A new critical blog discussing Seaside - now concrete proposals

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A new critical blog discussing Seaside - now concrete proposals

I have added some first concrete proposals to my new critical blog on Seaside: http://thesmalltalkblog.blogspot.com

May I also propose to get away from these personal and emotional discussions here and to advance to some proper work. I have started with my proposals on my blog.

As Keith wrote very wisely (thank you Keith):

>Mr Cucumber is raising issues. We need to identify the actual issues and
see if they need addressing.<
See my latest postings on my blog! I am getting into the subjects!

And Keith, thank you again for this:

>Personally I dont see much anger in his blog, I see honesty as expressed from his perception. In fact there is far less anger expressed here than I would expect.<

I had expected this reaction from the mailing list, because I know well how such communities work. They are - at least by the "leading members" - social entities where the argument as such is mostly less important than who raises it. We are all humans! That's natural but not helpful.

Ths is exactly what Sebastian Sastre wrote:

> And you did it annonymously, which leaves your ideas in a weaker position. What did you pretend with that? to create the annonymous seaside critic comunity?
> leaded by whom?

@Sebastian: If you value an argument from a person who's name you know higher because just of that, pardonnez-moi, je m'excuse, but this would a clear sign of incompetence.

> leaded by whom?
Only led by arguments!

This is also another reason why I will stay anonymous. I want to improve the subject and not gain personal respect by some community (as Thorsten proposed and wrote that this is a prerequisite to be taken seriously). Forget it!

Either people believe in my arguments and want to profit from my very comprehensive experience - or not. In the latter case we will continue in our own style as we did in the past. Nothing lost.

Or I might find some people who are willing to jump onto our boat and travel with us, because we share the same believes and goals. In this case we would just subclass (as we already did in many cases) where major changes are wanted and that's it!

Seaside is too important for us to either forget about it or to live with - sorry for my openess - this horrible lausy amateurish and undocumented code of Release 2.8. This is unacceptable for us to build products upon.

These authors of Seaside (whom I don't know) really had some crazy ideas!

Just remember this f... (4-letter word left out with respect to those who believe in PC)stupid idiotic url path "/Seaside/do".

What a crazy idea!

It took us several days in the beginning to get this rubbish out! It was done in such a fancy way that was really difficult for somebody not (yet) knowing the system. And there were many complains about that here on the list.

What an idiotic and unrealistic idea! And why so badly implemented.

Now, you can't expect me to have respect for people doing such a bullshit! And my expectation from life experience*** was that these people would be immune to advice. This is why I chose the public block to discuss improvements outside this "social community" here!

Therefore, don't expect me to participate here too frequently. I have no time for such discussions. I want to get my project moving and that means improving Seaside.

Everybody is welcome to join - and I will be most eager and happy to learn from other people's experiences and follow their advice. But now on this previous low-level of "Seaside standards". Non, merci!

I software development experience is very much like cylinder capacity in motor construction! There is only one way to improve cylinder capacity - and that is by more cylinder capacity!


Psssst! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger gehört? Der kann`s mit allen: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/multimessenger01
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Re: A new critical blog discussing Seaside - now concrete proposals

James Robertson-7
It's really, really hard to take anything you say seriously when you  
insist on a veil of anonymity.  Seaside is not some political group,  
and you aren't a revolutionary.  Let us know who you are, and make  
your comments constructively, rather than destructively.

You've already seen how people are taking the kind of rhetoric you're  
dishing out, so I guess I'll ask you this: how's that working out for  
you so far?

James Robertson
Cincom Smalltalk Product Evangelist
Talk Small and Carry a Big Class Library

On Apr 17, 2009, at 8:23 PM, [hidden email] wrote:

> I have added some first concrete proposals to my new critical blog  
> on Seaside: http://thesmalltalkblog.blogspot.com
> May I also propose to get away from these personal and emotional  
> discussions here and to advance to some proper work. I have started  
> with my proposals on my blog.
> As Keith wrote very wisely (thank you Keith):
>> Mr Cucumber is raising issues. We need to identify the actual  
>> issues and
> see if they need addressing.<
> See my latest postings on my blog! I am getting into the subjects!
> And Keith, thank you again for this:
>> Personally I dont see much anger in his blog, I see honesty as  
>> expressed from his perception. In fact there is far less anger  
>> expressed here than I would expect.<
> I had expected this reaction from the mailing list, because I know  
> well how such communities work. They are - at least by the "leading  
> members" - social entities where the argument as such is mostly less  
> important than who raises it. We are all humans! That's natural but  
> not helpful.
> Ths is exactly what Sebastian Sastre wrote:
>> And you did it annonymously, which leaves your ideas in a weaker  
>> position. What did you pretend with that? to create the annonymous  
>> seaside critic comunity?
>> leaded by whom?
> @Sebastian: If you value an argument from a person who's name you  
> know higher because just of that, pardonnez-moi, je m'excuse, but  
> this would a clear sign of incompetence.
>> leaded by whom?
> Only led by arguments!
> This is also another reason why I will stay anonymous. I want to  
> improve the subject and not gain personal respect by some community  
> (as Thorsten proposed and wrote that this is a prerequisite to be  
> taken seriously). Forget it!
> Either people believe in my arguments and want to profit from my  
> very comprehensive experience - or not. In the latter case we will  
> continue in our own style as we did in the past. Nothing lost.
> Or I might find some people who are willing to jump onto our boat  
> and travel with us, because we share the same believes and goals. In  
> this case we would just subclass (as we already did in many cases)  
> where major changes are wanted and that's it!
> Seaside is too important for us to either forget about it or to live  
> with - sorry for my openess - this horrible lausy amateurish and  
> undocumented code of Release 2.8. This is unacceptable for us to  
> build products upon.
> These authors of Seaside (whom I don't know) really had some crazy  
> ideas!
> Just remember this f... (4-letter word left out with respect to  
> those who believe in PC)stupid idiotic url path "/Seaside/do".
> What a crazy idea!
> It took us several days in the beginning to get this rubbish out! It  
> was done in such a fancy way that was really difficult for somebody  
> not (yet) knowing the system. And there were many complains about  
> that here on the list.
> What an idiotic and unrealistic idea! And why so badly implemented.
> Now, you can't expect me to have respect for people doing such a  
> bullshit! And my expectation from life experience*** was that these  
> people would be immune to advice. This is why I chose the public  
> block to discuss improvements outside this "social community" here!
> Therefore, don't expect me to participate here too frequently. I  
> have no time for such discussions. I want to get my project moving  
> and that means improving Seaside.
> Everybody is welcome to join - and I will be most eager and happy to  
> learn from other people's experiences and follow their advice. But  
> now on this previous low-level of "Seaside standards". Non, merci!
> ***
> I software development experience is very much like cylinder  
> capacity in motor construction! There is only one way to improve  
> cylinder capacity - and that is by more cylinder capacity!
> --
> Psssst! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger gehört? Der kann`s mit  
> allen: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/multimessenger01
> _______________________________________________
> seaside mailing list
> [hidden email]
> http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/seaside

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Re: A new critical blog discussing Seaside - now concrete proposals

Igor Stasenko
2009/4/18 James Robertson <[hidden email]>:
> It's really, really hard to take anything you say seriously when you insist
> on a veil of anonymity.  Seaside is not some political group, and you aren't
> a revolutionary.  Let us know who you are, and make your comments
> constructively, rather than destructively.
> You've already seen how people are taking the kind of rhetoric you're
> dishing out, so I guess I'll ask you this: how's that working out for you so
> far?

Its sooo emotional.. like Lukas owes him something.

@Mr.Anonymous:  If you so genious & intelligent, then why you taking a
Seaside at all? Write own web framework, which follows the RIGHT
coding style, having GOOD documentation, BIG community etc etc.. and
completely fits with your standards.

