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Edgar De Cleene

Podran encontrar la ultima version actualizada de mi leve desviación de la
version actual de Squeak.

Dentro de la imagen hay algo de documentación y cuando pueda incluire algo
en la vuelta larga (, que por el momento apunta a una imagen
vieja con Aida/Scribo.

Disfruten el frio (14 C aca y ahora) mientras dure

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Re: AidaSqueakRos4dot4.12018

Angel Java Lopez
Hola gente!

Edgar, gracias por la imagen!

Te confirmo que la pude descargar, y la lanze con un Squek que tengo en
esta maquina
C:\Software\Squeak 4.1\squeak4.0.2.exe
Squeak3.10.2 of 11 February 2010 [latest update: #9314]
Win32 built on Apr  3 2010 09:58:38 Compiler: 2.95.2 19991024 (release)

Levanto bien:
[image: Inline image 1]

Y anduvo el site!

Nos leemos!

Angel "Java" Lopez

2012/11/11 Edgar J. De Cleene <[hidden email]>

> **
> Aqui
> Podran encontrar la ultima version actualizada de mi leve desviación de la
> version actual de Squeak.
> Dentro de la imagen hay algo de documentación y cuando pueda incluire algo
> en la vuelta larga (, que por el momento apunta a una
> imagen vieja con Aida/Scribo.
> Disfruten el frio (14 C aca y ahora) mientras dure
> Edgar

aidademo01.png (108K) Download Attachment
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Re: AidaSqueakRos4dot4.12018

Edgar De Cleene
> Hola gente!
> Edgar, gracias por la imagen!
> Te confirmo que la pude descargar, y la lanze con un Squek que tengo en esta
> maquina
> C:\Software\Squeak 4.1\squeak4.0.2.exe
> Squeak3.10.2 of 11 February 2010 [latest update: #9314]
> Win32 built on Apr  3 2010 09:58:38 Compiler: 2.95.2 19991024 (release)

Estoy tratando de hacer andar dentro de Aida,
Intento entender a Herbert König de la lista de Aida.
El me recomendo leer, ya lo descargue

Copio aca su mail

>> Hi folks,
>> just a short report for those who need to do vector graphics in AIDA:
>> I need to generate CAD like printouts like in profiles.png. Before I
>> used the Protochart JS graphics Library (in the incarnation of
>> AIDAcharts) but Protochart is discontinued. So I tried Raphael
>> and I'm quite happy with it.
>> Necessary steps:
>> -You need WebStyle>>ensureJavascriptForRaphaelInHeader
>>      | page url headerValue |
>>      page := self app context page.
>>      url := '/raphael-min.js'. "which is a file in /static"
>>      headerValue := ' src="', url, '" language="JavaScript"
>> type="text/javascript"'.
>>      (page headers contains: [:each | each key = 'script' and: [each
>> value = headerValue] ]) ifFalse:
>>          [page addHeader: 'script' value: headerValue].
>> -My class for using Raphael is WebGraphics which in its initialize needs
>> to send:
>> myStyle ensureJavascriptForRaphaelInHeader.
>> -Then WebGraphics>>printHTMLPageOn: aStream for: aRequest on: aSession
>> can start issuing JavaScript containing Raphael commands.
>> Raphael is easy to use, well documented and there is an independent
>> tutorial at:
>> If I had read that earlier, I'd have done a few things different.
>> Raphael also seems to be used widely.
>> As a replacement for Protochart's charting capabilities there is
>> from the same author which even comes in
>> modules. Other than Protochart Raphael has nice animation capabilities,
>> the site has some examples.
>> I have written only the Smalltalk bindings mentioned because my kind of
>> grapics is quite computational expensive and will be used frequently in
>> my app. Smalltalk only creates some JSON from my model which are the
>> coordinates of the closed polygons (cross sections) shown in the
>> attached png. For example offsetting the vertical lines to keep the
>> texts from overlapping is an iterative process. Sending all the JS and
>> data takes 300ms (everything running on an old Laptop), Firefox needs
>> another second to build up the graph.
>> The other point against Smalltalk wrappers is that building this kind of
>> graphics is just a long sequence of:
>> plot this, plot that, place that text there..... with only very few
>> natural functions like coordinate transformations. The other functions
>> are arbitrary selections to structure the source and usually are only
>> called once. I keep them in jsXXXmethods in Smalltalk to use the
>> Smalltalk versioning but in production I concatenate them put them
>> through jsmin and have them served by the static server.
>> And I need to learn some JS anyway :-))
>> Anyone interested can have a fileout of my WebGraphics class to use as
>> an example or ask me directly or here.
>> Cheers,
>> Herbert
