3dot10, Whos playing the client?
Ralphs response to my 3dot10 wrapup? question left the
completion of 3dot10 up in the air.
The beta phase will be indefinite.
We'll end it when either a new
team gets announced or we get sick of it,
whichever comes first.
I hope the board will rescue us.
http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/pipermail/squeak-dev/2007-July/118345.htmlI know the board meets soon. I am hoping they can
appoint someone to take on the role of 3dot10 client
and define when it is complete.
A lot of squeak releases have draged on until the
sickness of the release team forces them to the role
of client. This never ends well for the release.
I hope the board will be wise and responsible and
appoint someone to the client role.
Thank you for your consideration.
Yours in curiosity and service, --Jerome Peace
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