3D modeling software & OpenCroquet

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3D modeling software & OpenCroquet

Filipe Santos-3

This is my first question and contribution to this list. I hope my
question is not unfit (or to newbie) to it.
I recently began using OpenCroquet (OC) as part of my PhD thesis to see
how virtual worlds could help primary school children to become active
partners in the spatial configuration of their own classroom. I want to
model every object in the classroom (chairs, tables, etc.) by using a
3rd party 3D modeling software such as Blender. But can't figure it out
how to import these objects into an OpenCroquet world.

This is what I have seen so far:

- One of the worlds in OC uses a class named TLoad3DSMax that can open
.".ASE" files (3ds Max ASCII Export Files) directly to that world. Is
this the only format that OC classes can open? Are there any other
classes in OC that deal with different 3D object formats? Is anyone
working on them and willing to give them to the OC consortium for the
next SDK's release?

- I know I could use some software to convert my favorite 3d format (ex:
blender) to ASE. But oddly enough I cannot  find a free converter that
deals with ASE. And I don't have 3DS Max which can deal with this format
(import it and export it). Do you know any free converter? Are there any
other possibilities to the conversion problem?

I appreciate any suggestions you would like to give me. Also, if there
is anyone working on this subject (children and Virtual Worlds) please
fell free to contact me to exchange ideas.

Thanks in advance,

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3D modeling software & OpenCroquet

David Faught
Hi Filipe,

You might want to try using obj files. Also take a look at:


I believe that somewhere in Americo Damasceno's Tutorials, he has an ASE
exporter for Blender.

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Re: 3D modeling software & OpenCroquet

Bugzilla from m.krueger@digidrops.de
In reply to this post by Filipe Santos-3
Hello Felipe,

I ' am quite a newbie to croquet and the 3D modeling but I was able to
import a cube exported from blender with goofosAse v. 2.4x
It had some mistakes in the textures and I don't know, if you have to
redefine the axes, but try it maybe its only a little correction.

quoting Filipe Santos, 31.08.2007 01:56:03:
> - I know I could use some software to convert my favorite 3d format (ex:
> blender) to ASE. But oddly enough I cannot  find a free converter that
> deals with ASE. And I don't have 3DS Max which can deal with this format
> (import it and export it). Do you know any free converter? Are there any
> other possibilities to the conversion problem?
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Re: 3D modeling software & OpenCroquet

Enno Schwass
In reply to this post by Filipe Santos-3

> This is my first question and contribution to this list. I hope my  
> question is not unfit (or to newbie) to it.
> I recently began using OpenCroquet (OC) as part of my PhD thesis to  
> see how virtual worlds could help primary school children to become  
> active partners in the spatial configuration of their own  
> classroom. I want to model every object in the classroom (chairs,  
> tables, etc.) by using a 3rd party 3D modeling software such as  
> Blender. But can't figure it out how to import these objects into  
> an OpenCroquet world.
> This is what I have seen so far:
> - One of the worlds in OC uses a class named TLoad3DSMax that can  
> open .".ASE" files (3ds Max ASCII Export Files) directly to that  
> world. Is this the only format that OC classes can open? Are there  
> any other classes in OC that deal with different 3D object formats?  
> Is anyone working on them and willing to give them to the OC  
> consortium for the next SDK's release?
> - I know I could use some software to convert my favorite 3d format  
> (ex: blender) to ASE. But oddly enough I cannot  find a free  
> converter that deals with ASE. And I don't have 3DS Max which can  
> deal with this format (import it and export it). Do you know any  
> free converter? Are there any other possibilities to the conversion  
> problem?

There is a package called OBJCroquetBuilder that imports Wavefront  
files  *.obj


I easily imported Suzanne (the monkey) from blender into Croquet.

Give it a try

Enno Schwass
[hidden email]

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Re: 3D modeling software & OpenCroquet

Filipe Santos-3

> There is a package called OBJCroquetBuilder that imports Wavefront
> files  *.obj
> http://map.squeak.org/package/0d9b7a69-b789-4490-8c59-24fa32a67af7
> I easily imported Suzanne (the monkey) from blender into Croquet.

Hello Enno, thanks for the tip! Unfortunately I can't download it
properly to Croquet. I can download it to Squeak 3.9 (everything goes
fine) but in Croquet I get an "Error occurred during install".  Can you
advice me what the problem can be???

