           -> aWAValueHolder contents: aWAToolDecoration
5@           -> aWAValueHolder contents: aDTRLoginWebGstOrdOnLine
6@           -> aWAValueHolder contents: false
7@           -> aWAValueHolder contents: aWATimingToolFilter
8@           -> aWAValueHolder contents: aDTRWASession
9@           -> aWAValueHolder contents: aWADeprecatedToolFilter
10@          -> aWACallbackProcessingActionContinuation
11@          -> aWAValueHolder contents: aWADTRCashBinSelectionWidgetView

    It's right to have two WAComponent subclass  aWA*View   in this list?

    Thanks for considerations,



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