4.6 Release Update: Feature Freeze begins Monday, 5-May-2015

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4.6 Release Update: Feature Freeze begins Monday, 5-May-2015

Chris Muller-4
In today's Squeak board meeting we expressed a definitive interest in
wrapping up this release so we can be free of the constant patching of
the .spur branch and associated bootstrap conversions which Eliot has
been graciously doing.

Therefore, the board asks all contributors to withhold any further
non-essential fixes and features after Sunday, May 10th.  That's just
four more days to finish any further feature contributions you may
have for the 4.6 / 5.0 release.  And, even until then, no high risk
changes should be made in trunk.

Starting next week we will need volunteers for the release-process
duties like Release-Notes, Welcome workspaces, Preferences &
Background, Image Setup, Website updates and a at least a few
SqueakMap entry's for Squeak's signature packages.  I'll see about
making a new wiki page so we can organize around this.