Hi all!
The VM 202004292351 (cog.spur 64-bit) triggers an interesting system crash on my Surface Pro 6 while having a Skype video call. At that time, the VM process uses about 11-12 GiB of memory.
I have two questions:
1. Why does primitive 254 fail when setting VM parameter 67 in 32-bit to 1688449936? It works on 64-bit. 1.6 GiB memory is not that much.
2. Is it really necessary to stress the system that much in AllocationTest >> #testOutOfMemorySignal ? It tries to allocate 1 terabyte of memory.
I know that the system crash is not the VM's fault. But it is mildly annoying. ;-)
P.S.: FYI, the system crashes with a blue screen because VIDEO_SCHEDULER_INTERNAL_ERROR