[ANN] Gjallar competition! (or "How to win an Ipod")

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[ANN] Gjallar competition! (or "How to win an Ipod")

Göran Krampe
Hi fellow Squeakers!

Ewa (my great boss) and I decided to spice up OOPSLA a bit with a small
competition, but anyone can participate, not just Squeakers attending

The task:

Write a nice useful enhancement to Gjallar. :) If you want to learn more
about Gjallar, see http.//www.gjallar.se and feel free to ask on the
squeak channel on IRC or on the setools mailinglist (please use that
first and private email as a last resort).

We are just about to make a new release but you should probably use the
0.2 release as the base, or feel free to use newer stuff, but then it is
not "clearly defined" how to get a working setup. :)

We will judge the contributions on how "nice" it is, (coolness,
usefulness etc) and not by quantity of code. So a small but very useful
contribution can very well win over a massive feature.

Magnus and I will be supreme judges, but we will consult the other
Gjallar developers. :)

The deadline:

        Friday 2006-11-10, 18.00 CET.

The prize:

- An Ipod Nano, the badest one on Apple store, 8Gb version. Black.

The winner will be announced on monday 2006-11-13. Happy hacking!

regards, Gšran & Magnus