[ANN] Squeak converted to Tonel fomat

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[ANN] Squeak converted to Tonel fomat

Edgar De Cleene
Steps I do
Download Squeak6.0alpha-19958-64bit.image from
Load TonelWriter.2.cs into and do Object new createSources in a Workspace
Open Terminal and do tar -czvf SqueakTonel.tar.gz SqueakTonel for have a
compressed file of 683 kb



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Re: [ANN] Squeak converted to Tonel fomat

Squeak - Dev mailing list

Works as advertised on 19941 Alpha too.

A word to the wary,  Beware of the "Tonel Bomb" in your image directory (:

Cool stuff, though.

---- On Mon, 12 Oct 2020 08:13:59 -0400 Edgar J. De Cleene <[hidden email]> wrote ----

Steps I do
Download Squeak6.0alpha-19958-64bit.image from
Load TonelWriter.2.cs into and do Object new createSources in a Workspace
Open Terminal and do tar -czvf SqueakTonel.tar.gz SqueakTonel for have a
compressed file of 683 kb



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Re: [ANN] Squeak converted to Tonel fomat

Jakob Reschke
In reply to this post by Edgar De Cleene

Am I blind or does the export only contain the class definitions, but not
the methods?

Could you commit the files without archiving them, please? Then one could
have a look at them on GitHub directly.

Kind regards,

Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Squeak-Dev-f45488.html

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Re: [ANN] Squeak converted to Tonel fomat

Edgar De Cleene
You are right.
Here the updated for Squeak

Test in Workspace with
|f |
f := FileStream newFileNamed: 'Object.st'.

f nextPutAll: (TonelWriter sourceCodeOf:   Object).
f close

> On 12 Oct 2020, at 16:19, Jakob Reschke <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Am I blind or does the export only contain the class definitions, but not
> the methods?
> Could you commit the files without archiving them, please? Then one could
> have a look at them on GitHub directly.
> Kind regards,
> Jakob
> --
> Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Squeak-Dev-f45488.html

TonelWriter.3.cs (184K) Download Attachment
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Re: [ANN] Squeak converted to Tonel fomat

Edgar De Cleene
In reply to this post by Jakob Reschke
I updated https://github.com/edgardec/SqueakTonel
Seems right now.
Remove the .tar for no bombs
But in  ancient times  Dan have some class of compressed sources ....

Next step is figure how to use WebClient for retrieving and
 https://github.com/ErikOnBike/CP-Bootstrap for see if I could create a


On 10/12/20, 4:19 PM, "Jakob Reschke" <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi,

Am I blind or does the export only contain the class definitions, but
> not
the methods?

Could you commit the files without archiving them, please?
> Then one could
have a look at them on GitHub directly.

Kind regards,

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Re: [ANN] Squeak converted to Tonel fomat

Squeak - Dev mailing list
Hi Edgar

First, thanks for this work; my comments on the bomb are a trifle.

Your .tar is not the issue.

Please do not waste time on what follows if you would rather focus on other things.

That said, here goes...

When we save a Workspace' conten to a file via the menu option/command, the file ends up in the 'root' directory of our image.

Similarly, when we run your Tonel message from a workspace, the output goes ther too.

Compare with Monticello, which puts its 'bombs' in pacjage-cache.

Again, do not waste time on this trifle, it is just a friendly FYI.


---- On Tue, 13 Oct 2020 06:02:22 -0400 [hidden email] wrote ----

I updated https://github.com/edgardec/SqueakTonel
Seems right now.
Remove the .tar for no bombs
But in ancient times Dan have some class of compressed sources ....

Next step is figure how to use WebClient for retrieving and
https://github.com/ErikOnBike/CP-Bootstrap for see if I could create a


On 10/12/20, 4:19 PM, "Jakob Reschke" <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi,

Am I blind or does the export only contain the class definitions, but
> not
the methods?

Could you commit the files without archiving them, please?
> Then one could
have a look at them on GitHub directly.

Kind regards,