Altitude - ALReflectCoreAjax

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Altitude - ALReflectCoreAjax

Chris Cunnington

I modified Frank's code that takes a sender and produces JSON and made
it an Ajax. You enter a selector in the form, press return, and see all
the senders formatted with HTML in the browser.

Load into an image with Altitude installed and then:

server := ALServer on: 8624 application: ALExampleApplication new.
server start.


Go to 'reflect core ajax' in the menu and there it is. It works pretty
much. If your interested you can read my further notes below. Feedback
would be helpful if you have a moment.


1. The app renders some kruft initially. Just enter a selector (i.e.
#today, #date, #dateAndTime, #yesterday) and it produces the output.

2. It works best on Chrome. Or something. I find switching around
browsers with a single image running doesn't work out so well.

3. ALReflectCoreAjax as a package contains all of ALExampleApplication.
Context matters in some way with Altitude I haven't grasped yet. I tried
creating a form app separate from the example bundle and had strange
things happen. The values of the input tag attributes (type, value,
name) would render on the page in front of the form. I'm not certain how
to create a proper context for an Altitude form app yet. So I just
installed ReflectCoreAjax inside the existing examples. If no dynamic
url tokens are being generated when a link is hit, something is wrong.
I'm just not sure what.