3 days of Rock and Roll (Smalltalks 2007)

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3 days of Rock and Roll (Smalltalks 2007)

Edgar J. De Cleene
To my old and new friends.
To all community.
I don't have the John M McIntosh long history of goring to congress and no
his gift for doing terrific trial reports.
But unlucky us, he sure is to busy for visit Argentina.
We have special video from Dan.
Tons or old kind of works.
A "bonus track" in form of a Gem Stone workshop.
I'm not who is qualified to tell.

All my gratitude to UBA gang !!!

I'm on OVERLOAD state now, I unplug computers until Monday.

Stary tuned.


The picture is from
Getting Started with GLASS - James Foster - GemStone.

PC120007.jpg (43K) Download Attachment