On Mon, Aug 14, 2017 at 5:55 PM, Guillermo Polito <[hidden email]> wrote:
What size do you get when all those ByteStrings are written to a text file and zipped up? (I'd try myself but I don't have access to Pharo from where I am right now) Perhaps on image save, all ByteStrings can be converted to ZippedByteStrings and lazily converted back as needed. Depending on the measured performance hit, "as needed" could be first access, or only when the string needs to be updated, or not at all. Now I was trying for a rough estimate of saved space like this... stringsToZip := ByteString allInstances. "do this line once only for repeatability" zipStrings := OrderedCollection new. entryPrefix := 'a'. "or... bbbbbbbbbbbbb" i := 0. zip := ZipArchive new. stringsToZip do: [ :bs | zipStrings add: (zip addDeflateString: bs as: entryPrefix, (i:=i+1) printString) ]. zip writeToFileNamed: 'ByteStrings.zip'. uncompressedSize := compressedSize := 0. zipStrings do: [ :zs | uncompressedSize := uncompressedSize + zs uncompressedSize. compressedSize := compressedSize + zs compressedSize. ]. (uncompressedSize//1024) -> (compressedSize//1024). " 2975->1365 <== entryPrefix='bbbbbbbbbbbbb' " " 2975->1365 <== entryPrefix='a' " We'd need to observe which/when strings are converted back to determine if its a real in-operation space saving, and what impact it has on performance. Has anyone done similar before? ----------------- Now before posting the above, I went back to chart the effect of compression... strSizes := Dictionary new. zipSizes := Dictionary new. zipStrings do: [ :zs | strSizes at: zs uncompressedSize accumulate: zs uncompressedSize. zipSizes at: zs uncompressedSize accumulate: zs compressedSize ]. strSizes keys sorted do: [ :strSize | Transcript cr; show: ( strSize printStringLength: 10); show: ((strSizes at: strSize) printStringLength: 10); show: ((zipSizes at: strSize) printStringLength: 10)] and loaded that output into Excel to produce the attached graph, which shows its detrimental for strings below 100 bytes, and limited benefit above that until the very last data point. For comparison, here are the last two data points (largest strings). 74498 74498 13781 1621978 1621978 234281 and its content on that largest string starts like this... 0000;<control>;Cc;0;BN;;;;;N;NULL;;;; 0001;<control>;Cc;0;BN;;;;;N;START OF HEADING;;;; 0002;<control>;Cc;0;BN;;;;;N;START OF TEXT;;;; 0003;<control>;Cc;0;BN;;;;;N;END OF TEXT;;;; 0004;<control>;Cc;0;BN;;;;;N;END OF TRANSMISSION;;;; 0005;<control>;Cc;0;BN;;;;;N;ENQUIRY;;;; 0006;<control>;Cc;0;BN;;;;;N;ACKNOWLEDGE;;;; 0007;<control>;Cc;0;BN;;;;;N;BELL;;;; 0008;<control>;Cc;0;BN;;;;;N;BACKSPACE;;;; 0009;<control>;Cc;0;S;;;;;N;CHARACTER TABULATION;;;; 000A;<control>;Cc;0;B;;;;;N;LINE FEED (LF);;;; 000B;<control>;Cc;0;S;;;;;N;LINE TABULATION;;;; 000C;<control>;Cc;0;WS;;;;;N;FORM FEED (FF);;;; 000D;<control>;Cc;0;B;;;;;N;CARRIAGE RETURN (CR);;;; Now #pointersTo shows that (apart from the dozens of GT objects grabbing at it) it is held by the "receiver" ivar of OpalCompiler. What does it do there? cheers -ben cheers -ben
PharoStringsCompression.png (110K) Download Attachment |
In reply to this post by Guillermo Polito
Hi Guille/Ben - I got a quick moment to try the SpaceTally (aside: it seems very convoluted to load a single package into the image, I was trying to avoid having to create a baselineOf for something so simple - I ended up with:
repo := MCFileTreeRepository new directory: './bootstrap' asFileReference. version := repo loadVersionFromFileNamed: 'Tool-Profilers.package'. Anyway - in my minimal image, like in the fat image there seems to be a surprising amount of bytestrings (4mb worth?). I think that might need some digging into? It seems like a lot somehow. Although Ben’s neat experiment of zipping strings shows that’s not a real route. In a deployed minimal image - maybe I can get rid of some other things like MethodChangeRecords or MCMethodDefiniion’s (but they are smaller wins - but noticeable) Class code space # instances inst space percent inst average size ByteString 2640 37365 4823848 21.50 129.10 Array 3742 53002 3961944 17.60 74.75 CompiledMethod 19159 30481 2912968 13.00 95.57 Association 1148 58348 1867136 8.30 32.00 MethodChangeRecord 431 34312 1097984 4.90 32.00 ByteArray 4605 290 908728 4.00 3133.54 ByteSymbol 1698 22689 840168 3.70 37.03 IdentitySet 408 19076 610432 2.70 32.00 MethodDictionary 3310 3520 608688 2.70 172.92 WeakArray 1758 3024 597824 2.70 197.69 MCMethodDefinition 4318 6659 426176 1.90 64.00 Protocol 1679 8382 268224 1.20 32.00 OrderedCollection 6555 5509 220360 1.00 40.00 As an aside - my Gitlab project is public, the scripts that load things up are in ./scripts (build.sh, and minimal.st and loadlocal.st) Tim
