64-bit MacOS VM dmg is fine. 32-bit one doesn't mount.

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64-bit MacOS VM dmg is fine. 32-bit one doesn't mount.

Eliot Miranda-2
Hi All,

    whoever is building the dmg files on binary, the 64-bit dmg file is fine and mounts OK.  The 32-bit one isn't and refuses to mount on my 10.10.5 Yosemite Mac Mini.  To reproduce, use the getGoodSpurVM.sh and getGoodSpur64VM.sh scripts in the image directory on MacOS.  The former produces 
"LSOpenURLsWithRole() failed with error -600 for the file /Users/eliot/oscogvm/image/squeak.cog.spur_macos32_x86_201808230550.dmg."
best, Eliot
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Re: 64-bit MacOS VM dmg is fine. 32-bit one doesn't mount.

Hi Eliot
On Thu, Aug 23, 2018 at 5:50 PM Eliot Miranda <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi All,

    whoever is building the dmg files on binary, the 64-bit dmg file is fine and mounts OK.  The 32-bit one isn't and refuses to mount on my 10.10.5 Yosemite Mac Mini.  To reproduce, use the getGoodSpurVM.sh and getGoodSpur64VM.sh scripts in the image directory on MacOS.  The former produces 
"LSOpenURLsWithRole() failed with error -600 for the file /Users/eliot/oscogvm/image/squeak.cog.spur_macos32_x86_201808230550.dmg."

I'm assuming it's not opening correctly because you downloaded a 404 page instead? The actual file is called squeak.cog.spur_macos32x86_201808230550.dmg and opens fine on my Mac.

Here's a download link:

BTW: I don't recommend downloading the VM from Bintray as you could end up with a bad build and weird problems. Instead, it's better to download from GitHub releases [1]. There are lots of scripts for downloading latest GitHub releases automatically (e.g. [1])


best, Eliot