I've released FileMan on SqueakMap.
http://map.squeak.org/package/f9917683-25da-4a6c-a013-b36527a100c1Squeak's file libraries (Directory, DirectoryEntry, FileStream, etc.)
are sometimes very confusing to use. FileMan provides a simple,
refactored interfaces for manipulating files and directories by
wrapping those classes.
subDir := FileDirectory default directoryNamed: 'subDir'.
subDir assureExistence.
[str := subDir newFileNamed: 'file1'.
str nextPutAll: 'Hello!']
ensure: [str close].
"After installation of FileMan"
'./subDir' asDirectoryEntry at: 'file2' put: 'Hello!'.
Another example:
"Copy all contents in ./doc to ./bkup/yymmdd (for daily backup)"
'./doc' asDirectoryEntry copyTo: './bkup' / Date today yyyymmdd.
- Path representation is portable (the example code runs on Windows,
Mac, Linux).
- Small package (consists of just two classes - FmDirectoryEntry, FmFileEntry)
- Basic file operations
- Dictionary-like operations
- Pipe-like operations
- Zip archive operations
[:masashi | ^umezawa]
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