Instead, you getting in the middle of already existing project and
saying 'you doing all wrong'. This is exactly the case when word
'troll' can be applied to people with such behaviour.

> James Robertson
> Cincom Smalltalk Product Evangelist
> http://www.cincomsmalltalk.com/blog/blogView
> Talk Small and Carry a Big Class Library

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
seaside mailing list
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Re: A new critical blog discussing Seaside - now concrete proposals

Travis Griggs-4
In reply to this post by James Robertson-7
On Apr 17, 2009, at 6:51 PM, James Robertson wrote:

> It's really, really hard to take anything you say seriously when you  
> insist on a veil of anonymity.  Seaside is not some political group,  
> and you aren't a revolutionary.  Let us know who you are, and make  
> your comments constructively, rather than destructively.
> You've already seen how people are taking the kind of rhetoric  
> you're dishing out, so I guess I'll ask you this: how's that working  
> out for you so far?

This is a fascinating discussion. This may be my first posting to the  
list since lurking here for quite a while.

Communities have a way of giving you an identity whether you like it  
or not. I figured the moniker Mr/Masked Cucumber would stick until  
anyone gave a reason for a different one.

I'm not trying to be derogatory, merely observing how societies  
function. This is all fascinating to me.

Back to work for me. I've got a lot of factory methods to rename.  
with:with:with:, we hardly new thee.

Travis Griggs
"The project was so plagued by politics and ego that when the  
engineers requested technical oversight, our manager hired a  
psychologist instead." -- Ron Avitzur

seaside mailing list
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RE: A new critical blog discussing Seaside - now concreteproposals

Sebastian Sastre-2
In reply to this post by TheSmalltalkBlog
> @Sebastian: If you value an argument from a person who's name
> you know higher because just of that, pardonnez-moi, je
> m'excuse, but this would a clear sign of incompetence.
Well you clearily didn't get it. I've anticipated an ad hominem
contra-agumentation and that's why I've ended my response clarifiying "I
consider good critics as precious".
If you read carefully you'll see I didn't say anything about who make the
But instead of that you've decided to put yourself in the position of calling me
something like "an incompetent signaler" for no reason from an annonymous

> > leaded by whom?
> Only led by arguments!
Please explain how that statement could be possibly be talking about leadership
If for some reason you still think that you can convert anyone just by saying
that respond with real life examples of succesful, healthy and wealth comunities
created from ideas supported by annonymous leaders. I'll be all ears.

> This is also another reason why I will stay anonymous. I want
> to improve the subject and not gain personal respect by some
> community (as Thorsten proposed and wrote that this is a
> prerequisite to be taken seriously). Forget it!
If you pretend to seduce for colaboration try harder. Play teamwork. That's my
whole point. Showing off annonymous modesty will not even be near to compensate
the damage your attitude is making to the Seaside brand.
Randal answered you with wise questions:
"- Do you want Seaside to succeed?
- Or do you just want to point out that Seaside has failed you, without
  actually having tried to help Seaside?"
I'd add:
- Do you like to be another success story by using seaside?
- If that happens are you willing to share moral credits?
Your current attitude is telling here that you don't recognise the efforts that
are being invested in Seaside. Also your attitude is telling here that not only
you are not recognising the efforts but you are also taking actions against
those efforts by talking with intense anger in a public list and blogging about
that in that tone. All that because you decided to react like that because you
find minor inconveniences in a fantastically productive machine called Seaside.
I think you are pain for your own reasons and you didn't make your homework to
let the water go under the bridge and move on the progress line in teamwork.
Think about your competence on that and if you found any 'bug' do what a
smalltaker knows that works: do something about it and find out how to fix that.

You know.. this is an open comunity based on volunteerism. You can show us you
understamd that with several signals. For instance by stopping the
corporativistic dictatoship talking. And specially the intolerance talking. If
you won't then just reserve that for the internal part of your cranium and/or
your poor subordinates. It is not only near to be helping you to seduce not one
volunteer but is also letting you in the position of a troll. I think that's the
real reason of your annonymousity: you have fear about the reaction of the
comunity will burn your reputation as a contributor to seaside.
That's because you can't inpire anything valuable with this actions you've made.
Put that toghether with the dictatorship talk and you have a perfect lack of
leadership know how.
That's sad man. Really. Whoever you are, review that for your own good.

> Either people believe in my arguments and want to profit from
> my very comprehensive experience - or not. In the latter case
> we will continue in our own style as we did in the past. Nothing lost.
> Or I might find some people who are willing to jump onto our
> boat and travel with us, because we share the same believes
> and goals. In this case we would just subclass (as we already
> did in many cases) where major changes are wanted and that's it!
Some people that will never found you because you're annonymous right? if you're
not kidding then you really should fire the marketer of the campaign of your
cause right now.

> Seaside is too important for us to either forget about it or
> to live with - sorry for my openess - this horrible lausy
> amateurish and undocumented code of Release 2.8. This is
> unacceptable for us to build products upon.
And who is obligating you to do it in the first place?

> These authors of Seaside (whom I don't know) really had some
> crazy ideas!
> Just remember this f... (4-letter word left out with respect
> to those who believe in PC)stupid idiotic url path "/Seaside/do".
> What a crazy idea!
> It took us several days in the beginning to get this rubbish
> out! It was done in such a fancy way that was really
> difficult for somebody not (yet) knowing the system. And
> there were many complains about that here on the list.
> What an idiotic and unrealistic idea! And why so badly implemented.
You are just yelling. You are pointless here. Stop trolling, present arguments
as a real person and proposals if you want attention from adult people.

> Now, you can't expect me to have respect for people doing
> such a bullshit! And my expectation from life experience***
> was that these people would be immune to advice. This is why
> I chose the public block to discuss improvements outside this
> "social community" here!
Due to your previous contributions I don't think people here will miss you.
Differently from great leaders you are not making for the community anything to
be missed so...

> Therefore, don't expect me to participate here too
> frequently. I have no time for such discussions. I want to
> get my project moving and that means improving Seaside.
> Everybody is welcome to join - and I will be most eager and
> happy to learn from other people's experiences and follow
> their advice. But now on this previous low-level of "Seaside
> standards". Non, merci!
Remember what you've done. The attitude you presented here by doing this is
contradicting any welcoming not by the content but just by the sad way you did
Go ahed, best success. Contract better marketing campaigns for the future

seaside mailing list
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Re: A new critical blog discussing Seaside - now concrete proposals

In reply to this post by James Robertson-7
Mr. Robertson,

If the name behind facts is your *only concern* and the precondition for you to think about serious and well funded critics, then you are not only outclassing yourself but you are proving that I am absolutely right to stay anonymous.

> It's really, really hard to take anything you say seriously when you  
> insist on a veil of anonymity.
If you, too, judge people's opinion by their name only, you are issuing an evidence of incapacity for yourself!

Several emails within this very first day of my blog have assured me that it is time to speak out openly - without this stupid US-made "political correctness" (which means lying) and without false politeness - about some facts and critics that obviously bother far more people than just me, most of whom just don't want conflicts and therefore keep quiet.

I have my bad experiences with Smalltalk providers (at this moment I am keeping names away) and I will not waste my time to fight their possible pressure.

Please, all, let's forget about this personal discussion. I have added a lot more concrete proposals to my blog. Let's discuss these.

Mr. Robertson: You should rather do something about the still very questionable (to be fiendly) user interface of VisualWorks to finally unveil the full potential of this tool - instead of discussing names of critics.

Best reagards
Mr. Cucumber
(I like that nick!)

