Altitude - Hello World #2

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Altitude - Hello World #2

Chris Cunnington

This one is a little better, as it creates a canvas.
But it's still pretty raw.


ALHelloWorld>>handleRequest: aRequest

      | html |
      html := ALHtml5Canvas on: (String new writing).
      html p: 'Hello World'.
      ^ ALResponse status: 200 reason: 'OK' body: (ALEntity html: (html
stream contents))

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Re: Altitude - Hello World #2

Colin Putney-3
On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 8:06 AM, Chris Cunnington
<[hidden email]> wrote:
> This one is a little better, as it creates a canvas.
> But it's still pretty raw.

I just uploaded an Altitude implementation of the classic Seaside
counter application. It in the new AL-Examples package in the
repository at

Run it like this:

    server := ALServer on: 8624 application: ALCounterApplication new.
    server start.
    server stop.