We should call it the ESUG release, since it has been done here at
Prague :-)
BTW, Stéf was so tired yesterday that he forgot to mention that this
is the final 3.9.
I'm making this announce though I wasn't involved in the integration
process. But, the final built and tests were done in the hotel room
I'm sharing with Stéf and Serge. Marcus, Adrian,
Thorsten, and Bernhard were there too. The room was a bit crowded :-)
Thanks to all people who participate to 3.9.
Le 7 sept. 06 à 23:43, stéphane ducasse a écrit :
> Hi guys
> We are happy to announce that the bugs with the source code is now
> really fixed and covered by tests
> (pay attention that we had to regenerate the sources again).
> Thanks marcus and adrian. We removed the 7055 from the server. And
> there is only now 7056.
> If you want to do the update do it from 7053. Please remove all the
> previous 39 sources and let us know.
> Stef
Dr. Noury Bouraqadi - Enseignant/Chercheur
ARMINES - Ecole des Mines de Douai - Dept. I.A.
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