A weird observation - is it possible that source code is being stored in the image as strings somehow? When I do
./pharo PharoLambda.image eval "ByteString allInstances inject: (OrderedCollection new) into: [:r :i | i size > 500 ifTrue: [r add: i]. r]" I see to see reams of what looks like method source - but I thought source code was stored in the .sources file and the .changes file (and I haven’t been bundling those in my deployed image). I’m trying to figure out how you find references to a string object, to chase down what is pointing to these strings as maybe there is a quick 4mb win by simply nil’ing out some obvious things. (This doesn’t of course help with a default minimal image - but maybe a few tricks for packaging and deploying something). Tim
Just a hunch: could you inspect ur MethodChangeRecord instances ? Le mar. 15 août 2017 à 23:55, Tim Mackinnon <[hidden email]> a écrit :
In reply to this post by Tim Mackinnon
On Tue, Aug 15, 2017 at 11:26 PM, Tim Mackinnon <[hidden email]> wrote:
I know, I also believe we have to simplify this. In any case, baselines are healthy as they allow to also express dependencies. Otherwise you'll end up loading dependencies by hand. We'll fix this soon I hope.
Actually it happens first that monticello is "nicely" coupled with the changeset system and logs all the source code loaded in change sets :D :/ ¬¬. Also, the first two strings in terms of size are related to unicode tables (we should put them in files instead of in the image and load them on demand), and the two biggest arrays also to unicode. I just tried the following in a clean bootstrapped "minimal" image (metacello): "Careful, this will make that #isLetter, #isUppercase #isLowercase, #toLowercase and #toUppercase only work on ascii" Character characterSet: nil. Unicode classPool at: #GeneralCategory put: nil. Unicode classPool at: #DecimalProperty put: nil. UnicodeDefinition removeFromSystem. ChangeSet removeChangeSetsNamedSuchThat: [ :each | true ]. ChangeSet resetCurrentToNewUnnamedChangeSet. MCDefinition clearInstances. Undeclared removeUnreferencedKeys. Smalltalk garbageCollect. like this: ./vm/pharo Pharo7.0-metacello-32bit-fa236b7.image eval --save "Character characterSet: nil. Unicode classPool at: #GeneralCategory put: nil. Unicode classPool at: #DecimalProperty put: nil. UnicodeDefinitions removeFromSystem. ChangeSet removeChangeSetsNamedSuchThat: [ :each | true ]. ChangeSet resetCurrentToNewUnnamedChangeSet. MCDefinition clearInstances. Undeclared removeUnreferencedKeys. Smalltalk garbageCollect." and my image went down from 11MB to 6.6MB (7.0 MB if I don't change back to ascii with the first three lines) Then I tried a tally: ./vm/pharo Pharo7.0-metacello-32bit-fa236b7.image save spacetally ./vm/pharo spacetally.image eval --save "repo := MCFileTreeRepository new directory: '../src' asFileReference. version := repo loadVersionFromFileNamed: 'Tool-Profilers.package'. version load." re-clean since i loaded some packages ./vm/pharo spacetally.image eval --save "ChangeSet removeChangeSetsNamedSuchThat: [ :each | true ]. ChangeSet resetCurrentToNewUnnamedChangeSet. MCDefinition clearInstances. Undeclared removeUnreferencedKeys. Smalltalk garbageCollect." This image is now 6.6MB (7.1MB with the unicode large arrays), 4.1% of strings (274k) what seems reasonable. Remaining big strings are Pharo's licence, the buffer of the changes file and then some class comments (shouldn't they be fetched from disk as any other method source code?). Making again a tally shows that ~30% of the space is taken by Arrays and 21.9% by compiled methods. But, BUT! :) I have ~30k arrays and lots of collections also: "MethodDictionary" 2872 + "IdentitySet" 12781 + "OrderedCollection" 4398 + "Set" 2959 + "Dictionary" 1997 + "IdentityDictionary" 454 ----------------------------------------------- 25461 So there are ~5k arrays that are used outside collections. Worth exploring a bit more I think. On Wed, Aug 16, 2017 at 1:23 AM, Guillermo Polito <[hidden email]> wrote:
