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new tODE features available (on dev branch)

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new tODE features available (on dev branch)

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts
With PR #208[1] , I've expanded the support for classes with class
history to include being able to identify classes that are not reachable
from Smalltalk (or the user's Symbol List) ... the classes are display
as ClassName{class-oop} ... I've also switched the `bu` command to
produce compressed backups by default (--uncompressed will give you
uncompressed bacups). I also added a `bu validate` command to verigy the
readability of a backup file.

See the PR[1] for additional details.

There are a couple of minor client-side changes, you can use the
`updateClient` tODE shell builtin to update the client (save the image
after update finishes) and use `project load Tode` to update the server.


[1] https://github.com/dalehenrich/tode/pull/208
Glass mailing list
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Re: new tODE features available (on dev branch)

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts
Super cool! I just updated.
Question...should the "bu validate" be run automatically after making a backup? It's kind of 99% likely I will want to run a validation after making the backup, just to be sure everything went fine.
Also... do we need a menu entry for validate in the world menu?

Thanks for making compressing backups default!

On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 8:44 PM, Dale Henrichs via Glass <[hidden email]> wrote:
With PR #208[1] , I've expanded the support for classes with class history to include being able to identify classes that are not reachable from Smalltalk (or the user's Symbol List) ... the classes are display as ClassName{class-oop} ... I've also switched the `bu` command to produce compressed backups by default (--uncompressed will give you uncompressed bacups). I also added a `bu validate` command to verigy the readability of a backup file.

See the PR[1] for additional details.

There are a couple of minor client-side changes, you can use the `updateClient` tODE shell builtin to update the client (save the image after update finishes) and use `project load Tode` to update the server.


[1] https://github.com/dalehenrich/tode/pull/208
Glass mailing list
[hidden email]


Glass mailing list
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Re: new tODE features available (on dev branch)

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts
I suppose I should add that to the `bu` command, could you submit a feature request when you get a chance ... should probably be validated unconditionally I suppose... good idea.


From: "Mariano Martinez Peck" <[hidden email]>
To: "Dale Henrichs" <[hidden email]>
Cc: [hidden email]
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2015 6:05:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Glass] new tODE features available (on dev branch)

Super cool! I just updated.
Question...should the "bu validate" be run automatically after making a backup? It's kind of 99% likely I will want to run a validation after making the backup, just to be sure everything went fine.
Also... do we need a menu entry for validate in the world menu?

Thanks for making compressing backups default!

On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 8:44 PM, Dale Henrichs via Glass <[hidden email]> wrote:
With PR #208[1] , I've expanded the support for classes with class history to include being able to identify classes that are not reachable from Smalltalk (or the user's Symbol List) ... the classes are display as ClassName{class-oop} ... I've also switched the `bu` command to produce compressed backups by default (--uncompressed will give you uncompressed bacups). I also added a `bu validate` command to verigy the readability of a backup file.

See the PR[1] for additional details.

There are a couple of minor client-side changes, you can use the `updateClient` tODE shell builtin to update the client (save the image after update finishes) and use `project load Tode` to update the server.


[1] https://github.com/dalehenrich/tode/pull/208
Glass mailing list
[hidden email]


Glass mailing list
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Re: new tODE features available (on dev branch)

GLASS mailing list
4138 posts
OK, I opened an issue. 


On Sat, Sep 19, 2015 at 6:29 PM, Dale K. Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:
I suppose I should add that to the `bu` command, could you submit a feature request when you get a chance ... should probably be validated unconditionally I suppose... good idea.


From: "Mariano Martinez Peck" <[hidden email]>
To: "Dale Henrichs" <[hidden email]>
Cc: [hidden email]
Sent: Friday, September 18, 2015 6:05:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Glass] new tODE features available (on dev branch)

Super cool! I just updated.
Question...should the "bu validate" be run automatically after making a backup? It's kind of 99% likely I will want to run a validation after making the backup, just to be sure everything went fine.
Also... do we need a menu entry for validate in the world menu?

Thanks for making compressing backups default!

On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 8:44 PM, Dale Henrichs via Glass <[hidden email]> wrote:
With PR #208[1] , I've expanded the support for classes with class history to include being able to identify classes that are not reachable from Smalltalk (or the user's Symbol List) ... the classes are display as ClassName{class-oop} ... I've also switched the `bu` command to produce compressed backups by default (--uncompressed will give you uncompressed bacups). I also added a `bu validate` command to verigy the readability of a backup file.

See the PR[1] for additional details.

There are a couple of minor client-side changes, you can use the `updateClient` tODE shell builtin to update the client (save the image after update finishes) and use `project load Tode` to update the server.


[1] https://github.com/dalehenrich/tode/pull/208
Glass mailing list
[hidden email]



Glass mailing list
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