ANN: Seaside 2.9a1 release

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ANN: Seaside 2.9a1 release

Julian Fitzell-2
After months of development, the Seaside Development Team is very
pleased to announce the release of Seaside 2.9 Alpha 1. We are
announcing this first release in stages: first to the developer
mailing list, then the main seaside list, and finally to the website.
We hope this will let us catch any major problems with this first
release as soon as possible.

Here's what we need to cover:

1. What's new
2. Things to be aware of
3. How to get it
4. When things go wrong (as they certainly will)
5. How-To's

What's new

The focus of this release has been on flexibility, portability, and

Some highlights include:

 * Sub-packages. The code has been split up. This facilitates porting
because platform-specific code has been put into platform-specific
packages. It also means that you can load only the parts of Seaside
that you need. For example, when building your production image, you
can leave out tests, examples, and development tools.

 * Architectural cleanup. A lot of work has been done under the hood
to rewrite some of the messier parts of Seaside. We introduced a
RequestContext which stores information related to a single HTTP
request, which greatly simplified request handling in general and the
Session object in particular. The RenderLoop has been refactored to be
much more understandable; Server Adaptors have been made more
flexible; the Configuration system was rewritten; and a new pluggable
Cache was introduced to hold sessions and continuations. These are
just a few examples.

 * Reification. Many things that were Strings in Seaside 2.8 are now
first-class objects. For example, we added WAMimeType and WALocale,
and WAUrl and WAExternalID are now used much more consistently
throughout the system.

 * Lots of bug fixes, security improvements, and tests.

A more complete list of change and new features can be found at

In addition, I have been tasked with documenting some of these new
features. I plan to start a series of blog posts in the next few weeks
talking about new features in Seaside 2.9. Keep an eye on or keep following the aggregated news on the
Seaside home page:

Things to be aware of

First of all, it is important to remember that this is an Alpha
release and SHOULD NOT be used in production.

While we believe that the most disruptive changes are largely
complete, we may still need to make non-backwards-compatible code
changes, rename packages and so on. We are also still trying to work
out some issues with the packaging and distribution tools (now that we
have so many sub-packages) so you would be wise to wait for a Beta
release to begin active development. You have been warned.

For the average developer using WAComponent, WACanvas, and WASession,
we hope that most things will be pretty backwards-compatible. In fact,
we want you to let us know about anything you find that is not (see
below for details about reporting problems). You'll find a current
list of migration issues at

We have moved or renamed quite a few methods (particularly on
WASession). Whenever possible, the old methods should have been marked
as deprecated; you will be alerted about any call to a deprecated
method when using your application with the Toolbar turned on. These
deprecated methods will be removed in the next major version of
Seaside and you should make every effort to update any code that is
using them. If you find that a method you were using has disappeared
without being deprecated, please let us know (again, see below) so
that we can correct this.

How to get it

If you've made it this far, you must want to try the thing. We're
still experimenting with the best way to distribute all these
packages. In the meantime, we didn't want to hold up the release so we
are providing load scripts to get you going.

Two scripts are included with this email. The first will install most
of the available Seaside 2.9 packages and give you a working system.
The second will install the test packages. After loading, all tests
should pass.

We have tested the load scripts in the following images:

 * Squeak 3.9:
 * Pharo:

They will probably also work in Squeak 3.10 but this has not been tested.

DO NOT attempt to load Seaside 2.9 into an existing 2.8 image: it
won't work. If you want to try porting an existing application, start
with a clean image, load Seaside, then load your own application

When things go wrong (as they certainly will)

If (when) you run into problems, please visit our issue tracker at to see if the problem has
already been reported. You can also check the migration page at to see if the problem
has been mentioned.

If you are convinced your problem is unreported, either file a new
issue in the tracker or post it to the developers mailing list ( ). We would also be happy to
hear any feedback and to discuss any of the changes in Seaside 2.9 on
that list.


In the absence of updated documentation, here are the answers to a few
questions you might have right off the bat:

Q: How do I turn on authentication for an application?

A: Authentication is now handled by the new RequestFilter mechanism.
Unfortunately, there is currently still no UI support for configuring
RequestFilters. The simplest way to add an authenticated application
is therefore to execute something like this in a workspace:

  register: MYComponentClass
  asApplicationAt: 'myapp'
  user: 'juser'
  password: 'pass'

Q: How do I enable or disable the Toolbar?

