[4.1] How do I change the screen background?

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[4.1] How do I change the screen background?

Hannes Hirzel

How do I change the screen background?

I was searching for
in the preferences browser but did not find anything.

Nothing in the 'Extras' menu either.

So it must be a code snippet, which one?

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Re: [4.1] How do I change the screen background?

Bert Freudenberg
On 22.04.2010, at 01:22, Hannes Hirzel wrote:

> Hello
> How do I change the screen background?
> I was searching for
>    'background'
>    'screen'
>    'world'
> in the preferences browser but did not find anything.
> Nothing in the 'Extras' menu either.

* from the world menu, choose "appearance..."


* drop an image into Squeak, form its halo menu button choose "set as background"


* bring up the world's halo, click the pink "change color" handle


* shift-click the halo's pink "change color" handle, edit the property sheet


* click the halo's gray "paint background" handle, draw something nice


* from the red menu button in the halo, choose "fill style"

> So it must be a code snippet, which one?

Well, that works too :)

But you could also paint a little dot, and create a simple script by drag-and-drop to paint nice patterns:

- Bert -

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Re: [4.1] How do I change the screen background?

Jerome Peace
In reply to this post by Hannes Hirzel
Hi Hannes,

WorldMenu>appearence will give you the appearance  menu.

Pin it down.

then select pick desktop color and pick one.
then select pick gradient color and pick a second.
Background becomes a interesting gradient.

Alternately forget the appearance menu.

Pick a graphic file to be your background.

Drag and drop it on the image. This will open a Sketch morph with the graphic.

Bring up the morphs haloes.
From the red menu choose>set as background.

This will tile the sketch image onto the background.


Yours in curiosity and service, Jerome Peace

--- On Wed, 4/21/10, Hannes Hirzel <[hidden email]> wrote:

> From: Hannes Hirzel <[hidden email]>
> Subject: [Newbies] [4.1] How do I change the screen background?
> To: [hidden email]
> Date: Wednesday, April 21, 2010, 7:22 PM
> Hello
> How do I change the screen background?
> I was searching for
>     'background'
>     'screen'
>     'world'
> in the preferences browser but did not find anything.
> Nothing in the 'Extras' menu either.
> So it must be a code snippet, which one?
> Hannes
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