I put, the
3.11 unofficial .
I decide to start from 3.9 and do all again only with .cs
The Packages that have been removed are:
Removed in 3.10
* Flash
* StarSqueak
* SmaCC
* Speech
* Movies
* FixUnderscores
* OB
* OmniBrowser
More removed Packages
* Tests
* SMLoader
* SMBase
* Sunit
* SUnitGUI
* ScriptLoader
* Universes
* Installer
* XML-Parser
* MorphicExtras-Demo
* Morphic-CandidatesForGo
* Nebraska
* EToys
I need take risk for going closer to MinimalMorphic, this image still have
Flaps and could load and save again his Projects and Morphs.
In fact, we are facing a trouble in 3.10 recently Jerome fix regarding to
saved SystemWindows change his font.
I happy to announce the original History morphs from 3.10 could load without
any troubles.
You should know is very alpha, I also use the Matthew and Keith unloadTraits
with few modifications I need for all works.
The things all do with Installer I do with CodeLoader, in the Squeak image
from 1999.
The only method I need change slightly was
"Install the previously loaded source files"
sourceFiles == nil ifTrue:[^self].
(sourceFiles endsWith: '.mcz') ifTrue:[sourceFiles do:[:req|
MczInstaller installStream: req contentStream.
sourceFiles do:[:req| self installSourceFile: req contentStream].
sourceFiles _ nil.
You could load updates hitting the load updates button from Squeak flag.
This updates was .cs versions of 3.10 updates until I reach the highest 3.10
I wish all kind of feedback , read you in #squeak of IRC.