A: This release has the Toolbar enabled by default for all
applications. To disable it, open the configuration application (by
default at http://localhost:8080/seaside/config ). Under 'Shared
Configurations', click on 'Application Defaults'. Under 'Ancestry',
find WADevelopmentConfiguration and click the 'X' next to it to remove
it. To enable the Toolbar again, simply add WADevelopmentConfiguration
again. To enable the Toolbar in a single application, add
WADevelopmentConfiguration to that application's configuration screen
instead of to 'Application Defaults'.

seaside mailing list
[hidden email]

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seaside-tests-2-9-0a1.cs (3K) Download Attachment
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Re: Seaside 2.9a1 release

Wonderful news !!

Congratulations, Lukas, Julian, Philippe, and all others on the team!

- Sophie


"Julian Fitzell" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...

> After months of development, the Seaside Development Team is very
> pleased to announce the release of Seaside 2.9 Alpha 1. We are
> announcing this first release in stages: first to the developer
> mailing list, then the main seaside list, and finally to the website.
> We hope this will let us catch any major problems with this first
> release as soon as possible.
> Here's what we need to cover:
> 1. What's new
> 2. Things to be aware of
> 3. How to get it
> 4. When things go wrong (as they certainly will)
> 5. How-To's
> ===================
> What's new
> ===================
> ......

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Re: ANN: Seaside 2.9a1 release

Lautaro Fernández
In reply to this post by Julian Fitzell-2

2008/11/9 Julian Fitzell <[hidden email]>
A more complete list of change and new features can be found at

That page (under Modularization) says the following:

It allows for smaller Seaside installations. For example you can have Seaside without the tests or without Kom and use Swazoo 2 instead. 

This mean that just a few changes need to be made in order to get a working Swazoo-Seaside server?
Could you tell me a place to see a how-to use this modularity in order to make the port of Swazoo to work with Seaside?

Thanks in advance,
Lautaro Fernández

Luke LAut SkyFernadezWalker

seaside mailing list
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Re: ANN: Seaside 2.9a1 release

Philippe Marschall
2008/11/11 Lautaro Fernández <[hidden email]>:

> Hi,
> 2008/11/9 Julian Fitzell <[hidden email]>
>> [...]
>> A more complete list of change and new features can be found at
> That page (under Modularization) says the following:
>> [...]
>> It allows for smaller Seaside installations. For example you can have
>> Seaside without the tests or without Kom and use Swazoo 2 instead.
>> [...]
> This mean that just a few changes need to be made in order to get a working
> Swazoo-Seaside server?
> Could you tell me a place to see a how-to use this modularity in order to
> make the port of Swazoo to work with Seaside?
- don't load Kom, DynamicBindings, KomServices, Seaside-Adapters-Swazoo
- load SPort
- load Swazoo 2
- load Swazoo-Seaside form
- load Seaside-Adaptors-Swazoo (from the mail repsitory)
- done

The whole thing is outlined here:
With the very latest code, starting it is a bit different.


seaside mailing list
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Re: Seaside 2.9a1 release

In reply to this post by Julian Fitzell-2
"Julian Fitzell" <[hidden email]> wrote in message

> They will probably also work in Squeak 3.10 but this has not been tested.


- loads successfully into Damien's 3.9 dev image
- loads successfully into Damien's 3.10 dev image
- On either image, running the tests gives this walkback (not clear to me if
it has to do with Seaside):

- Sophie

VM: Mac OS - a SmalltalkImage
Image: Squeak3.10.2 [latest update: #7179]

WASqueakMimeDocumentTest class(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand:
 Receiver: WASqueakMimeDocumentTest
 Arguments and temporary variables:
  aMessage:  allSelectorsBelow: TestCase
 Receiver's instance variables:
  superclass:  WAFormTestCase
  methodDict:  a MethodDictionary(#testAsMIMEDocumentForm->a CompiledMethod
(953) ...etc...
  format:  132
  instanceVariables:  nil
  organization:  ('testing' testAsMIMEDocumentForm
testAsMIMEDocumentFormColon tes...etc...
  subclasses:  nil
  name:  #WASqueakMimeDocumentTest
  classPool:  nil
  sharedPools:  nil
  environment:  a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
  category:  #'Seaside-Tests-Squeak-Core'
  traitComposition:  nil
  localSelectors:  nil

