A newbie needs some help in squeak (maths, algorithm and drawing)

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A newbie needs some help in squeak (maths, algorithm and drawing)

Jerome Peace

Here is a different take on the same problem:

paste in a workspace select and do:


"Something to use to show results:"

arrow :=  [ :verticesCollection |
        (PolygonMorph arrowPrototype setVertices:
verticesCollection ) openCenteredInWorld ] .
" len was the number of steps. Which means rotations
should actually be  len / ppr. I just left it a whole
number for simplicity"

rotations  := 5 .
ppr := 10.

"What I couldn't resist is pointing out how deadly
simple squeak can make things. You just need to think
thru to the next iteration of the problem.'"

spiralVertices :=
(0 to: rotations * Float twoPi by: Float twoPi / ppr )
collect: [ :each |
        Point r: 0.15 * each sqrt degrees: each
radiansToDegrees ] .

 arrow value: spiralVertices * 50  .  


Then play with the details.

Yours in curiosity and service, --Jerome Peace

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