Animation question

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Animation question

Christine Murakami

Is there a way to run an animation once, and stop after one cycle of holder cursors and not have it continually run?






Christine Murakami

Upper School Technology Integration Specialist

Columbus School for Girls

56 S. Columbia Avenue

Columbus, OH  43209


For Girls. For Excellence. For the Future.


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Re: Animation question

Karl Ramberg
In a setup script that is _not_ ticking:
Set a variable to 1.
Start animation script ticking.

Animation script:
Test if the variable is equal to the holder count + 1. (we need to be one larger to be able to show last holder item)
If 'yes' pause animation script.
If 'no' display the player at cursor variable and increase the variable by 1.


On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 5:13 PM, Christine Murakami <[hidden email]> wrote:

Is there a way to run an animation once, and stop after one cycle of holder cursors and not have it continually run?






Christine Murakami

Upper School Technology Integration Specialist

Columbus School for Girls

56 S. Columbia Avenue

Columbus, OH  43209
<a href="tel:614.453.4538" value="+16144534538" target="_blank">614.453.4538


For Girls. For Excellence. For the Future.


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Re: Animation question

Christine Murakami

Thanks! Makes sense! As always, I appreciate the response.




From: karl ramberg [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2012 3:57 AM
To: Christine Murakami
Cc: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: [squeakland] Animation question


In a setup script that is _not_ ticking:

Set a variable to 1.

Start animation script ticking.


Animation script:

Test if the variable is equal to the holder count + 1. (we need to be one larger to be able to show last holder item)

If 'yes' pause animation script.

If 'no' display the player at cursor variable and increase the variable by 1.






On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 5:13 PM, Christine Murakami <[hidden email]> wrote:

Is there a way to run an animation once, and stop after one cycle of holder cursors and not have it continually run?






Christine Murakami

Upper School Technology Integration Specialist

Columbus School for Girls

56 S. Columbia Avenue

Columbus, OH  43209
<a href="tel:614.453.4538" target="_blank">614.453.4538


For Girls. For Excellence. For the Future.


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