WASqueakMimeDocumentTest class(TestCase class)>>withInheritedSelectors
 Receiver: WASqueakMimeDocumentTest
 Arguments and temporary variables:

 Receiver's instance variables:
  superclass:  WAFormTestCase
  methodDict:  a MethodDictionary(#testAsMIMEDocumentForm->a CompiledMethod
(953) ...etc...
  format:  132
  instanceVariables:  nil
  organization:  ('testing' testAsMIMEDocumentForm
testAsMIMEDocumentFormColon tes...etc...
  subclasses:  nil
  name:  #WASqueakMimeDocumentTest
  classPool:  nil
  sharedPools:  nil
  environment:  a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
  category:  #'Seaside-Tests-Squeak-Core'
  traitComposition:  nil
  localSelectors:  nil

WASqueakMimeDocumentTest class(TestCase class)>>testsSelect:
 Receiver: WASqueakMimeDocumentTest
 Arguments and temporary variables:
  aBlock:  [] in WASqueakMimeDocumentTest class(TestCase
  selector:  nil
  s:  nil
 Receiver's instance variables:
  superclass:  WAFormTestCase
  methodDict:  a MethodDictionary(#testAsMIMEDocumentForm->a CompiledMethod
(953) ...etc...
  format:  132
  instanceVariables:  nil
  organization:  ('testing' testAsMIMEDocumentForm
testAsMIMEDocumentFormColon tes...etc...
  subclasses:  nil
  name:  #WASqueakMimeDocumentTest
  classPool:  nil
  sharedPools:  nil
  environment:  a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
  category:  #'Seaside-Tests-Squeak-Core'
  traitComposition:  nil
  localSelectors:  nil

[] in WASqueakMimeDocumentTest class(TestCase
class)>>suiteWithSelectorsMatching: {[:testClass | suite   addTests:
(testClass     testsSelect: [:sel | pattern ...]}
 Arguments and temporary variables:
  pattern:  'test*'
  suite:  a TestSuite
  testClass:  WASqueakMimeDocumentTest
  sel:  nil

--- The full stack ---
WASqueakMimeDocumentTest class(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand:
WASqueakMimeDocumentTest class(TestCase class)>>withInheritedSelectors
WASqueakMimeDocumentTest class(TestCase class)>>testsSelect:
[] in WASqueakMimeDocumentTest class(TestCase
class)>>suiteWithSelectorsMatching: {[:testClass | suite   addTests:
(testClass     testsSelect: [:sel | pattern ...]}
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[] in WASqueakMimeDocumentTest class(TestCase
class)>>suiteWithSelectorsMatching: {[:suite | self theClasses   do:
[:testClass | suite     addTests: (testClass...]}
TestSuite class>>define:
WASqueakMimeDocumentTest class(TestCase class)>>suiteWithSelectorsMatching:
WASqueakMimeDocumentTest class(TestCase class)>>allStandardTests
WASqueakMimeDocumentTest class(TestCase class)>>suite:
[] in TestSuite>>fromClasses:suites:select:reject: {[:suite | self addTests:
(testClass suite: suite) tests]}
[] in TestSuite>>fromClasses:suites:select:reject: {[:testClass |  suites
do: [:suite | self addTests: (testClass suite: suite...]}
TestSuite class>>classes:suites:select:reject:
[] in PluggableButtonMorphPlus(PluggableButtonMorph)>>mouseUp: {[:m | (m
containsPoint: evt cursorPoint)   ifTrue: [m performAction]]}

seaside mailing list
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Re: Re: Seaside 2.9a1 release

Sophie (itsme213) wrote:

Hello Sophie, it looks like you are using SUnit-improved which requires
#allSelectorsBellow: this is available in Kernel-Extensions or from mantis.

Installer mantis ensureFix: 7166.

If you let me know how you loaded SUnit-improved I will try and add this

seaside mailing list
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Re: Re: Seaside 2.9a1 release

Hi Keith,

I was just using Damien's latest 3.9 and 3.10 dev images, using whatever
test runner appears under the normal Open->... menu. Maybe those images are
missing something?

Thanks - Sophie

"Keith Hodges" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...

