[ANN][Dev-Images] April 2009 versions

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[ANN][Dev-Images] April 2009 versions

Damien Cassou-3

I've just uploaded new dev and web images based on
Squeak3.9.1-7075, Squeak3.10.2-7179 and Pharo0.1-10268.

More information and download:
Pharo-based images can be downloaded at:

Download statistics at

Changes in this version:

- Pharo images are based on version 10268
- Pharo images are now closure-based
- KomHttpServer has been updated with bug fixes, code cleaning and
speed improvements (Giovanni Corriga, Michael Rueger, Julian Fitzell
and Göran Krampe)
- Lukas Renggli updated Magritte and Pier
- The code critic tool (lint) saw the addition of 4 new rules (by Lukas Renggli)
- OmniBrowser changes (by David Röthlisberger)
  - Added package dependency command
  - Fixed move to package command
  - Improved performance of senders browser
  - Added support for tooltips to radio buttons (Dale Henrichs)
  - Added 'accept' button to menu appearing when a method contains
unsaved changes (Simon)
  - Several minor improvings, corrections

Contained packages:

This image contains the following packages (some packages are only in
the squeak-web image):

Aida version 5.6
Algernon version 1.2
AST version 164
AutomaticMethodCategorizer version 0.25
AutomaticMethodCategorizerOB version 0.2
DynamicBindings version 2.7
eCompletion version 0.102
eCompletion-Traits version 0.1
eCompletionOmniBrowser version 0.5
Installer version 4.3
Installer-Core version 4.3.313
Installer-Formats version 4.3.3
Installer-Scripts version 4.3.8
KomHttpServer version 7.0.45
KomServices version 1.19
Magritte-Model version
Magritte-Seaside version
Magritte-Tests version
OB-Enhancements version 0.317
OmniBrowser version 0.444
OmniBrowser-Algernon version 0.5
OmniBrowser-Full version 0.27
OmniBrowser-Morphic version 0.86
OmniBrowser-Refactory version 145
OmniBrowser-Regex version 0.18
OmniBrowser-Standard version 0.402
Pier version current
Pier-Blog version
Pier-Documents version
Pier-EditorEnh version
Pier-Model version
Pier-Seaside version
Pier-Security version
Pier-Tests version
Polymorph EventEnhancements version 1.1
Polymorph Geometry version 1.1
Polymorph TaskbarIcons version 1.0
Polymorph ToolBuilder version 1.3
Polymorph Tools Diff version 1.3
Polymorph Widgets version 1.4
Refactoring Core version 48
Refactoring Spelling version 5
RoelTyper version 0.60
RSRSS2 version
Scriptaculous version
ScriptManager version 0.6
Seaside version
Seaside-Adapters-Core version pmm.2.mcz
Seaside-Adapters-Swazoo version 9
Seaside-Squeak-Adapters version pmm.3.mcz
SeasideAdaptersCompatibility version pmm.1.mcz
Shout version 3.15-tween.72
ShoutWorkspace version 1-tween.4
SmaCC runtime version 13
Sport version 2.31
Squeak dev packages version 0.28
Squeak web packages version 0.2
SUnit-improved version 4.0.118
SUnitGUI-improved version 4.0.50
Swazoo version 2.1
Universes version 52
Universes OmniBrowser version 0.38
VBRegex version 1.9
YAXO version 14

Damien Cassou
Announcements and News from the Squeak Community
Squeak: http://squeak.org/
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