Accessing display scaling in Windows OSes

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Accessing display scaling in Windows OSes

Stéphane Rollandin

Is there a way for the Squeak image to detect the scaling factor applied
to screen display by Windows?

For example, my daughter's small laptop on Windows 10 has a default 150%
scaling applied to all applications. Squeak does not behave too well in
that regard, it looks real fuzzy.

Also, 'Display extent' when in full-screen returns the actual OS screen
resolution, ignoring the display factor. This means that my Saucers game
for example thinks it has more real estate than what is really
available, and thus does not compose itself correctly.


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Re: Accessing display scaling in Windows OSes

Stéphane Rollandin
> Is there a way for the Squeak image to detect the scaling factor applied
> to screen display by Windows?

In fact I realize now that what I would like is a way to have Squeak
*ignore* that scaling factor at the level of the display itself, and
simply be informed of the factor value so that we can, if we wish,
change the font sizes accordingly.


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Re: Accessing display scaling in Windows OSes

Tobias Pape
In reply to this post by Stéphane Rollandin

> On 08.10.2020, at 09:57, Stéphane Rollandin <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hello,
> Is there a way for the Squeak image to detect the scaling factor applied to screen display by Windows?
> For example, my daughter's small laptop on Windows 10 has a default 150% scaling applied to all applications. Squeak does not behave too well in that regard, it looks real fuzzy.
> Also, 'Display extent' when in full-screen returns the actual OS screen resolution, ignoring the display factor. This means that my Saucers game for example thinks it has more real estate than what is really available, and thus does not compose itself correctly.

There's an experimental vm branch:
and some changesets that do this:

There's no pre-built vm at the moment, so if you need a VM please ask and someone can send you one :)

Note that this is all a bit untested, feel free to experiment around.

Best regards

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Re: Accessing display scaling in Windows OSes

In reply to this post by Stéphane Rollandin
Hi Stéphane.

Tobias is working on this:

The manual way works like this on windows:
1. Disable scaling for the Squeak application via .manifest and/or (?) manual override on squeak.exe.
2. In Squeak click on Extras > Themes & Colors > Set High-DPI Mode


Am 08.10.2020 09:58:02 schrieb Stéphane Rollandin <[hidden email]>:


Is there a way for the Squeak image to detect the scaling factor applied
to screen display by Windows?

For example, my daughter's small laptop on Windows 10 has a default 150%
scaling applied to all applications. Squeak does not behave too well in
that regard, it looks real fuzzy.

Also, 'Display extent' when in full-screen returns the actual OS screen
resolution, ignoring the display factor. This means that my Saucers game
for example thinks it has more real estate than what is really
available, and thus does not compose itself correctly.


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Re: Accessing display scaling in Windows OSes

Stéphane Rollandin
In reply to this post by Tobias Pape
> There's an experimental vm branch:
> and some changesets that do this:

Ah, ok, thanks. I never groked that this was what High-DPI is about :)

> There's no pre-built vm at the moment, so if you need a VM please ask and someone can send you one :)
> Note that this is all a bit untested, feel free to experiment around.

Well, then I am hereby formally and kindly asking for such a VM - I'll
sure do some experimenting.