> Sophie (itsme213) wrote:
> Hello Sophie, it looks like you are using SUnit-improved which requires
> #allSelectorsBellow: this is available in Kernel-Extensions or from
> mantis.
> Installer mantis ensureFix: 7166.
> If you let me know how you loaded SUnit-improved I will try and add this
> Keith

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Re: Re: Seaside 2.9a1 release

In reply to this post by keith1y
"Keith Hodges" <[hidden email]> wrote in message

> Hello Sophie, it looks like you are using SUnit-improved which requires
> #allSelectorsBellow: this is available in Kernel-Extensions or from
> mantis.
> Installer mantis ensureFix: 7166.

All Seaside tests run fine in 3.10 (after this SUnit fix).


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Re: Seaside 2.9a1 release

In reply to this post by Julian Fitzell-2

"Julian Fitzell" <[hidden email]> wrote in message

> After months of development, the Seaside Development Team is very
> pleased to announce the release of Seaside 2.9 Alpha 1.

Should this release run the demos/tests after WAKom startOn: 8080?

When I browse to:
I get:
Internal Server Error
MessageNotUnderstood: WAKom>>dispatchRequest:

Thanks - Sophie

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Re: Re: Seaside 2.9a1 release

Julian Fitzell-2
On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 5:51 PM, Sophie (itsme213) <[hidden email]> wrote:

> "Julian Fitzell" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
>> After months of development, the Seaside Development Team is very
>> pleased to announce the release of Seaside 2.9 Alpha 1.
> Should this release run the demos/tests after WAKom startOn: 8080?
> When I browse to:
>    localhost:8080/seaside/browse
> I get:
> Internal Server Error
> MessageNotUnderstood: WAKom>>dispatchRequest:

You just used the load script I posted? The tests definitely work in
every image I've loaded that into.  And I'm pretty sure the
#dispatchRequest: method was not even created until after we built
that load script.

My guess is you have updated some packages from the development
repository?. You'll need to pay pretty close attention to the
development mailing list and commit messages at the moment if you want
to follow the development repositories.

If this is not the case then make sure you are using one of the images
I provided links for in the announcement. Loading has been tested in
both of those images and the tests definitely work.

seaside mailing list
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Re: Re: Seaside 2.9a1 release

"Julian Fitzell" <[hidden email]> wrote in message

> You just used the load script I posted? The tests definitely work in
> every image I've loaded that into.  And I'm pretty sure the
> #dispatchRequest: method was not even created until after we built
> that load script.

Just used your load script with Damien's current 3.9 and 3.10 images, no
updates from the development repository. #dispatchRequest: must have somehow
come in with that script.

> If this is not the case then make sure you are using one of the images
> I provided links for in the announcement. Loading has been tested in
> both of those images and the tests definitely work.

I just tried it with your linked 3.9 image, same error from the browser.

Hth -- Sophie

seaside mailing list
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Re: ANN: Seaside 2.9a1 release

Philippe Marschall
In reply to this post by Lautaro Fernández
2008/11/11, Lautaro Fernández <[hidden email]>:

> Hi,
> 2008/11/9 Julian Fitzell <[hidden email]>
>> [...]
>> A more complete list of change and new features can be found at
> That page (under Modularization) says the following:
> [...]
> It allows for smaller Seaside installations. For example you can have
>> Seaside without the tests or without Kom and use Swazoo 2 instead.
> [...]
> This mean that just a few changes need to be made in order to get a working
> Swazoo-Seaside server?
It means no changes need to be made. Swazoo 2.1 is supported out of
the box (well in theory at least, in practice it has only been tested
on Squeak).

> Could you tell me a place to see a how-to use this modularity in order to
> make the port of Swazoo to work with Seaside?

To get everything working in Squeak you need to:
- open an "empty" Squeak image doesn't have Seaside, Sport or Swazoo loaded
- drag and drop the attached file over the Squeak window
- select "fileIn entire file"
- if a debugger opens telling you that instance variables start with a
lower case letter hit proceed
- when everything is done evaluate
  WASwazooAdaptor startOn: 8080
- go to

If you open the Monticello Browser from the world menu you'll see a
lot of Seaside-*, Javascript-*, Scriptaculous-*, RSS-* and JQuery-*
packages that make up Seaside. Everything that has no -Squeak- in the
package name should load directly into VW. Everything that has a
-Squeak- in the package name has to be reimplemented (only if you want
it of course). However most parts can probably be salvaged either from
the existing 2.8 port or the Squeak implementation.

