1.0-beta.31 released

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1.0-beta.31 released

Dale Henrichs
This release is targeted to for inclusion in the GemStone release of
GemStone/S 3.0.1. There are a couple of GemStone bugfixes:

- fix for GemStone version of Pharo Issue 4613 .... derive attributes
from GemStone version string
- get ConfigurationOfGsMonticello configuration from correct
- use Gofer (for GemStone)

Plus a bug fix that is probably pretty specific to GemStone, since it
involves fixing sort order for Monticello package branches. To boil it
down, the versionNumber now takes precedence over the branch name and
author name. Previously the branch name took precedence over the
versionNumber and meant that a trunk version could override a  branch
version but a branch version could not override a trunk version.
