Hi all,
I'm thinking in making some kind of RPG game, just for fun in Squeak,
with the same feeling of The Flight of the Amazon Queen[1] and the same
visual appareance [2]. I think that this can be made with sprites and
animations in Squeak. So here come my questions
1. How can I indicate the place of a sprite in a animation? I'm thinking
in three kinds of sprites: the first plane for bigger objects closer to
the screen, a second plane sprite, where characters are located, and a
perspective sprite for depth and distant objects.
2. How can I trace invisible trajectories in a scene? (making that
animated characters come and go in the scenary).
3. I would like to make that the characters would have some kind of
dialogs between them and putting the possible phrases on a flap seems a
nice alternative, but when I drop text on a flap I get a representation
of that text (smaller, with a name, etc) and not only the text. There is
a way to make it?
Any pointer about these items?
Ps: Recently I wrote a mail asking about accented characters and
hypertext on a Bookmorph and I get no answer. I know it not your
obligation but I was wondering if I'm making the questions in an
improper way or place.
[1] The Flight of the Amazon Queen:
http://www.unet.univie.ac.at/~a0200586/videogames/fotaq/[2] Screeshots:
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