Cincom supports Seaside so it's probably best to talk to them.


seaside mailing list
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Re: ANN: Seaside 2.9a1 release

Philippe Marschall
2008/11/15, Philippe Marschall <[hidden email]>:

> 2008/11/11, Lautaro Fernández <[hidden email]>:
>> Hi,
>> 2008/11/9 Julian Fitzell <[hidden email]>
>>> [...]
>>> A more complete list of change and new features can be found at
>> That page (under Modularization) says the following:
>> [...]
>> It allows for smaller Seaside installations. For example you can have
>>> Seaside without the tests or without Kom and use Swazoo 2 instead.
>> [...]
>> This mean that just a few changes need to be made in order to get a
>> working
>> Swazoo-Seaside server?
> It means no changes need to be made. Swazoo 2.1 is supported out of
> the box (well in theory at least, in practice it has only been tested
> on Squeak).
>> Could you tell me a place to see a how-to use this modularity in order to
>> make the port of Swazoo to work with Seaside?
> To get everything working in Squeak you need to:
> - open an "empty" Squeak image doesn't have Seaside, Sport or Swazoo loaded
> - drag and drop the attached file over the Squeak window
> - select "fileIn entire file"
> - if a debugger opens telling you that instance variables start with a
> lower case letter hit proceed
> - when everything is done evaluate
>   WASwazooAdaptor startOn: 8080
> - go to
> If you open the Monticello Browser from the world menu you'll see a
> lot of Seaside-*, Javascript-*, Scriptaculous-*, RSS-* and JQuery-*
> packages that make up Seaside. Everything that has no -Squeak- in the
> package name should load directly into VW. Everything that has a
> -Squeak- in the package name has to be reimplemented (only if you want
> it of course). However most parts can probably be salvaged either from
> the existing 2.8 port or the Squeak implementation.
> Cincom supports Seaside so it's probably best to talk to them.
It would probably help if I actually attached the change set.


seaside mailing list
[hidden email]

seaside-2.9.0-alpha1.cs (8K) Download Attachment
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Re: ANN: Seaside 2.9a1 release

Lautaro Fernández
In reply to this post by Philippe Marschall

2008/11/15 Philippe Marschall <[hidden email]>
2008/11/11, Lautaro Fernández <[hidden email]>:
> Hi,
> 2008/11/9 Julian Fitzell <[hidden email]>
>> [...]
>> A more complete list of change and new features can be found at
> That page (under Modularization) says the following:
> [...]
> It allows for smaller Seaside installations. For example you can have
>> Seaside without the tests or without Kom and use Swazoo 2 instead.
> [...]
> This mean that just a few changes need to be made in order to get a working
> Swazoo-Seaside server?

It means no changes need to be made. Swazoo 2.1 is supported out of
the box (well in theory at least, in practice it has only been tested
on Squeak).

> Could you tell me a place to see a how-to use this modularity in order to
> make the port of Swazoo to work with Seaside?

To get everything working in Squeak you need to:
- open an "empty" Squeak image doesn't have Seaside, Sport or Swazoo loaded
- drag and drop the attached file over the Squeak window
- select "fileIn entire file"
- if a debugger opens telling you that instance variables start with a
lower case letter hit proceed
- when everything is done evaluate
 WASwazooAdaptor startOn: 8080
- go to

All ran OK, except to save the image. The WASqueakPlatfrorm (class) does not understand the method "withName:withPriority:fork:", which is called from the CTPusher(classs)>>startUp. I commented that part and the where no more troubles anymore.

About the first seaside-2-9-0a1.cs that Julian had attached, I keep getting an error if I tried to load it on a fresh Squeak 3.9 image.
Internal Server Error
MessageNotUnderstood: WAKom>>dispatchRequest:

I'm loading it wrong? (this didn't happened to me on last Thursday)


If you open the Monticello Browser from the world menu you'll see a
lot of Seaside-*, Javascript-*, Scriptaculous-*, RSS-* and JQuery-*
packages that make up Seaside. Everything that has no -Squeak- in the
package name should load directly into VW. Everything that has a
-Squeak- in the package name has to be reimplemented (only if you want
it of course). However most parts can probably be salvaged either from
the existing 2.8 port or the Squeak implementation.

Good to know, thank =]
Cincom supports Seaside so it's probably best to talk to them.

The main problem is that they will port (or made it avaible) Seaside 2.9 for the next realise (which will be in US summer), but now we need to work with Swazoo instead of Opentalk-Http (which does not support streaming responses quite well).
But I'll try again to see if they can give me a workaround.

