[ANN] ImageFlow

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[ANN] ImageFlow

Hi everyone,

ImageFlow is a Coverflow-like (iTunes) effect library for your  
pictures on the web --->http://imageflow.finnrudolph.de

You can now use it with Seaside quite easily without knowing all the  
details about the underlaying js-library ... example:

html imageFlow: [
        html image src: '/images/1.jpg'.
        html image src: '/images/2.jpg'.
        html image src: '/images/3.jpg'.
        ...  ]

That's it - The rest is done for you automatically. There are a lot of  
parameters like size, speed, animation, reflection and many more to  
set ... documentation is provided in the code (class and method  

Download "ImageFlow" from "http://www.squeaksource.com/SqueakAddOns".  
All javascripts and stylesheets are included. However, you can also  
download them from "http://imageflow.finnrudolph.de". Add the  
appropriate WAFileLibrary to your component or add the script(s) and  
css (or your own one) to your html-root manually.

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