[ANN] New SqueakDBX release and good news!!!

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[ANN] New SqueakDBX release and good news!!!

Mariano Martinez Peck
Hi folks! We have a couple of things to announce.

1) First of all we gave a ESUG 2009 presentation. You can find the slides here: http://www.slideshare.net/esug/squeak-dbx

2) Then, we created the first version (some bugs, default Pier css, etc) of our website using Seaside + Pier. You can see it temporarily here: http://squeakdbx.smallworks.com.ar  However, it will be then: http://www.squeakdbx.org/
Now, the swiki: http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/6052 is deprecated.

3) Remember we created our own mailing list for questions or whatever you want: http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/mailman/listinfo/squeakdbx

4) There are real interests from other people to port SqueakDBX to dolphin and Smalltalk/X so, we will try to do that easier ;)

5) There is a new release of SqueakDBX: 1.1. The most important thing with this release is that we now support MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sqlite3, Oracle and MSSQL in Windows, Linux and Mac. We also did some refactors which arrived in better performance.
You can see the complete changeset here: http://squeakdbx.smallworks.com.ar/ChangeLog
The OpenDBX version you need is 1.4.4. You can compile or use the binaries.
Here you have the instructions to install OpenDBX: http://squeakdbx.smallworks.com.ar/Compiling%20and%20installing%20OpenDBX
SqueakDBX installing instructions: http://squeakdbx.smallworks.com.ar/Installation

As always, any feedback, comments or whatever is more than welcome.



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