1.0beta.28 ... almost ready

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1.0beta.28 ... almost ready

Dale Henrichs
I've just finished getting Metacello 1.0-beta.28 to pass all of the
tests on Squeak4.x and GLASS 1.0-beta.8.5 ... the blog post is
ready ... so all that's left is:

  - clean up description in config
  - change bootstrap code to load 1.0-beta.28 core so that Metacello
    correctly in Pharo1.2 (run a test or two)
  - do the release (set blessing and copy config/pkgs around)
  - update wiki home page
  - write announcement email
  - publish blog post

...but I've run out of time...today:)

Should be able to get this pushed out Monday morning ...
