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Re: All-in-ones

On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 4:10 PM, Ken G. Brown <[hidden email]> wrote:

I think the best way to do the story straight is to keep the releases separate. I really find distasteful the idea of a bunch of big files hidden in a Mac .app package in the interest of all-in-one, especially if it is Windows stuff.
I think if someone wants to easily be able to copy their stuff back and forth between platforms, it should be easy to throw a couple of separate platform downloads into a folder and subsequently move that folder.

Along that line, I have recently (last 2 months) begun to completely re-assemble the structure of the programs once I've installed the all-in-ones onto windows, usually throwing away the non-windows parts and then removing most (or all) of the directory structures.  It became tedious to keep opening folder after folder to get to the image.

I'm starting to use Linux for this (maybe tomorrow) - so i have no idea if I'll wind up doing the same there or not.  And, yes, I'll start swapping between machines, so I don't know if I'd like an all-in-one at that point, or another way of handling it.  I'll see.

-Chris (another one) 

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Re: All-in-ones

Stephan Eggermont-3
In reply to this post by Frank Shearar-3
Ken wrote:
>I say completely scrap the idea of an all-in-one download for releases.
>The three times bigger download size and added complexity of building the all-in-one isn't worth any effort IMHO for the three people somehwere that might want to run on more than one platform. >Any interested parties are certain to be able to easily pick their appropriate platform download.

I'm pretty sure there are lots of people using multiple platforms. Developing on mac, deploying on linux is pretty
common, as well as developing on linux, deploying on windows. I have also done numerous workshops where
participants used all kind of machines. On FOSDEM it didn't work that good as there tend to be several more
rare distributions.
