[ANN] FunSqueak4dot6"Norge" (Was Mac Squeak binary virtual machine for Squeak 3.10.2

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[ANN] FunSqueak4dot6"Norge" (Was Mac Squeak binary virtual machine for Squeak 3.10.2

Español (Spanish) mailing list

You have a 4.6 version with your BabyIDE into.
Also have lots of things

I decide named it Norge, for obvious reasons.
And you and your friends are welcomed for any questions.


De:  Trygve Reenskaug <[hidden email]>
Responder a:  The general-purpose Squeak developers list
<[hidden email]>
Fecha:  Tue, 09 Jun 2015 18:07:21 +0200
Para:  Chris Cunnington <[hidden email]>
CC:  Any question about pharo is welcome <[hidden email]>, The
general-purpose Squeak developers list
<[hidden email]>
Asunto:  [squeak-dev] Re: Mac Squeak binary virtual machine for Squeak

 Hi Chris,
 I'm sorry to say that your advice didn't work. Worse: The Squeak community
has lost a valuable contributor, a prime mover in the patterns and agile
communities and the author of several books on OO. My friend wrote:
 " I still can¹t find a version of Squeak for my Mac that will run Trygve¹s
current BabyIDE. At this point, even if one appears, it is obvious that my
dependence on ³the introvert Squeak community² will put me in a much more
fragile position than with any of my other concept proofs. It will be
extremely difficult to build a future on such fragile foundations."
 I came to Xerox PARC and Smalltalk in 1978 where I made my contributions to
Smalltalk-80. Since then, I have been working almost exclusively with
Smalltalk. My company invested in a VW class library of more than 100,000
lines of Smalltalk code and used it in our consulting. A strong selling
point was that our tenders were accompanied by a demo version of the program
we offered to deliver. Our library and applications were repeatedly
threatened by new versions of VW. The code is now dead; there is no VM that
will run our old images. The investment is lost.
 I hoped Squeak would be better. It isn't. Squeak is less stable than VW
ever was. My new programming paradigm, DCI, is supported by BabyIDE that
runs under Squeak 3.10. I have ported BabyIDE to 4.5, but there are new bugs
caused by differences between 3.10 and 4.5. The result is that I have
reverted to 3.10 because it's too much hassle to run after the stream of
Squeak releases. I thought Pharo would be better, but their mailing list
conversations indicate that they do not understand that developers need a
stable foundation for their work.
 The result is that I too leave Smalltalk and concentrate on other
environments. A pity, because I still believe Smalltalk has the potential to
become a superior environment for non-professional programmers. I am
particularly thinking of children and experts such as computational chemists
who use computers in their work.
 It's very painful, but I am now terminating development work in Squeak
leave the Squeak and Pharo mailing lists. I will continue my work in  some
mainstream language. I have just done some work in Java with Netbeans and I
am buying a book on JavaScript. It's heavy going, but better that working
for the dustbin.
 On 31.05.2015 16:52, Trygve Reenskaug  wrote:
 A friend of mine is doing some experiments using a Mac and my program Baby
IDE.  BabyIDE is works under Squeak 3.10.2. Is there a binary virtual
machine for a current Mac that he can use?
 On 31.05.2015 17:00, Chris Cunnington wrote:

>   You need a non-Cog vm. I usually download any Etoys vm. [1]
> From there, drag it onto the vm or right click, choose ³Open With² and choose
> Etoys.
> Chris
> [1] http://squeakland.org/download/