[ANN] MaSarPackage and MaSarPackageWithGui

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[ANN] MaSarPackage and MaSarPackageWithGui

Chris Muller-3
The renewed discussion about configurating prompted me to update and
release MaSarPackage.  MaSarPackage is a simple utility for making
application configurations in the form of a SAR file.

SAR files employ a simple load-script which executes when the SAR is
installed.  This approach imposes no structure or limitations on
publishers, and there is no learning curve, since it's just a plain
Smalltalk script.  This makes the SAR file a wonderfully effective
installation and configuration tool.  Consider that SAR files can be
used for:

    * storing meta-information about any MC package within the MC
package itself, via a PackageInfo subclass, much like Metacello does.
    * keeping an exact configuration that is assured to work, forever,
on the version of Squeak that it has been tagged to work with.
    * including relevant resource files or image patches with a configuration.
    * including even a particular or custom VM, allowing software to
be published without having to worry about end-users VM installation
    * publishing to SqueakMap.
    * allowing users to examine the load-script and contents before
loading, in case there is a concern about security.
    * loading software even when no network connection is present.

For more information:

