24 hours expiration? PDF? Using Alias?

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24 hours expiration? PDF? Using Alias?

Van Upboy
Hello all,

1. Some data 'expires' after 24 hours. So when the object is initialized, I do:
   creationDate: Date today.

And there is a method to check if the data is expired, like this:
   ^self creationDate > (creationDate addDays: 1)

But when thinking it over, I'm wonder what happens when the object is created at 23:59, and at 00:01 I check this property. Will it be 'expired'? Or should I use a Time object instead? The problem with that is that time only runs daily from 00:00 - 23:59, so using Time alone I also can't check the 24 hours, or can I?

2. When I was debugging this, I wanted to look up the Date object in de OB System Browser. But I can't find it the object. It is probably hidden somewhere in a package, but I don't know which one. What is the best way to search for an object?

3. I would like to create a pdf file. What is the best way to do it? I asked a question about where to find the SPDF library, but I didn't get an answer. Are there other options?

4. I'm using an alias (Van Upboy) to access this list. What is common practice? Do ppl use their real names? The problem I have with that is that I don't like the idea that all these mailings will end up on the Internet with my name, so I rather not use it. The problem with an alias is that would rather use my real name, it is more personal.

Any help is appreciated, thanks!

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Re: 24 hours expiration? PDF? Using Alias?


3. I would like to create a pdf file. What is the best way to do it? I asked a question about where to find the SPDF library, but I didn't get an answer. Are there other options?

you got at leat 2 answers:

and Stephan Eggermont one

"Hello Van.

Did you findt the page on creating pdfs from seaside?


I've checked the link there. The download link doesn't work anymore
(the server is claimed to be down).
There is a version of SPDF in


The SPDF license is not MIT.

Stephan Eggermont"


4. I'm using an alias (Van Upboy) to access this list. What is common practice? Do ppl use their real names? The problem I have with that is that I don't like the idea that all these mailings will end up on the Internet with my name, so I rather not use it. The problem with an alias is that would rather use my real name, it is more personal.

This is a personnal choice :)
I used a pseudo first, then I changed to my real name. It's better for visibility ... and I don't really care about giving personnal information (btw. more "serious" if people ping your name to find preogramming mailing thant facebook stuffs ;) )


Any help is appreciated, thanks!

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Re: 24 hours expiration? PDF? Using Alias?

Matthias Berth-2
In reply to this post by Van Upboy
Hi Van,

On Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 9:48 AM, Van Upboy <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hello all,
> 1. Some data 'expires' after 24 hours. So when the object is initialized, I
> do:
>    creationDate: Date today.
> And there is a method to check if the data is expired, like this:
>    ^self creationDate > (creationDate addDays: 1)
> But when thinking it over, I'm wonder what happens when the object is
> created at 23:59, and at 00:01 I check this property. Will it be 'expired'?
> Or should I use a Time object instead? The problem with that is that time
> only runs daily from 00:00 - 23:59, so using Time alone I also can't check
> the 24 hours, or can I?

You can look at the internals of a Date object by doing

  Date today inspect.

That will open an inspector window on the date object. Date is a time
span, represented as a point in time (midnight) + a duration of 24
hours. For your application, I guess you want to use a DateAndTime,

  DateAndTime now

> 2. When I was debugging this, I wanted to look up the Date object in de OB
> System Browser. But I can't find it the object. It is probably hidden
> somewhere in a package, but I don't know which one. What is the best way to
> search for an object?

Right-click in the packages pane, then choose "Find class".
Alternatively, you can execute (Do-it, Command-D).

  Date browse.

BTW, you're looking for the Date _class_, right?

> 3. I would like to create a pdf file. What is the best way to do it? I asked
> a question about where to find the SPDF library, but I didn't get an answer.
> Are there other options?

There is an FAQ about creating PDFs with seaside on www.seaside.st

> 4. I'm using an alias (Van Upboy) to access this list. What is common
> practice? Do ppl use their real names? The problem I have with that is that
> I don't like the idea that all these mailings will end up on the Internet
> with my name, so I rather not use it. The problem with an alias is that
> would rather use my real name, it is more personal.

I guess it's your choice. Most people use real names, but I havent
seen anybody complain about pseudonyms. BTW, I find it more convenient
to write several short emails, one for each topic.

> Any help is appreciated, thanks!

You're welcome!

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