[ANN] Updated FunSqueakCog

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[ANN] Updated FunSqueakCog

Edgar De Cleene
[ANN] Updated FunSqueakCog FunSqueakCog4.2-10936-alpha.zip is on his place on /Experiments into the ftp

What’s new

OSProcess and CommandShell, Fun with Music and More about Sound .
The last two was hand made watching 3.6 projects.

Know bugs.

Fonts inside MathMorph is ugly , fix as soon as possible.
Seems newer Cog VM have some different as older ones I have do not show the 100 % cpu use Herbert Koenig and Ken Brown reported.
I set Seaside , Aida and running on same image and was able to have good behavior on Mac and Windows, but with older VM as said.

I add some info about how I load projects and some links.

I wish to special thanks to Ken G. Brown to correct some text and many feeedback.

I fact I nominate he “Embajador” of FunSqueak to rest of Squeakers :=).

Remember, the image is alpha and my hope all have something into it.
Give me feedback and I try to improve in the next build.

Very thanks to all.