Thanks again Philippe.
Lautaro Fernández


seaside mailing list
[hidden email]

Luke LAut SkyFernadezWalker

seaside mailing list
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Re: ANN: Seaside 2.9a1 release

Philippe Marschall
2008/11/17, Lautaro Fernández <[hidden email]>:

> 2008/11/15 Philippe Marschall <[hidden email]>
>> 2008/11/11, Lautaro Fernández <[hidden email]>:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > 2008/11/9 Julian Fitzell <[hidden email]>
>> >
>> >> [...]
>> >> A more complete list of change and new features can be found at
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> > That page (under Modularization) says the following:
>> >
>> > [...]
>> >
>> > It allows for smaller Seaside installations. For example you can have
>> >> Seaside without the tests or without Kom and use Swazoo 2 instead.
>> >
>> > [...]
>> >>
>> >
>> > This mean that just a few changes need to be made in order to get a
>> working
>> > Swazoo-Seaside server?
>> It means no changes need to be made. Swazoo 2.1 is supported out of
>> the box (well in theory at least, in practice it has only been tested
>> on Squeak).
>> > Could you tell me a place to see a how-to use this modularity in order
>> > to
>> > make the port of Swazoo to work with Seaside?
>> To get everything working in Squeak you need to:
>> - open an "empty" Squeak image doesn't have Seaside, Sport or Swazoo
>> loaded
>> - drag and drop the attached file over the Squeak window
>> - select "fileIn entire file"
>> - if a debugger opens telling you that instance variables start with a
>> lower case letter hit proceed
>> - when everything is done evaluate
>>  WASwazooAdaptor startOn: 8080
>> - go to
> All ran OK, except to save the image. The WASqueakPlatfrorm (class) does not
> understand the method "withName:withPriority:fork:", which is called from
> the CTPusher(classs)>>startUp. I commented that part and the where no more
> troubles anymore.
Right, I forgot to add Comet-Squeak-Core.

> About the first seaside-2-9-0a1.cs that Julian had attached, I keep getting
> an error if I tried to load it on a fresh Squeak 3.9 image.
> Internal Server Error
> MessageNotUnderstood: WAKom>>dispatchRequest:
> I'm loading it wrong? (this didn't happened to me on last Thursday)

Nope the script is wrong. It should load Seaside-Core-jf.320. It's
probably time to publish an alpha2 script.

>> If you open the Monticello Browser from the world menu you'll see a
>> lot of Seaside-*, Javascript-*, Scriptaculous-*, RSS-* and JQuery-*
>> packages that make up Seaside. Everything that has no -Squeak- in the
>> package name should load directly into VW. Everything that has a
>> -Squeak- in the package name has to be reimplemented (only if you want
>> it of course). However most parts can probably be salvaged either from
>> the existing 2.8 port or the Squeak implementation.
> Good to know, thank =]
>> Cincom supports Seaside so it's probably best to talk to them.
> The main problem is that they will port (or made it avaible) Seaside 2.9 for
> the next realise (which will be in US summer), but now we need to work with
> Swazoo instead of Opentalk-Http (which does not support streaming responses
> quite well).
> But I'll try again to see if they can give me a workaround.
Ok, let's to for another round. The attached change set contains the
very latest code from yesterday evening. It has seen only very little
testing. It loads almost everything including both Comanche and Swazoo
because we only implemented Comet on Comanche.

However the Seaside Control Panel now seems to work. You'll find it in
the world menu under tools.


seaside mailing list
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seaside-2.9.0-alpha1.cs (11K) Download Attachment
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Re: ANN: Seaside 2.9a1 release