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 21:51:42 -0400
> Von: James Robertson <[hidden email]>
> An: Seaside - general discussion <[hidden email]>
> Betreff: Re: [Seaside] A new critical blog discussing Seaside - now concrete proposals

> It's really, really hard to take anything you say seriously when you  
> insist on a veil of anonymity.  Seaside is not some political group,  
> and you aren't a revolutionary.  Let us know who you are, and make  
> your comments constructively, rather than destructively.
> You've already seen how people are taking the kind of rhetoric you're  
> dishing out, so I guess I'll ask you this: how's that working out for  
> you so far?
> James Robertson
> Cincom Smalltalk Product Evangelist
> http://www.cincomsmalltalk.com/blog/blogView
> Talk Small and Carry a Big Class Library
> On Apr 17, 2009, at 8:23 PM, [hidden email] wrote:
> > I have added some first concrete proposals to my new critical blog  
> > on Seaside: http://thesmalltalkblog.blogspot.com
> >
> > May I also propose to get away from these personal and emotional  
> > discussions here and to advance to some proper work. I have started  
> > with my proposals on my blog.
> >
> > As Keith wrote very wisely (thank you Keith):
> >
> >> Mr Cucumber is raising issues. We need to identify the actual  
> >> issues and
> > see if they need addressing.<
> > See my latest postings on my blog! I am getting into the subjects!
> >
> >
> > And Keith, thank you again for this:
> >
> >> Personally I dont see much anger in his blog, I see honesty as  
> >> expressed from his perception. In fact there is far less anger  
> >> expressed here than I would expect.<
> >
> > I had expected this reaction from the mailing list, because I know  
> > well how such communities work. They are - at least by the "leading  
> > members" - social entities where the argument as such is mostly less  
> > important than who raises it. We are all humans! That's natural but  
> > not helpful.
> >
> > Ths is exactly what Sebastian Sastre wrote:
> >
> >> And you did it annonymously, which leaves your ideas in a weaker  
> >> position. What did you pretend with that? to create the annonymous  
> >> seaside critic comunity?
> >> leaded by whom?
> >
> > @Sebastian: If you value an argument from a person who's name you  
> > know higher because just of that, pardonnez-moi, je m'excuse, but  
> > this would a clear sign of incompetence.
> >
> >> leaded by whom?
> > Only led by arguments!
> >
> > This is also another reason why I will stay anonymous. I want to  
> > improve the subject and not gain personal respect by some community  
> > (as Thorsten proposed and wrote that this is a prerequisite to be  
> > taken seriously). Forget it!
> >
> > Either people believe in my arguments and want to profit from my  
> > very comprehensive experience - or not. In the latter case we will  
> > continue in our own style as we did in the past. Nothing lost.
> >
> > Or I might find some people who are willing to jump onto our boat  
> > and travel with us, because we share the same believes and goals. In  
> > this case we would just subclass (as we already did in many cases)  
> > where major changes are wanted and that's it!
> >
> > Seaside is too important for us to either forget about it or to live  
> > with - sorry for my openess - this horrible lausy amateurish and  
> > undocumented code of Release 2.8. This is unacceptable for us to  
> > build products upon.
> >
> > These authors of Seaside (whom I don't know) really had some crazy  
> > ideas!
> >
> > Just remember this f... (4-letter word left out with respect to  
> > those who believe in PC)stupid idiotic url path "/Seaside/do".
> >
> > What a crazy idea!
> >
> > It took us several days in the beginning to get this rubbish out! It  
> > was done in such a fancy way that was really difficult for somebody  
> > not (yet) knowing the system. And there were many complains about  
> > that here on the list.
> >
> > What an idiotic and unrealistic idea! And why so badly implemented.
> >
> > Now, you can't expect me to have respect for people doing such a  
> > bullshit! And my expectation from life experience*** was that these  
> > people would be immune to advice. This is why I chose the public  
> > block to discuss improvements outside this "social community" here!
> >
> > Therefore, don't expect me to participate here too frequently. I  
> > have no time for such discussions. I want to get my project moving  
> > and that means improving Seaside.
> >
> > Everybody is welcome to join - and I will be most eager and happy to  
> > learn from other people's experiences and follow their advice. But  
> > now on this previous low-level of "Seaside standards". Non, merci!
> >
> >
> > ***
> > I software development experience is very much like cylinder  
> > capacity in motor construction! There is only one way to improve  
> > cylinder capacity - and that is by more cylinder capacity!
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Psssst! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger gehört? Der kann`s mit  
> > allen: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/multimessenger01
> > _______________________________________________
> > seaside mailing list
> > [hidden email]
> > http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/seaside
> >
> _______________________________________________
> seaside mailing list
> [hidden email]
> http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/seaside

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Re: A new critical blog discussing Seaside - now concrete proposals

James Robertson-7
Sigh.  I'll make a final point, and - since I think this will remain  
pointless - give you all the attention you deserve from here on out.

If you have the courage of your convictions, then stand behind them.  
If you won't, then I have to assume you don't actually have any  
convictions, and are here in some weird attempt to pump up your own  
ego.  So be it; I've said my piece, and I don't see any reason to  
engage further.

You've succeeded; I simply won't take any posts you make this way  
seriously - in this or any other forum.

James Robertson
Cincom Smalltalk Product Evangelist
Talk Small and Carry a Big Class Library

On Apr 17, 2009, at 10:59 PM, [hidden email] wrote:

> Mr. Robertson,
> If the name behind facts is your *only concern* and the precondition  
> for you to think about serious and well funded critics, then you are  
> not only outclassing yourself but you are proving that I am  
> absolutely right to stay anonymous.
>> It's really, really hard to take anything you say seriously when you
>> insist on a veil of anonymity.
> If you, too, judge people's opinion by their name only, you are  
> issuing an evidence of incapacity for yourself!
> Several emails within this very first day of my blog have assured me  
> that it is time to speak out openly - without this stupid US-made  
> "political correctness" (which means lying) and without false  
> politeness - about some facts and critics that obviously bother far  
> more people than just me, most of whom just don't want conflicts and  
> therefore keep quiet.
> I have my bad experiences with Smalltalk providers (at this moment I  
> am keeping names away) and I will not waste my time to fight their  
> possible pressure.
> Please, all, let's forget about this personal discussion. I have  
> added a lot more concrete proposals to my blog. Let's discuss these.
> Mr. Robertson: You should rather do something about the still very  
> questionable (to be fiendly) user interface of VisualWorks to  
> finally unveil the full potential of this tool - instead of  
> discussing names of critics.
> Best reagards
> Mr. Cucumber
> (I like that nick!)
> -------- Original-Nachricht --------
>> Datum: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 21:51:42 -0400
>> Von: James Robertson <[hidden email]>
>> An: Seaside - general discussion <[hidden email]>
>> Betreff: Re: [Seaside] A new critical blog discussing Seaside - now  
>> concrete proposals
>> It's really, really hard to take anything you say seriously when you
>> insist on a veil of anonymity.  Seaside is not some political group,
>> and you aren't a revolutionary.  Let us know who you are, and make
>> your comments constructively, rather than destructively.
>> You've already seen how people are taking the kind of rhetoric you're
>> dishing out, so I guess I'll ask you this: how's that working out for
>> you so far?
>> James Robertson
>> Cincom Smalltalk Product Evangelist
>> http://www.cincomsmalltalk.com/blog/blogView
>> Talk Small and Carry a Big Class Library
>> On Apr 17, 2009, at 8:23 PM, [hidden email] wrote:
>>> I have added some first concrete proposals to my new critical blog
>>> on Seaside: http://thesmalltalkblog.blogspot.com
>>> May I also propose to get away from these personal and emotional
>>> discussions here and to advance to some proper work. I have started
>>> with my proposals on my blog.
>>> As Keith wrote very wisely (thank you Keith):
>>>> Mr Cucumber is raising issues. We need to identify the actual
>>>> issues and
>>> see if they need addressing.<
>>> See my latest postings on my blog! I am getting into the subjects!
>>> And Keith, thank you again for this:
>>>> Personally I dont see much anger in his blog, I see honesty as
>>>> expressed from his perception. In fact there is far less anger
>>>> expressed here than I would expect.<
>>> I had expected this reaction from the mailing list, because I know
>>> well how such communities work. They are - at least by the "leading
>>> members" - social entities where the argument as such is mostly less
>>> important than who raises it. We are all humans! That's natural but
>>> not helpful.
>>> Ths is exactly what Sebastian Sastre wrote:
>>>> And you did it annonymously, which leaves your ideas in a weaker
>>>> position. What did you pretend with that? to create the annonymous
>>>> seaside critic comunity?
>>>> leaded by whom?
>>> @Sebastian: If you value an argument from a person who's name you
>>> know higher because just of that, pardonnez-moi, je m'excuse, but
>>> this would a clear sign of incompetence.
>>>> leaded by whom?
>>> Only led by arguments!
>>> This is also another reason why I will stay anonymous. I want to
>>> improve the subject and not gain personal respect by some community
>>> (as Thorsten proposed and wrote that this is a prerequisite to be
>>> taken seriously). Forget it!
>>> Either people believe in my arguments and want to profit from my
>>> very comprehensive experience - or not. In the latter case we will
>>> continue in our own style as we did in the past. Nothing lost.
>>> Or I might find some people who are willing to jump onto our boat
>>> and travel with us, because we share the same believes and goals. In
>>> this case we would just subclass (as we already did in many cases)
>>> where major changes are wanted and that's it!
>>> Seaside is too important for us to either forget about it or to live
>>> with - sorry for my openess - this horrible lausy amateurish and
>>> undocumented code of Release 2.8. This is unacceptable for us to
>>> build products upon.
>>> These authors of Seaside (whom I don't know) really had some crazy
>>> ideas!
>>> Just remember this f... (4-letter word left out with respect to
>>> those who believe in PC)stupid idiotic url path "/Seaside/do".
>>> What a crazy idea!
>>> It took us several days in the beginning to get this rubbish out! It
>>> was done in such a fancy way that was really difficult for somebody
>>> not (yet) knowing the system. And there were many complains about
>>> that here on the list.
>>> What an idiotic and unrealistic idea! And why so badly implemented.
>>> Now, you can't expect me to have respect for people doing such a
>>> bullshit! And my expectation from life experience*** was that these
>>> people would be immune to advice. This is why I chose the public
>>> block to discuss improvements outside this "social community" here!
>>> Therefore, don't expect me to participate here too frequently. I
>>> have no time for such discussions. I want to get my project moving
>>> and that means improving Seaside.
>>> Everybody is welcome to join - and I will be most eager and happy to
>>> learn from other people's experiences and follow their advice. But
>>> now on this previous low-level of "Seaside standards". Non, merci!
>>> ***
>>> I software development experience is very much like cylinder
>>> capacity in motor construction! There is only one way to improve
>>> cylinder capacity - and that is by more cylinder capacity!
>>> --
>>> Psssst! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger gehört? Der kann`s mit
>>> allen: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/multimessenger01
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> seaside mailing list
>>> [hidden email]
>>> http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/seaside
>> _______________________________________________
>> seaside mailing list
>> [hidden email]
>> http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/seaside
> --
> Neu: GMX FreeDSL Komplettanschluss mit DSL 6.000 Flatrate +  
> Telefonanschluss für nur 17,95 Euro/mtl.!* http://dslspecial.gmx.de/freedsl-surfflat/?ac=OM.AD.PD003K11308T4569a
> _______________________________________________
> seaside mailing list
> [hidden email]
> http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/seaside

seaside mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: RE: A new critical blog discussing Seaside - now concreteproposals

In reply to this post by Sebastian Sastre-2
Not one word on facts! Nothing but personal allegations!

You seem to be personally hurt! Of course, that was not my intention and I am sure that the cause for this must be in yourself alone. I wanted nothing but to discuss facts and massive problems!

Anyway, I am not wasting my time on personal discussions!

Please read my block and when I could convince you of me seriousness, then we can continue discussing Smalltalk subjects!

And if you think that my arguments are wrong, then either prove me wrong or ignore me.

Best regards
Mr. Cucumber
(fresh and without any herbicides)

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 23:44:51 -0300
> Von: "Sebastian Sastre" <[hidden email]>
> An: "\'Seaside - general discussion\'" <[hidden email]>
> Betreff: RE: [Seaside] A new critical blog discussing Seaside - now concreteproposals

> > @Sebastian: If you value an argument from a person who's name
> > you know higher because just of that, pardonnez-moi, je
> > m'excuse, but this would a clear sign of incompetence.
> >
> Well you clearily didn't get it. I've anticipated an ad hominem
> contra-agumentation and that's why I've ended my response clarifiying "I
> consider good critics as precious".
> If you read carefully you'll see I didn't say anything about who make the
> critics.
> But instead of that you've decided to put yourself in the position of
> calling me
> something like "an incompetent signaler" for no reason from an annonymous
> position.
> > > leaded by whom?
> > Only led by arguments!
> >
> Please explain how that statement could be possibly be talking about
> leadership
> wisdom?
> If for some reason you still think that you can convert anyone just by
> saying
> that respond with real life examples of succesful, healthy and wealth
> comunities
> created from ideas supported by annonymous leaders. I'll be all ears.
> > This is also another reason why I will stay anonymous. I want
> > to improve the subject and not gain personal respect by some
> > community (as Thorsten proposed and wrote that this is a
> > prerequisite to be taken seriously). Forget it!
> >
> If you pretend to seduce for colaboration try harder. Play teamwork.
> That's my
> whole point. Showing off annonymous modesty will not even be near to
> compensate
> the damage your attitude is making to the Seaside brand.
> Randal answered you with wise questions:
> "- Do you want Seaside to succeed?
> - Or do you just want to point out that Seaside has failed you, without
>   actually having tried to help Seaside?"
> I'd add:
> - Do you like to be another success story by using seaside?
> - If that happens are you willing to share moral credits?
> Your current attitude is telling here that you don't recognise the efforts
> that
> are being invested in Seaside. Also your attitude is telling here that not
> only
> you are not recognising the efforts but you are also taking actions
> against
> those efforts by talking with intense anger in a public list and blogging
> about
> that in that tone. All that because you decided to react like that because
> you
> find minor inconveniences in a fantastically productive machine called
> Seaside.
> I think you are pain for your own reasons and you didn't make your
> homework to
> let the water go under the bridge and move on the progress line in
> teamwork.
> Think about your competence on that and if you found any 'bug' do what a
> smalltaker knows that works: do something about it and find out how to fix
> that.
> You know.. this is an open comunity based on volunteerism. You can show us
> you
> understamd that with several signals. For instance by stopping the
> corporativistic dictatoship talking. And specially the intolerance
> talking. If
> you won't then just reserve that for the internal part of your cranium
> and/or
> your poor subordinates. It is not only near to be helping you to seduce
> not one
> volunteer but is also letting you in the position of a troll. I think
> that's the
> real reason of your annonymousity: you have fear about the reaction of the
> comunity will burn your reputation as a contributor to seaside.
> That's because you can't inpire anything valuable with this actions you've
> made.
> Put that toghether with the dictatorship talk and you have a perfect lack
> of
> leadership know how.
> That's sad man. Really. Whoever you are, review that for your own good.
> > Either people believe in my arguments and want to profit from
> > my very comprehensive experience - or not. In the latter case
> > we will continue in our own style as we did in the past. Nothing lost.
> >
> > Or I might find some people who are willing to jump onto our
> > boat and travel with us, because we share the same believes
> > and goals. In this case we would just subclass (as we already
> > did in many cases) where major changes are wanted and that's it!
> >
> Some people that will never found you because you're annonymous right? if
> you're
> not kidding then you really should fire the marketer of the campaign of
> your
> cause right now.
> > Seaside is too important for us to either forget about it or
> > to live with - sorry for my openess - this horrible lausy
> > amateurish and undocumented code of Release 2.8. This is
> > unacceptable for us to build products upon.
> >
> And who is obligating you to do it in the first place?
> > These authors of Seaside (whom I don't know) really had some
> > crazy ideas!
> >
> > Just remember this f... (4-letter word left out with respect
> > to those who believe in PC)stupid idiotic url path "/Seaside/do".
> >
> > What a crazy idea!
> >
> > It took us several days in the beginning to get this rubbish
> > out! It was done in such a fancy way that was really
> > difficult for somebody not (yet) knowing the system. And
> > there were many complains about that here on the list.
> >
> > What an idiotic and unrealistic idea! And why so badly implemented.
> >
> You are just yelling. You are pointless here. Stop trolling, present
> arguments
> as a real person and proposals if you want attention from adult people.
> > Now, you can't expect me to have respect for people doing
> > such a bullshit! And my expectation from life experience***
> > was that these people would be immune to advice. This is why
> > I chose the public block to discuss improvements outside this
> > "social community" here!
> >
> Due to your previous contributions I don't think people here will miss
> you.
> Differently from great leaders you are not making for the community
> anything to
> be missed so...
> > Therefore, don't expect me to participate here too
> > frequently. I have no time for such discussions. I want to
> > get my project moving and that means improving Seaside.
> >
> > Everybody is welcome to join - and I will be most eager and
> > happy to learn from other people's experiences and follow
> > their advice. But now on this previous low-level of "Seaside
> > standards". Non, merci!
> >
> Remember what you've done. The attitude you presented here by doing this
> is
> contradicting any welcoming not by the content but just by the sad way you
> did
> it.
> Go ahed, best success. Contract better marketing campaigns for the future
> sebastian
> _______________________________________________
> seaside mailing list
> [hidden email]
> http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/seaside