Thank you,
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Re: 3D modeling software & OpenCroquet

This may be an issue with using underscores as assignment. Jasmine
allowed this, Hedgehog no longer does. Load the FixUnderscores package
(not sure if this in 3.9 or not) and have it fix the underscores and
republish it.

   - Andreas

Filipe Santos wrote:

>> There is a package called OBJCroquetBuilder that imports Wavefront
>> files  *.obj
>> http://map.squeak.org/package/0d9b7a69-b789-4490-8c59-24fa32a67af7
>> I easily imported Suzanne (the monkey) from blender into Croquet.
> Hello Enno, thanks for the tip! Unfortunately I can't download it
> properly to Croquet. I can download it to Squeak 3.9 (everything goes
> fine) but in Croquet I get an "Error occurred during install".  Can you
> advice me what the problem can be???
> Thank you,
> Filipe.
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Re: 3D modeling software & OpenCroquet

Filipe Santos-3
In reply to this post by Bugzilla from m.krueger@digidrops.de
Hello Mathias,

Thank you for your tip. I have tried to use goofosAse v.2.4 but it is not working. When I google the expression "Blender to ASE" I got, as first hit, this link which shows that there are others that have the same problem as me with the tool: http://forums.beyondunreal.com/showthread.php?t=176914 But I am new to these things so it can be my mistake (I think I got everything right: Blender 2.44, goofosAse 2.4 and placed it in the scripts folder; it shows on Blender, but files do not convert!)

Does anyone know why ASE is such a difficult format to find any good free converter??? Do we have to have 3DSMax to have a convenient way of having such files?

Why did OC staff chose this format as the first 3D format to be class supported?


Hello Felipe,

I ' am quite a newbie to croquet and the 3D modeling but I was able to
import a cube exported from blender with goofosAse v. 2.4x
It had some mistakes in the textures and I don't know, if you have to 
redefine the axes, but try it maybe its only a little correction.

quoting Filipe Santos, 31.08.2007 01:56:03:
- I know I could use some software to convert my favorite 3d format (ex: 
blender) to ASE. But oddly enough I cannot  find a free converter that 
deals with ASE. And I don't have 3DS Max which can deal with this format 
(import it and export it). Do you know any free converter? Are there any 
other possibilities to the conversion problem?


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Re: 3D modeling software & OpenCroquet

Filipe Santos-3
In reply to this post by Andreas.Raab
Hello Andreas and Enno,

Yes, that must be the _ error, as you can see by my error message I attach.
Unfortunately I could only use the FixUnderscores class to existing OC
packages, and as package OBJCroquetBuilder didn't install, I couldn't
patch it.

I therefore opened OBJCroquetBuilder with a text editor and did a find &
replace (transforming _ into :=) and I am hoping for the best...

It then installed correctly (I assume) but I am finding difficulties in
using it. As a newbie, I used code I found on Americo Damasceno's
tutorials (which worked under ASE files) but with no luck:

    chair := (OBJCroquetBuilder new initializeWithFileName:
(FileDirectory pathFromURI: 'My3DModels/chair.obj') scale: 1) frame.
    chair boundsDepth: 3.
    chair initBounds.
    chair translationX: 0 y:-50   z:0.
    TQuadTree new initializeWithSpace: space frame: chair.

I know that this isn't the place for helping newbies in debugging, but I
would kindly ask for any suggestion in using this class.

Thanks in advance,

Andreas Raab escreveu:

> This may be an issue with using underscores as assignment. Jasmine
> allowed this, Hedgehog no longer does. Load the FixUnderscores package
> (not sure if this in 3.9 or not) and have it fix the underscores and
> republish it.
> Cheers,
>   - Andreas
> Filipe Santos wrote:
>>> There is a package called OBJCroquetBuilder that imports Wavefront
>>> files  *.obj
>>> http://map.squeak.org/package/0d9b7a69-b789-4490-8c59-24fa32a67af7
>>> I easily imported Suzanne (the monkey) from blender into Croquet.
>> Hello Enno, thanks for the tip! Unfortunately I can't download it
>> properly to Croquet. I can download it to Squeak 3.9 (everything goes
>> fine) but in Croquet I get an "Error occurred during install".  Can
>> you advice me what the problem can be???
>> Thank you,
>> Filipe.