In reply to this post by Guillermo Polito
Yes you were on to something there (and at the same time, by poking around with #pointersTo I noticed some chains of objects too). So I ran the following script (partially borrowed from ImageCleaner) and this has got me down to a 14mb image (instance sizes listed below, which is looking much healthier - and those MethodChangeRecords are gone too) !!! I suspect there are more monti/metacello things that are still lurking around. I also wonder if I need some the character sorting strings too. Tim "CmdLine script to debug the initial minimal image" My top instances are now: Class code space # instances inst space percent inst average size CompiledMethod 19159 30481 2912968 21.60 95.57 Array 3742 36495 2852448 21.10 78.16 ByteString 2640 24018 2517168 18.60 104.80 ByteSymbol 1698 20722 759208 5.60 36.64 Association 1148 19786 633152 4.70 32.00 IdentitySet 408 15452 494464 3.70 32.00 MethodDictionary 3310 3520 350192 2.60 99.49 Protocol 1679 8382 268224 2.00 32.00 WeakArray 1758 265 232304 1.70 876.62 OrderedCollection 6555 5043 201720 1.50 40.00 ClassOrganization 5281 3520 168960 1.30 48.00 Metaclass 7184 1748 153824 1.10 88.00
This means it would be healthy to do a cleanup (at least the non aggressive one, ChangeSets and MC stuff) on each of the images we produce and not just the latest one. On Wed, Aug 16, 2017 at 8:35 AM, Tim Mackinnon <[hidden email]> wrote:
This is very encouraging, and also very instructive (your post on snapshot is also one in this area too. I have a queue of things to try for you on Friday). I'll try adding your ideas to my script and see if it squeezes some more. And then I guess we need to to decide which parts go into your minimum build steps and which are an external script (or possibly a HeadlessImageCleaner class we keep loaded so it's easier to maintain?) Tim Sent from my iPhone
Be careful because some of those aggressive cleanups may turn some parts of your image unstable. For example: This is dangerous: MCMethodDefinition allInstances do: [:each | each become: String new ]. And this may break some code if you're using non-ascii characters:
On Wed, Aug 16, 2017 at 10:07 AM, Tim Mackinnon <[hidden email]> wrote:
Yes - that is a fair warning - I guess I’m looking for ways to reset Monticello/metocello artefacts and caching (maybe I should ask Dale for some tips - as I find the Monticello/metacello packages quite big and difficult to follow, and there are no class comments to give you any pointers). I’m going on the assumption that regular code/classes shouldn’t need any of this MC metadata/objects?
Once my application is loaded and instantiated and saved in the image, I don’t need update to update it in the image (I would run another CI build and generate a new image - which is a different pattern from more mainstream projects but as execution time and memory size are the key here, as Lambda is about short lived executions, so you would take the hit at build time). Tim
In reply to this post by Guillermo Polito
Hi, tracing through your changes - it looks like:
Smalltalk cleanUp: true except: #() confirming: false. Takes care of all the non-unicode changes you proposed (and it seems like its a known cleanup protocol). I wonder if the Unicode change is worth it/risky as many web based services I might connect to with Zinc do support Unicode so maybe I should keep that one in. (I will for now - might verify how much of a difference it really makes) I think my next port of call is cleanUp for Monticello/Metacello as I see a fair amount of that stuff floating around in my image (after I’ve used it to bootstrap my code). Tim
On Wed, Aug 16, 2017 at 11:46 AM, Tim Mackinnon <[hidden email]> wrote:
I based my script on #cleanupForRelease ^^. But I did not just blindly execute it as is because I wanted to understand the implications of each line.