Psssst! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger gehört? Der kann`s mit allen: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/multimessenger01
seaside mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: A new critical blog discussing Seaside - now concrete proposals

In reply to this post by James Robertson-7
Classical ignorant arrogancy - typical for a big US company!

Quod erat demonstradum! No suprise!

Greeting from Europe!

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 23:11:45 -0400
> Von: James Robertson <[hidden email]>
> An: Seaside - general discussion <[hidden email]>
> Betreff: Re: [Seaside] A new critical blog discussing Seaside - now concrete proposals

> Sigh.  I'll make a final point, and - since I think this will remain  
> pointless - give you all the attention you deserve from here on out.
> If you have the courage of your convictions, then stand behind them.  
> If you won't, then I have to assume you don't actually have any  
> convictions, and are here in some weird attempt to pump up your own  
> ego.  So be it; I've said my piece, and I don't see any reason to  
> engage further.
> You've succeeded; I simply won't take any posts you make this way  
> seriously - in this or any other forum.
> James Robertson
> Cincom Smalltalk Product Evangelist
> http://www.cincomsmalltalk.com/blog/blogView
> Talk Small and Carry a Big Class Library
> On Apr 17, 2009, at 10:59 PM, [hidden email] wrote:
> > Mr. Robertson,
> >
> > If the name behind facts is your *only concern* and the precondition  
> > for you to think about serious and well funded critics, then you are  
> > not only outclassing yourself but you are proving that I am  
> > absolutely right to stay anonymous.
> >
> >> It's really, really hard to take anything you say seriously when you
> >> insist on a veil of anonymity.
> > If you, too, judge people's opinion by their name only, you are  
> > issuing an evidence of incapacity for yourself!
> >
> > Several emails within this very first day of my blog have assured me  
> > that it is time to speak out openly - without this stupid US-made  
> > "political correctness" (which means lying) and without false  
> > politeness - about some facts and critics that obviously bother far  
> > more people than just me, most of whom just don't want conflicts and  
> > therefore keep quiet.
> >
> > I have my bad experiences with Smalltalk providers (at this moment I  
> > am keeping names away) and I will not waste my time to fight their  
> > possible pressure.
> >
> > Please, all, let's forget about this personal discussion. I have  
> > added a lot more concrete proposals to my blog. Let's discuss these.
> >
> > Mr. Robertson: You should rather do something about the still very  
> > questionable (to be fiendly) user interface of VisualWorks to  
> > finally unveil the full potential of this tool - instead of  
> > discussing names of critics.
> >
> > Best reagards
> > Mr. Cucumber
> > (I like that nick!)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > -------- Original-Nachricht --------
> >> Datum: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 21:51:42 -0400
> >> Von: James Robertson <[hidden email]>
> >> An: Seaside - general discussion <[hidden email]>
> >> Betreff: Re: [Seaside] A new critical blog discussing Seaside - now  
> >> concrete proposals
> >
> >> It's really, really hard to take anything you say seriously when you
> >> insist on a veil of anonymity.  Seaside is not some political group,
> >> and you aren't a revolutionary.  Let us know who you are, and make
> >> your comments constructively, rather than destructively.
> >>
> >> You've already seen how people are taking the kind of rhetoric you're
> >> dishing out, so I guess I'll ask you this: how's that working out for
> >> you so far?
> >>
> >> James Robertson
> >> Cincom Smalltalk Product Evangelist
> >> http://www.cincomsmalltalk.com/blog/blogView
> >> Talk Small and Carry a Big Class Library
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On Apr 17, 2009, at 8:23 PM, [hidden email] wrote:
> >>
> >>> I have added some first concrete proposals to my new critical blog
> >>> on Seaside: http://thesmalltalkblog.blogspot.com
> >>>
> >>> May I also propose to get away from these personal and emotional
> >>> discussions here and to advance to some proper work. I have started
> >>> with my proposals on my blog.
> >>>
> >>> As Keith wrote very wisely (thank you Keith):
> >>>
> >>>> Mr Cucumber is raising issues. We need to identify the actual
> >>>> issues and
> >>> see if they need addressing.<
> >>> See my latest postings on my blog! I am getting into the subjects!
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> And Keith, thank you again for this:
> >>>
> >>>> Personally I dont see much anger in his blog, I see honesty as
> >>>> expressed from his perception. In fact there is far less anger
> >>>> expressed here than I would expect.<
> >>>
> >>> I had expected this reaction from the mailing list, because I know
> >>> well how such communities work. They are - at least by the "leading
> >>> members" - social entities where the argument as such is mostly less
> >>> important than who raises it. We are all humans! That's natural but
> >>> not helpful.
> >>>
> >>> Ths is exactly what Sebastian Sastre wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> And you did it annonymously, which leaves your ideas in a weaker
> >>>> position. What did you pretend with that? to create the annonymous
> >>>> seaside critic comunity?
> >>>> leaded by whom?
> >>>
> >>> @Sebastian: If you value an argument from a person who's name you
> >>> know higher because just of that, pardonnez-moi, je m'excuse, but
> >>> this would a clear sign of incompetence.
> >>>
> >>>> leaded by whom?
> >>> Only led by arguments!
> >>>
> >>> This is also another reason why I will stay anonymous. I want to
> >>> improve the subject and not gain personal respect by some community
> >>> (as Thorsten proposed and wrote that this is a prerequisite to be
> >>> taken seriously). Forget it!
> >>>
> >>> Either people believe in my arguments and want to profit from my
> >>> very comprehensive experience - or not. In the latter case we will
> >>> continue in our own style as we did in the past. Nothing lost.
> >>>
> >>> Or I might find some people who are willing to jump onto our boat
> >>> and travel with us, because we share the same believes and goals. In
> >>> this case we would just subclass (as we already did in many cases)
> >>> where major changes are wanted and that's it!
> >>>
> >>> Seaside is too important for us to either forget about it or to live
> >>> with - sorry for my openess - this horrible lausy amateurish and
> >>> undocumented code of Release 2.8. This is unacceptable for us to
> >>> build products upon.
> >>>
> >>> These authors of Seaside (whom I don't know) really had some crazy
> >>> ideas!
> >>>
> >>> Just remember this f... (4-letter word left out with respect to
> >>> those who believe in PC)stupid idiotic url path "/Seaside/do".
> >>>
> >>> What a crazy idea!
> >>>
> >>> It took us several days in the beginning to get this rubbish out! It
> >>> was done in such a fancy way that was really difficult for somebody
> >>> not (yet) knowing the system. And there were many complains about
> >>> that here on the list.
> >>>
> >>> What an idiotic and unrealistic idea! And why so badly implemented.
> >>>
> >>> Now, you can't expect me to have respect for people doing such a
> >>> bullshit! And my expectation from life experience*** was that these
> >>> people would be immune to advice. This is why I chose the public
> >>> block to discuss improvements outside this "social community" here!
> >>>
> >>> Therefore, don't expect me to participate here too frequently. I
> >>> have no time for such discussions. I want to get my project moving
> >>> and that means improving Seaside.
> >>>
> >>> Everybody is welcome to join - and I will be most eager and happy to
> >>> learn from other people's experiences and follow their advice. But
> >>> now on this previous low-level of "Seaside standards". Non, merci!
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> ***
> >>> I software development experience is very much like cylinder
> >>> capacity in motor construction! There is only one way to improve
> >>> cylinder capacity - and that is by more cylinder capacity!
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> --
> >>> Psssst! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger gehört? Der kann`s mit
> >>> allen: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/multimessenger01
> >>> _______________________________________________
> >>> seaside mailing list
> >>> [hidden email]
> >>> http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/seaside
> >>>
> >>
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> seaside mailing list
> >> [hidden email]
> >> http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/seaside
> >
> > --
> > Neu: GMX FreeDSL Komplettanschluss mit DSL 6.000 Flatrate +  
> > Telefonanschluss für nur 17,95 Euro/mtl.!*
> http://dslspecial.gmx.de/freedsl-surfflat/?ac=OM.AD.PD003K11308T4569a
> > _______________________________________________
> > seaside mailing list
> > [hidden email]
> > http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/seaside
> >
> _______________________________________________
> seaside mailing list
> [hidden email]
> http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/seaside

Psssst! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger gehört? Der kann`s mit allen: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/multimessenger01
seaside mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: A new critical blog discussing Seaside - now concrete proposals

Igor Stasenko
2009/4/18  <[hidden email]>:
> Classical ignorant arrogancy - typical for a big US company!

Peter, on your place i would just walk away and let the people fall
victims of their own ignorance and stupidity, if you think they are.
If not, then show them RESPECT.

> Quod erat demonstradum! No suprise!
> Greeting from Europe!
> -------- Original-Nachricht --------
>> Datum: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 23:11:45 -0400
>> Von: James Robertson <[hidden email]>
>> An: Seaside - general discussion <[hidden email]>
>> Betreff: Re: [Seaside] A new critical blog discussing Seaside - now concrete  proposals
>> Sigh.  I'll make a final point, and - since I think this will remain
>> pointless - give you all the attention you deserve from here on out.
>> If you have the courage of your convictions, then stand behind them.
>> If you won't, then I have to assume you don't actually have any
>> convictions, and are here in some weird attempt to pump up your own
>> ego.  So be it; I've said my piece, and I don't see any reason to
>> engage further.
>> You've succeeded; I simply won't take any posts you make this way
>> seriously - in this or any other forum.
>> James Robertson
>> Cincom Smalltalk Product Evangelist
>> http://www.cincomsmalltalk.com/blog/blogView
>> Talk Small and Carry a Big Class Library
>> On Apr 17, 2009, at 10:59 PM, [hidden email] wrote:
>> > Mr. Robertson,
>> >
>> > If the name behind facts is your *only concern* and the precondition
>> > for you to think about serious and well funded critics, then you are
>> > not only outclassing yourself but you are proving that I am
>> > absolutely right to stay anonymous.
>> >
>> >> It's really, really hard to take anything you say seriously when you
>> >> insist on a veil of anonymity.
>> > If you, too, judge people's opinion by their name only, you are
>> > issuing an evidence of incapacity for yourself!
>> >
>> > Several emails within this very first day of my blog have assured me
>> > that it is time to speak out openly - without this stupid US-made
>> > "political correctness" (which means lying) and without false
>> > politeness - about some facts and critics that obviously bother far
>> > more people than just me, most of whom just don't want conflicts and
>> > therefore keep quiet.
>> >
>> > I have my bad experiences with Smalltalk providers (at this moment I
>> > am keeping names away) and I will not waste my time to fight their
>> > possible pressure.
>> >
>> > Please, all, let's forget about this personal discussion. I have
>> > added a lot more concrete proposals to my blog. Let's discuss these.
>> >
>> > Mr. Robertson: You should rather do something about the still very
>> > questionable (to be fiendly) user interface of VisualWorks to
>> > finally unveil the full potential of this tool - instead of
>> > discussing names of critics.
>> >
>> > Best reagards
>> > Mr. Cucumber
>> > (I like that nick!)
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > -------- Original-Nachricht --------
>> >> Datum: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 21:51:42 -0400
>> >> Von: James Robertson <[hidden email]>
>> >> An: Seaside - general discussion <[hidden email]>
>> >> Betreff: Re: [Seaside] A new critical blog discussing Seaside - now
>> >> concrete   proposals
>> >
>> >> It's really, really hard to take anything you say seriously when you
>> >> insist on a veil of anonymity.  Seaside is not some political group,
>> >> and you aren't a revolutionary.  Let us know who you are, and make
>> >> your comments constructively, rather than destructively.
>> >>
>> >> You've already seen how people are taking the kind of rhetoric you're
>> >> dishing out, so I guess I'll ask you this: how's that working out for
>> >> you so far?
>> >>
>> >> James Robertson
>> >> Cincom Smalltalk Product Evangelist
>> >> http://www.cincomsmalltalk.com/blog/blogView
>> >> Talk Small and Carry a Big Class Library
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> On Apr 17, 2009, at 8:23 PM, [hidden email] wrote:
>> >>
>> >>> I have added some first concrete proposals to my new critical blog
>> >>> on Seaside: http://thesmalltalkblog.blogspot.com
>> >>>
>> >>> May I also propose to get away from these personal and emotional
>> >>> discussions here and to advance to some proper work. I have started
>> >>> with my proposals on my blog.
>> >>>
>> >>> As Keith wrote very wisely (thank you Keith):
>> >>>
>> >>>> Mr Cucumber is raising issues. We need to identify the actual
>> >>>> issues and
>> >>> see if they need addressing.<
>> >>> See my latest postings on my blog! I am getting into the subjects!
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> And Keith, thank you again for this:
>> >>>
>> >>>> Personally I dont see much anger in his blog, I see honesty as
>> >>>> expressed from his perception. In fact there is far less anger
>> >>>> expressed here than I would expect.<
>> >>>
>> >>> I had expected this reaction from the mailing list, because I know
>> >>> well how such communities work. They are - at least by the "leading
>> >>> members" - social entities where the argument as such is mostly less
>> >>> important than who raises it. We are all humans! That's natural but
>> >>> not helpful.
>> >>>
>> >>> Ths is exactly what Sebastian Sastre wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>>> And you did it annonymously, which leaves your ideas in a weaker
>> >>>> position. What did you pretend with that? to create the annonymous
>> >>>> seaside critic comunity?
>> >>>> leaded by whom?
>> >>>
>> >>> @Sebastian: If you value an argument from a person who's name you
>> >>> know higher because just of that, pardonnez-moi, je m'excuse, but
>> >>> this would a clear sign of incompetence.
>> >>>
>> >>>> leaded by whom?
>> >>> Only led by arguments!
>> >>>
>> >>> This is also another reason why I will stay anonymous. I want to
>> >>> improve the subject and not gain personal respect by some community
>> >>> (as Thorsten proposed and wrote that this is a prerequisite to be
>> >>> taken seriously). Forget it!
>> >>>
>> >>> Either people believe in my arguments and want to profit from my
>> >>> very comprehensive experience - or not. In the latter case we will
>> >>> continue in our own style as we did in the past. Nothing lost.
>> >>>
>> >>> Or I might find some people who are willing to jump onto our boat
>> >>> and travel with us, because we share the same believes and goals. In
>> >>> this case we would just subclass (as we already did in many cases)
>> >>> where major changes are wanted and that's it!
>> >>>
>> >>> Seaside is too important for us to either forget about it or to live
>> >>> with - sorry for my openess - this horrible lausy amateurish and
>> >>> undocumented code of Release 2.8. This is unacceptable for us to
>> >>> build products upon.
>> >>>
>> >>> These authors of Seaside (whom I don't know) really had some crazy
>> >>> ideas!
>> >>>
>> >>> Just remember this f... (4-letter word left out with respect to
>> >>> those who believe in PC)stupid idiotic url path "/Seaside/do".
>> >>>
>> >>> What a crazy idea!
>> >>>
>> >>> It took us several days in the beginning to get this rubbish out! It
>> >>> was done in such a fancy way that was really difficult for somebody
>> >>> not (yet) knowing the system. And there were many complains about
>> >>> that here on the list.
>> >>>
>> >>> What an idiotic and unrealistic idea! And why so badly implemented.
>> >>>
>> >>> Now, you can't expect me to have respect for people doing such a
>> >>> bullshit! And my expectation from life experience*** was that these
>> >>> people would be immune to advice. This is why I chose the public
>> >>> block to discuss improvements outside this "social community" here!
>> >>>
>> >>> Therefore, don't expect me to participate here too frequently. I
>> >>> have no time for such discussions. I want to get my project moving
>> >>> and that means improving Seaside.
>> >>>
>> >>> Everybody is welcome to join - and I will be most eager and happy to
>> >>> learn from other people's experiences and follow their advice. But
>> >>> now on this previous low-level of "Seaside standards". Non, merci!
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> ***
>> >>> I software development experience is very much like cylinder
>> >>> capacity in motor construction! There is only one way to improve
>> >>> cylinder capacity - and that is by more cylinder capacity!
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> --
>> >>> Psssst! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger gehört? Der kann`s mit
>> >>> allen: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/multimessenger01
>> >>> _______________________________________________
>> >>> seaside mailing list
>> >>> [hidden email]
>> >>> http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/seaside
>> >>>
>> >>
>> >> _______________________________________________
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Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
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Re: A new critical blog discussing Seaside - now concrete proposals

In reply to this post by TheSmalltalkBlog
Woaw Peter relax a bit,

Are you fighting against the devil himself? I'm not involved in Seaside
development in any way but don't you think that a more positive approach
will give better results?
As an exercise on good behaviour on mailing lists i'll try to
reformulate your point.

Hi everybody,

I've been working with Seaside on VW and it seems to me that some
Smalltalk coding conventions have been forgotten. It makes the code hard
to read (at least for me). Here are some examples:

- factory methods should generally start with "new".
WATree class root: anObject
would be more clear if named:
WATree class newWithRoot: anObject

- In VW, it seems that namespaces bindings are quite slow.

- WARequest behaviour seems to be spread in the system. It makes
debbuging harder than necessary.

- Usage of string instead of symbols. Example:
WARenderContinuation -> shouldRedirect: aRequest
^ aRequest isGet not or: [(aRequest fields includesKey: '_n') not]

The string '_n' is used in many places in the code. Why not a symbol? Is
there any technical reason?

- ...

That were some points that annoyed me in Seaside, if you want i can
provide a detailed list, fill some tickets and provide some patches...

Peter Jedermann


Easy enough isn't it? Certainly not ideal but people would certainly
listen and discuss about the issues you address.

Have fun,


seaside mailing list
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Re: A new critical blog discussing Seaside - now concreteproposals

stephane ducasse
In reply to this post by TheSmalltalkBlog
So peter now you are getting a human.

Why don't you post a list of details (but not harsh and useless)  
So that we can sort out the ones that could be turned into action for  
the next release
or at least discussed. The point of philippe on string vs symbols was  

I did not get your point on seaside/do?
May be you mean seaside/go in VW personnally I never understood  why  
this was not like
in squeak but I lived with it.

seaside mailing list
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Re: A new critical blog discussing Seaside - now concreteproposals

Michael Haupt-3

On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 11:29 AM, stephane ducasse
<[hidden email]> wrote:
> So peter now you are getting a human.

just as a side note... "Peter Jedermann" can be translated as "John
Doe", or, more literally, "Peter Anybody". It's quite certainly not a
real name. :-)


seaside mailing list
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Re: A new critical blog discussing Seaside - now concreteproposals

In reply to this post by stephane ducasse
Well, of course, that was a typo. I mean "/Seaside/go".

One cannot live with that bullshit if one wants to publish a real domain.

There was never any good argument why this imbecility was implemented in the first place. But it was a very good example of how the developers of Seaside to a certain degree acted against their users.

Best regards
Mr. Cucumber

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Sat, 18 Apr 2009 11:29:17 +0200
> Von: stephane ducasse <[hidden email]>
> An: Seaside - general discussion <[hidden email]>
> Betreff: Re: [Seaside] A new critical blog discussing Seaside - now concreteproposals

> So peter now you are getting a human.
> Why don't you post a list of details (but not harsh and useless)  
> concerns?
> So that we can sort out the ones that could be turned into action for  
> the next release
> or at least discussed. The point of philippe on string vs symbols was  
> interesting.
> I did not get your point on seaside/do?
> May be you mean seaside/go in VW personnally I never understood  why  
> this was not like
> in squeak but I lived with it.
> Stef
> _______________________________________________
> seaside mailing list
> [hidden email]
> http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/seaside

Psssst! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger gehört? Der kann`s mit allen: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/multimessenger01
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Re: A new critical blog discussing Seaside - now concrete proposals

Avi Bryant-2
In reply to this post by TheSmalltalkBlog
On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 5:23 PM,  <[hidden email]> wrote:
> I have added some first concrete proposals to my new critical blog on Seaside: http://thesmalltalkblog.blogspot.com
> May I also propose to get away from these personal and emotional discussions here and to advance to some proper work. I have started with my proposals on my blog.

Great.  Let's look at them.

The first post I come to is "Proposal 3: Stick to Smalltalk naming conventions".

Some excerpts:

"One of the most commonly used and undisputed convention says that a
factory method, which creates a new instance, should start with the
word "new".

This common convention is consistently ignored in Seaside!

This is very very bad style! Absolutely amateurish and far away from


Why the hell can't you adhere to what the great majority of
Smalltalkers has been successfully doing for more than 25 years?!

Therefore, I strongly urge you to finally adhere to what is commonly
regarded as Smalltalk convention! You are definitely not any cleverer
or better than the forefathers of Smalltalk at PARC (and, of course,
neither am I)! You are most likely some bright but rather young guys
with little experience. "

Gee.  I better go and look at some of those 25 year old classes to see
what conventions, in fact, the forefathers at PARC were using.  Let's
look in Squeak, which is the closest modern equivalent to the original

Point's factory method is #x:y: .  No "new" there.  Amateurish, I
guess.  But maybe it's an isolated case.

