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All code

Bert Freudenberg
Possibly, this is interesting for some who do not subscribe to the beginners list ...

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Bert Freudenberg <[hidden email]>
> Date: 28. Mai 2010 00:43:06 MESZ
> To: "A friendly place to get answers to even the most basic questions about Squeak." <[hidden email]>
> Subject: Re: [Newbies] How do I diff two images?
> Reply-To: "A friendly place to get answers to even the most basic questions about Squeak." <[hidden email]>
> On 27.05.2010, at 16:34, Clinton Blackmore wrote:
>> I have heard of Monticello.  (I may need to re-read the chapter on it in Squeak By Example).  I've used other version control systems, and understand how to use them, but I don't know of any that let you diff source trees that aren't in the same version control system, so I have no reason to expect that Monticello would do that, either.
> You could make a single Monticello package with all code in an image, save that, and compare it to the same package in another image. E.g., install the attached file and save the "All" package, you get an MCZ of about 10 MB.
> Also, having that allows fun queries:
> (PackageInfo named: 'All') linesOfCode
> - Bert - (1K) Download Attachment