No, it should not break any encoding/decoding. The changes I proposed will just nil out two things: - the uppercase/lowercase mapping unicode tables that says for each codepoint if the codepoint is uppercase/lowercase and allows transformations from/to uppercase/lowercase. This means that these may not work as expected: aChar asLowercase aChar asUppercase aChar toLowercase aChar toUppercase - the unicode classification table that says if a character is letter or digit, and so on. This means that these may not work as expected: aChar isLetter aChar isDigit aChar isAlphaNumeric
Just thought I would report back a bit more on this -
The Unicode change doesn’t work in my case (possibly not for command line Pharo as well) as I get an error where OS filename’s need unicode support (actually I think this is where its trying to write to stdout, but I didn’t dig more into this): Error: Instances of UndefinedObject are not indexable UndefinedObject(Object)>>error: UndefinedObject(Object)>>errorNotIndexable UndefinedObject(Object)>>size Unicode class>>isLetter: Character>>isLetter Path class>>isAbsoluteWindowsPath: Path class>>from:delimiter: MacStore(FileSystemStore)>>pathFromString: FileSystem>>pathFromString: ByteString(String)>>asPathWith: FileSystem>>pathFromObject: FileSystem>>referenceTo: ByteString(String)>>asFileReference FileStream class>>fullName: FileStream class>>fileNamed: SmalltalkImage>>openLog I was able to improve on Guille’s warning about how to safely clear up monticello/metacello (and not use become: String new) with the following (I actually think Metacello should provide a #cleanUp method, so I raised a pr for consideration) logger cr; nextPutAll: '>Removing Clearing MC Registry'. I’m then able to be by image down from 22mb to 13.8 (which is pretty good). As a further experiment I also noticed that there is a fair amount of space trapped in Protocols and ClassOrganisation - so I tried clearing those out (as they are lazily cached) with: Smalltalk allClassesAndTraits do: [:c | c basicOrganization: nil ]. This seems to give me a further 1mb back (but I have’t tried performance tests on this, but my naive assumption is that in a running system that isn’t adding/manipulating code - that I don’t think Protocols are used?). So I’m now at 21mb. Tim
Actually it looks like that extra 1.5mb is not worth having as It seems that something does end up using the class organisation and so it must recompute when the image is launched.
In reply to this post by Tim Mackinnon
Hi Tim,
On Thu, Aug 17, 2017 at 01:07:06PM +0100, Tim Mackinnon wrote: > Just thought I would report back a bit more on this - > > The Unicode change doesn?t work in my case (possibly not for command line Pharo > as well) as I get an error where OS filename?s need unicode support (actually I > think this is where its trying to write to stdout, but I didn?t dig more into > this): > > Error: Instances of UndefinedObject are not indexable > UndefinedObject(Object)>>error: > UndefinedObject(Object)>>errorNotIndexable > UndefinedObject(Object)>>size > Unicode class>>isLetter: > Character>>isLetter > Path class>>isAbsoluteWindowsPath: > Path class>>from:delimiter: > MacStore(FileSystemStore)>>pathFromString: > FileSystem>>pathFromString: > ByteString(String)>>asPathWith: > FileSystem>>pathFromObject: > FileSystem>>referenceTo: > ByteString(String)>>asFileReference > FileStream class>>fullName: > FileStream class>>fileNamed: > SmalltalkImage>>openLog #size is only sent to UniCode's class variable GeneralCategory in #isLetter:. Are you sure that while preparing your image for deployment you didn't clear GeneralCategory accidentally? (in my image GeneralCategory is an instance of a SparseLargeTable) HTH, Alistair |
On Thu, Aug 17, 2017 at 8:51 PM, Alistair Grant <[hidden email]> wrote: Hi Tim, Indeed, he did it on purpose trying to save 1.5MB of memory :P
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