How about Association?  I see #key:value:.  Still no "new"; I guess
the forefathers were having an off day.

Here's one on Fraction: #numerator:denominator:.  The initials on that
one look familiar: "di".  Never mind, though, Dan Ingalls is probably
some bright young guy with little experience.  Maybe you should set
him straight?

seaside mailing list
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Re: A new critical blog discussing Seaside - now concreteproposals

stephane ducasse
In reply to this post by Michael Haupt-3
good catch. In France we have an artist called Paul Personne :)
But my message is still valid.

On Apr 18, 2009, at 11:33 AM, Michael Haupt wrote:

> Hi,
> On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 11:29 AM, stephane ducasse
> <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> So peter now you are getting a human.
> just as a side note... "Peter Jedermann" can be translated as "John
> Doe", or, more literally, "Peter Anybody". It's quite certainly not a
> real name. :-)
> Best,
> Michael
> _______________________________________________
> seaside mailing list
> [hidden email]
> http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/seaside

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Re: Re: A new critical blog discussing Seaside - now concrete proposals

stephane ducasse
In reply to this post by fstephany
Excellent Francois thanks for the translation from cucumber dialect to  
human :)

> "
> Hi everybody,
> I've been working with Seaside on VW and it seems to me that some  
> Smalltalk coding conventions have been forgotten. It makes the code  
> hard to read (at least for me). Here are some examples:
> - factory methods should generally start with "new".
> WATree class root: anObject
> would be more clear if named:
> WATree class newWithRoot: anObject

Never heard about that convention.
Never used it.
even in SmalltalkWithStyle.

> - In VW, it seems that namespaces bindings are quite slow.
> - WARequest behaviour seems to be spread in the system. It makes  
> debbuging harder than necessary.
> - Usage of string instead of symbols. Example:
> WARenderContinuation -> shouldRedirect: aRequest
> ^ aRequest isGet not or: [(aRequest fields includesKey: '_n') not]
> The string '_n' is used in many places in the code. Why not a  
> symbol? Is there any technical reason?
> - ...
> That were some points that annoyed me in Seaside, if you want i can  
> provide a detailed list, fill some tickets and provide some patches...
> Cheers,
> Peter Jedermann
> "
> Easy enough isn't it? Certainly not ideal but people would certainly  
> listen and discuss about the issues you address.
> Have fun,
> Francois
> _______________________________________________
> seaside mailing list
> [hidden email]
> http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/seaside

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Re: A new critical blog discussing Seaside - now concreteproposals

Michael Haupt-3
In reply to this post by stephane ducasse
Hi Stéphane,

On Sat, Apr 18, 2009 at 12:04 PM, stephane ducasse
<[hidden email]> wrote:
> good catch. In France we have an artist called Paul Personne :)

these people exist everywhere. :-)

> But my message is still valid.

I didn't want to imply it wasn't!


seaside mailing list
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Re: A new critical blog discussing Seaside - @Avi Bryant

In reply to this post by Avi Bryant-2
My answer is on my blog!

-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Sat, 18 Apr 2009 02:56:40 -0700
> Von: Avi Bryant <[hidden email]>
> An: Seaside - general discussion <[hidden email]>
> Betreff: Re: [Seaside] A new critical blog discussing Seaside - now concrete proposals

> On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 5:23 PM,  <[hidden email]> wrote:
> > I have added some first concrete proposals to my new critical blog on
> Seaside: http://thesmalltalkblog.blogspot.com
> >
> > May I also propose to get away from these personal and emotional
> discussions here and to advance to some proper work. I have started with my
> proposals on my blog.
> Great.  Let's look at them.
> The first post I come to is "Proposal 3: Stick to Smalltalk naming
> conventions".
> Some excerpts:
> "One of the most commonly used and undisputed convention says that a
> factory method, which creates a new instance, should start with the
> word "new".
> This common convention is consistently ignored in Seaside!
> This is very very bad style! Absolutely amateurish and far away from
> "engineering"!
> <snip>
> Why the hell can't you adhere to what the great majority of
> Smalltalkers has been successfully doing for more than 25 years?!
> Therefore, I strongly urge you to finally adhere to what is commonly
> regarded as Smalltalk convention! You are definitely not any cleverer
> or better than the forefathers of Smalltalk at PARC (and, of course,
> neither am I)! You are most likely some bright but rather young guys
> with little experience. "
> Gee.  I better go and look at some of those 25 year old classes to see
> what conventions, in fact, the forefathers at PARC were using.  Let's
> look in Squeak, which is the closest modern equivalent to the original
> Smalltalks.
> Point's factory method is #x:y: .  No "new" there.  Amateurish, I
> guess.  But maybe it's an isolated case.
> How about Association?  I see #key:value:.  Still no "new"; I guess
> the forefathers were having an off day.
> Here's one on Fraction: #numerator:denominator:.  The initials on that
> one look familiar: "di".  Never mind, though, Dan Ingalls is probably
> some bright young guy with little experience.  Maybe you should set
> him straight?
> Avi
> _______________________________________________
> seaside mailing list
> [hidden email]
> http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/seaside

Psssst! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger gehört? Der kann`s mit allen: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/multimessenger01
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Re: A new critical blog discussing Seaside - @Avi Bryant

Philippe Marschall
Could settle for discussing this either on the blog on or the list?


2009/4/18  <[hidden email]>:

> My answer is on my blog!
> -------- Original-Nachricht --------
>> Datum: Sat, 18 Apr 2009 02:56:40 -0700
>> Von: Avi Bryant <[hidden email]>
>> An: Seaside - general discussion <[hidden email]>
>> Betreff: Re: [Seaside] A new critical blog discussing Seaside - now concrete  proposals
>> On Fri, Apr 17, 2009 at 5:23 PM,  <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> > I have added some first concrete proposals to my new critical blog on
>> Seaside: http://thesmalltalkblog.blogspot.com
>> >
>> > May I also propose to get away from these personal and emotional
>> discussions here and to advance to some proper work. I have started with my
>> proposals on my blog.
>> Great.  Let's look at them.
>> The first post I come to is "Proposal 3: Stick to Smalltalk naming
>> conventions".
>> Some excerpts:
>> "One of the most commonly used and undisputed convention says that a
>> factory method, which creates a new instance, should start with the
>> word "new".
>> This common convention is consistently ignored in Seaside!
>> This is very very bad style! Absolutely amateurish and far away from
>> "engineering"!
>> <snip>
>> Why the hell can't you adhere to what the great majority of
>> Smalltalkers has been successfully doing for more than 25 years?!
>> Therefore, I strongly urge you to finally adhere to what is commonly
>> regarded as Smalltalk convention! You are definitely not any cleverer
>> or better than the forefathers of Smalltalk at PARC (and, of course,
>> neither am I)! You are most likely some bright but rather young guys
>> with little experience. "
>> Gee.  I better go and look at some of those 25 year old classes to see
>> what conventions, in fact, the forefathers at PARC were using.  Let's
>> look in Squeak, which is the closest modern equivalent to the original
>> Smalltalks.
>> Point's factory method is #x:y: .  No "new" there.  Amateurish, I
>> guess.  But maybe it's an isolated case.
>> How about Association?  I see #key:value:.  Still no "new"; I guess
>> the forefathers were having an off day.
>> Here's one on Fraction: #numerator:denominator:.  The initials on that
>> one look familiar: "di".  Never mind, though, Dan Ingalls is probably
>> some bright young guy with little experience.  Maybe you should set
>> him straight?
>> Avi
>> _______________________________________________
>> seaside mailing list
>> [hidden email]
>> http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/seaside
> --
> Psssst! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger gehört? Der kann`s mit allen: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/multimessenger01
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