Animations and sprites in squeak

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Animations and sprites in squeak

Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
Hi all,

I'm thinking in making some kind of RPG game, just for fun in Squeak,
with the same feeling of The Flight of the Amazon Queen[1] and the same
visual appareance [2]. I think that this can be made with sprites and
animations in Squeak. So here come my questions

1. How can I indicate the place of a sprite in a animation? I'm thinking
in three kinds of sprites: the first plane for bigger objects closer to
the screen, a second plane sprite, where characters are located, and a
perspective sprite for depth and distant objects.

2. How can I trace invisible trajectories in a scene? (making that
animated characters come and go in the scenary).

3. I would like to make that the characters would have some kind of
dialogs between them and putting the possible phrases on a flap seems a
nice alternative, but when I drop text on a flap I get a representation
of that text (smaller, with a name, etc) and not only the text. There is
a way to make it?

Any pointer about these items?



Ps: Recently I wrote a mail asking about accented characters and
hypertext on a Bookmorph and I get no answer. I know it not your
obligation but I was wondering if I'm making the questions in an
improper way or place.


[1] The Flight of the Amazon Queen:
[2] Screeshots:
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