error0.gif (6K) Download Attachment
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Re: 3D modeling software & OpenCroquet

Bugzilla from m.krueger@digidrops.de
In reply to this post by Filipe Santos-3
I also have blender 2.44 a just made a cube and a UV-image.
Triangulation und used the ascii scene export v. 0.6.2 (not 0.6.9)
and this was my outcome. be shure that you select uv-image as material
while export. (see the attache ase-file). I attache you the outcome ase
and the jpeg file. Put it in a folder and just drag in in you local

quoting Filipe Santos, 01.09.2007 10:53:26:
> Hello Mathias,
> Thank you for your tip. I have tried to use goofosAse v.2.4 but it is not
> working. When I google the expression "Blender to ASE" I got, as first hit,
> this link which shows that there are others that have the same problem as
> me with the tool: http://forums.beyondunreal.com/showthread.php?t=176914 
> But I am new to these things so it can be my mistake (I think I got
> everything right: Blender 2.44, goofosAse 2.4 and placed it in the scripts
> folder; it shows on Blender, but files do not convert!)

redcube.ase (7K) Download Attachment
redcube_Cube.jpg (12K) Download Attachment
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Re: 3D modeling software & OpenCroquet

Bugzilla from m.krueger@digidrops.de
Oh sorry group, didn't want this to post here. Wanted to send him
directly. Forgot that I simply replied.

happy weekend.

quoting Mathias Krüger, 01.09.2007 13:16:15:
> I also have blender 2.44 a just made a cube and a UV-image.
> Triangulation und used the ascii scene export v. 0.6.2 (not 0.6.9)
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Re: 3D modeling software & OpenCroquet

Peter Moore-5
In reply to this post by Filipe Santos-3
On Sep 1, 2007, at 6:13 AM, Filipe Santos wrote:

Hello Andreas and Enno,

Yes, that must be the _ error, as you can see by my error message I attach.
Unfortunately I could only use the FixUnderscores class to existing OC packages, and as package OBJCroquetBuilder didn't install, I couldn't patch it.

I therefore opened OBJCroquetBuilder with a text editor and did a find & replace (transforming _ into :=) and I am hoping for the best...

You want to run:

     Preferences enable: #allowUnderscoreAssignment.

in a workspace before you load the package from SM. However it looks like you've worked it and that isn't your problem anymore.

It then installed correctly (I assume) but I am finding difficulties in using it. As a newbie, I used code I found on Americo Damasceno's tutorials (which worked under ASE files) but with no luck:

   chair := (OBJCroquetBuilder new initializeWithFileName: (FileDirectory pathFromURI: 'My3DModels/chair.obj') scale: 1) frame.
   chair boundsDepth: 3.
   chair initBounds.
   chair translationX: 0 y:-50   z:0.
     TQuadTree new initializeWithSpace: space frame: chair.

So what is it doing? Are you getting a debugger window? Where are you adding this code? You really don't need the quadtree for such a simple object. Whoa...just noticed that you are translating the chair (0, -50, 0)!!! If you aren't getting any errors but still don't see the chair it's because you've placed it below the ground plane. Try something like this (assuming #initializeWithFileName:scale: and #frame are valid method on OBJCroquetBuilder):

chair := (OBJCroquetBuilder new initializeWithFileName: (FileDirectory pathFromURI: 'My3DModels/chair.obj') scale: 1.0) frame. 
space addChild: chair.


I know that this isn't the place for helping newbies in debugging, but I would kindly ask for any suggestion in using this class.

Thanks in advance,

Andreas Raab escreveu:
This may be an issue with using underscores as assignment. Jasmine allowed this, Hedgehog no longer does. Load the FixUnderscores package (not sure if this in 3.9 or not) and have it fix the underscores and republish it.

  - Andreas

Filipe Santos wrote:

There is a package called OBJCroquetBuilder that imports Wavefront files  *.obj

I easily imported Suzanne (the monkey) from blender into Croquet.

Hello Enno, thanks for the tip! Unfortunately I can't download it properly to Croquet. I can download it to Squeak 3.9 (everything goes fine) but in Croquet I get an "Error occurred during install".  Can you advice me what the problem can be???

Thank you,
