I've just uploaded new dev and web images based on Squeak3.9.1-7075, Squeak3.10.2-7179 and Pharo0.1-10248. More information and download: http://damiencassou.seasidehosting.st/Smalltalk/squeak-dev Pharo-based images can be downloaded at: http://code.google.com/p/pharo/wiki/Downloads?tm=2 Download statistics at http://damiencassou.dabbledb.com/publish/dev-imagesdownloads Changes in this version: --------------------------- - Pharo images are based on version 10248 - 3.9 based images now also have Polymorph installed - Polymorph fixes (by Gary Chambers) - Performance improvements - More tooltips - Added support in UIManager for new choice dialog with message, backwards compatible with other UIManager subclasses - Fix bugs - Code cleanup - (I can send more details by email to those who are interested) - OmniBrowser changes (by David Röthlisberger) - Integrated Dyanmic Protocols - Moved fixed button panel to the top, next to mercury panel - Improved layout and appearance to comply with Polymorph - Improved performance (caching of class cats in tree) - Columns get focus on mouse over (preference) - Code quality improvings as suggested by SmallLint - Refactorings (eg. moved unneeded features to special package) - Many fixes and corrections - Installer has been divided into subpackages to ease installation and upgrade - Refactorings and Code critics (by Lukas Renggli) - Cleaner menus - Feature to recompile the selected item - A category environment, single class and protocol browsers - Optimize code - Code cleanup - Bug fixed - Added case insensitive refactorings - Improved usability so that names of lint rules can also be read on small screens - Spell-checking code: http://www.lukas-renggli.ch/blog/spell-checker - New rule to detect inconsistent method classifications - Each lint rule is defined in its own class now (instead of one rule per method) - Old lint rules removed Contained packages: ------------------------ This image contains the following packages (some packages are only in the squeak-web image): Aida version 5.6 Algernon version 1.2 AST version 164 AutomaticMethodCategorizer version 0.25 AutomaticMethodCategorizerOB version 0.2 DynamicBindings version 2.7 eCompletion version 0.102 eCompletion-Traits version 0.1 eCompletionOmniBrowser version 0.5 Installer version 4.3 Installer-Core version 4.3.313 Installer-Formats version 4.3.3 Installer-Scripts version 4.3.8 KomHttpServer version 7.0.30 KomServices version 1.12 Magritte-Model version 1.1.331 Magritte-Seaside version 1.1.283 Magritte-Tests version 1.1.148 OB-Enhancements version 0.311 OmniBrowser version 0.442 OmniBrowser-Algernon version 0.5 OmniBrowser-Full version 0.27 OmniBrowser-Morphic version 0.84 OmniBrowser-Refactory version 130 OmniBrowser-Regex version 0.15 OmniBrowser-Standard version 0.400 Pier version current Pier-Blog version 1.1.103 Pier-Documents version 1.1.7 Pier-EditorEnh version 1.1.17 Pier-Model version 1.1.263 Pier-Seaside version 1.1.331 Pier-Security version 1.1.119 Pier-Tests version 1.1.116 Polymorph EventEnhancements version 1.1 Polymorph Geometry version 1.1 Polymorph TaskbarIcons version 1.0 Polymorph ToolBuilder version 1.3 Polymorph Tools Diff version 1.3 Polymorph Widgets version 1.4 Refactoring Core version 40 Refactoring Spelling version 4 RoelTyper version 0.60 RSRSS2 version Scriptaculous version ScriptManager version 0.6 Seaside version Seaside-Adapters-Core version pmm.2.mcz Seaside-Adapters-Swazoo version 9 Seaside-Squeak-Adapters version pmm.3.mcz SeasideAdaptersCompatibility version pmm.1.mcz Shout version 3.15-tween.72 ShoutWorkspace version 1-tween.4 SmaCC runtime version 13 Sport version 2.31 Squeak dev packages version 0.28 Squeak web packages version 0.2 SUnit-improved version 4.0.118 SUnitGUI-improved version 4.0.50 Swazoo version 2.1 Universes version 52 Universes OmniBrowser version 0.38 VBRegex version 1.9 YAXO version 14 -- Damien Cassou http://damiencassou.seasidehosting.st _______________________________________________ Announcements and News from the Squeak Community Squeak: http://squeak.org/ [hidden email] http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/mailman/listinfo/announcements |
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