[ANN] ConfigurationOfIliad is out

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[ANN] ConfigurationOfIliad is out


After a bit of time learning Metacello I released ConfigurationOfIliad.

It install Iliad 0.8 with its prereq (Swazoo-Magritte Model), start
the SwazooIliad site on port 9000 and opens
the SwazooIliad Console.

Of course, are my first tries with Metacello, and I've a lot to learn
yet. Any suggestion is more than welcomed.

To use it:

1. Point your Monticello to
http://www.squeaksource.com/MetacelloRepository and load the latest
version of ConfigurationOfIliad.

2. In a workspace evaluate "ConfigurationOfIliad load"

3. On an internet browser try: http://localhost:9000/examples/todo
(This is the Iliad example todo application without the css style).

4. To have the css look you should download and decompress on your
squeak/pharo directoy the file Public.zip from here:
http://iliad.bioskop.fr/ (By the way, this
operation can be done with Metacello also?).

If all goes ok, then you should end with an open console with the
SwazooIliad default site running on port 9000.

I tried the conf on both, Squeak 3.11 and Pharo Core latest versions.

I hope work to you also! :)

Germán S. Arduino  <gsa @ arsol.net>   Twitter: garduino
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