Lautaro Fernández

2008/11/18 Philippe Marschall <[hidden email]>
2008/11/17, Lautaro Fernández <[hidden email]>:
> 2008/11/15 Philippe Marschall <[hidden email]>
>> 2008/11/11, Lautaro Fernández <[hidden email]>:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > 2008/11/9 Julian Fitzell <[hidden email]>
>> >
>> >> [...]
>> >> A more complete list of change and new features can be found at
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> > That page (under Modularization) says the following:
>> >
>> > [...]
>> >
>> > It allows for smaller Seaside installations. For example you can have
>> >> Seaside without the tests or without Kom and use Swazoo 2 instead.
>> >
>> > [...]
>> >>
>> >
>> > This mean that just a few changes need to be made in order to get a
>> working
>> > Swazoo-Seaside server?
>> It means no changes need to be made. Swazoo 2.1 is supported out of
>> the box (well in theory at least, in practice it has only been tested
>> on Squeak).
>> > Could you tell me a place to see a how-to use this modularity in order
>> > to
>> > make the port of Swazoo to work with Seaside?
>> To get everything working in Squeak you need to:
>> - open an "empty" Squeak image doesn't have Seaside, Sport or Swazoo
>> loaded
>> - drag and drop the attached file over the Squeak window
>> - select "fileIn entire file"
>> - if a debugger opens telling you that instance variables start with a
>> lower case letter hit proceed
>> - when everything is done evaluate
>>  WASwazooAdaptor startOn: 8080
>> - go to
> All ran OK, except to save the image. The WASqueakPlatfrorm (class) does not
> understand the method "withName:withPriority:fork:", which is called from
> the CTPusher(classs)>>startUp. I commented that part and the where no more
> troubles anymore.

Right, I forgot to add Comet-Squeak-Core.

> About the first seaside-2-9-0a1.cs that Julian had attached, I keep getting
> an error if I tried to load it on a fresh Squeak 3.9 image.
> Internal Server Error
> MessageNotUnderstood: WAKom>>dispatchRequest:
> I'm loading it wrong? (this didn't happened to me on last Thursday)

Nope the script is wrong. It should load Seaside-Core-jf.320. It's
probably time to publish an alpha2 script.

>> If you open the Monticello Browser from the world menu you'll see a
>> lot of Seaside-*, Javascript-*, Scriptaculous-*, RSS-* and JQuery-*
>> packages that make up Seaside. Everything that has no -Squeak- in the
>> package name should load directly into VW. Everything that has a
>> -Squeak- in the package name has to be reimplemented (only if you want
>> it of course). However most parts can probably be salvaged either from
>> the existing 2.8 port or the Squeak implementation.
> Good to know, thank =]
>> Cincom supports Seaside so it's probably best to talk to them.
> The main problem is that they will port (or made it avaible) Seaside 2.9 for
> the next realise (which will be in US summer), but now we need to work with
> Swazoo instead of Opentalk-Http (which does not support streaming responses
> quite well).
> But I'll try again to see if they can give me a workaround.

Ok, let's to for another round. The attached change set contains the
very latest code from yesterday evening. It has seen only very little
testing. It loads almost everything including both Comanche and Swazoo
because we only implemented Comet on Comanche.

However the Seaside Control Panel now seems to work. You'll find it in
the world menu under tools.
Thanks, but again I have no success, the script is inconsistent with their errors..
(first try)
when is loading at some point the script gave me the following error:
ZipArchive(Object)>> 'can't find EOCD position'

(second try)
the same as the first...
ZipArchive(Object)>> 'file is too short'

I tried both in Squeak and also Pharo.

Lautaro Fernández


seaside mailing list
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Luke LAut SkyFernadezWalker

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Re: ANN: Seaside 2.9a1 release

It works for me on Pharo0.1Core-10156.

> I tried both in Squeak and also Pharo.

seaside mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: ANN: Seaside 2.9a1 release

Philippe Marschall
In reply to this post by Lautaro Fernández
2008/11/18, Lautaro Fernández <[hidden email]>:

> 2008/11/18 Philippe Marschall <[hidden email]>
>> 2008/11/17, Lautaro Fernández <[hidden email]>:
>> > 2008/11/15 Philippe Marschall <[hidden email]>
>> >
>> >> 2008/11/11, Lautaro Fernández <[hidden email]>:
>> >> > Hi,
>> >> >
>> >> > 2008/11/9 Julian Fitzell <[hidden email]>
>> >> >
>> >> >> [...]
>> >> >> A more complete list of change and new features can be found at
>> >> >>
>> >> >>
>> >> >
>> >> > That page (under Modularization) says the following:
>> >> >
>> >> > [...]
>> >> >
>> >> > It allows for smaller Seaside installations. For example you can have
>> >> >> Seaside without the tests or without Kom and use Swazoo 2 instead.
>> >> >
>> >> > [...]
>> >> >>
>> >> >
>> >> > This mean that just a few changes need to be made in order to get a
>> >> working
>> >> > Swazoo-Seaside server?
>> >>
>> >> It means no changes need to be made. Swazoo 2.1 is supported out of
>> >> the box (well in theory at least, in practice it has only been tested
>> >> on Squeak).
>> >>
>> >> > Could you tell me a place to see a how-to use this modularity in
>> >> > order
>> >> > to
>> >> > make the port of Swazoo to work with Seaside?
>> >>
>> >> To get everything working in Squeak you need to:
>> >> - open an "empty" Squeak image doesn't have Seaside, Sport or Swazoo
>> >> loaded
>> >> - drag and drop the attached file over the Squeak window
>> >> - select "fileIn entire file"
>> >> - if a debugger opens telling you that instance variables start with a
>> >> lower case letter hit proceed
>> >> - when everything is done evaluate
>> >>  WASwazooAdaptor startOn: 8080
>> >> - go to
>> >>
>> >
>> > All ran OK, except to save the image. The WASqueakPlatfrorm (class) does
>> not
>> > understand the method "withName:withPriority:fork:", which is called
>> > from
>> > the CTPusher(classs)>>startUp. I commented that part and the where no
>> more
>> > troubles anymore.
>> Right, I forgot to add Comet-Squeak-Core.
>> > About the first seaside-2-9-0a1.cs that Julian had attached, I keep
>> getting
>> > an error if I tried to load it on a fresh Squeak 3.9 image.
>> > Internal Server Error
>> > MessageNotUnderstood: WAKom>>dispatchRequest:
>> >
>> > I'm loading it wrong? (this didn't happened to me on last Thursday)
>> Nope the script is wrong. It should load Seaside-Core-jf.320. It's
>> probably time to publish an alpha2 script.
>> >> If you open the Monticello Browser from the world menu you'll see a
>> >> lot of Seaside-*, Javascript-*, Scriptaculous-*, RSS-* and JQuery-*
>> >> packages that make up Seaside. Everything that has no -Squeak- in the
>> >> package name should load directly into VW. Everything that has a
>> >> -Squeak- in the package name has to be reimplemented (only if you want
>> >> it of course). However most parts can probably be salvaged either from
>> >> the existing 2.8 port or the Squeak implementation.
>> >
>> >
>> > Good to know, thank =]
>> >
>> >
>> >> Cincom supports Seaside so it's probably best to talk to them.
>> >
>> >
>> > The main problem is that they will port (or made it avaible) Seaside 2.9
>> for
>> > the next realise (which will be in US summer), but now we need to work
>> with
>> > Swazoo instead of Opentalk-Http (which does not support streaming
>> responses
>> > quite well).
>> > But I'll try again to see if they can give me a workaround.
>> Ok, let's to for another round. The attached change set contains the
>> very latest code from yesterday evening. It has seen only very little
>> testing. It loads almost everything including both Comanche and Swazoo
>> because we only implemented Comet on Comanche.
>> However the Seaside Control Panel now seems to work. You'll find it in
>> the world menu under tools.
> Thanks, but again I have no success, the script is inconsistent with their
> errors..
> (first try)
> when is loading at some point the script gave me the following error:
> ZipArchive(Object)>> 'can't find EOCD position'
> (second try)
> the same as the first...
> ZipArchive(Object)>> 'file is too short'
> I tried both in Squeak and also Pharo.
That often happens when a file can't be downloaded. There should be a
folder named 'package-cache' in the directory of your image. Can you
delete it and try again.

If that fails again, can you:
- check if downloading works
- tell us what platform and VM you use


seaside mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: ANN: Seaside 2.9a1 release

Lautaro Fernández
In reply to this post by cedreek
2008/11/18 Cédrick Béler <[hidden email]>
It works for me on Pharo0.1Core-10156.

You are right, I've tried at work without success, but now in my home did ran very well.
Sorry for all the noise I've made.

Lautaro Fernández


> I tried both in Squeak and also Pharo.

seaside mailing list
[hidden email]

Luke LAut SkyFernadezWalker

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Re: Seaside 2.9a1 release

In reply to this post by Julian Fitzell-2
"Julian Fitzell" <[hidden email]> wrote in message

> We have tested the load scripts in the following images:
> * Squeak 3.9:
> * Pharo:

The load script runs fine and tests pass in these images. But I get
    MessageNotUnderstood: WAKom>>dispatchRequest:
when I browse localhost:8080/seaside. Tried on both the above images, on XP
and on Mac.

Any ideas what I might be doing wrong? I am interested in digging into and
helping a bit with jQuery.


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