[Ann] SquickReferenceGuide: a Squeak Quick Reference Guide

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[Ann] SquickReferenceGuide: a Squeak Quick Reference Guide

Hi all,
I have been studying/playing around with HelpSystem and assembled the first
topics of SquickReferenceGuide to appear inside Help Browser.
(NOTE: Squick not Squeak, it is not a typo !-)

Please find it as a change set in attachment.
It would be great to have these artifacts (Tutorial, QRG ...) in a
separate repository
where everybody could contribute...then from time to time (or
automatically) they can be
merged in a corresponding version in Trunk


PS: I noticed that subtrees are added after all pages while I would like
to have them intermixed, i.e. I wanted 'FAQ' subtree before 'changeLog'.
For example SquickReferenceGuideHelp>>pages would then be coded:

        "Returns a collection of method selectors to return the pages of the
custom help book"

        ^#(mouse shortcuts SquickReferenceGuideFAQHelp changeLog todo acknowledgments)

I tried to to change the logic in as follows:

CustomHelpHelpBuilder>>createTopicFrom: aDescription
        "Create a topic from a description stored on a class"
        |topic page |
        topic := HelpTopic named: aDescription bookName.
        topic key: aDescription key.
        topic icon: aDescription icon.
        aDescription pages do: [:pageSelector|
                (aDescription subclasses contains: pageSelector asString)
                        ifFalse: [page := aDescription perform: pageSelector.
                                        topic addSubtopic: page.]
                        ifTrue: [topic subtopics add: pageSelector asString asHelpTopic].
        (aDescription subclasses removeAllFoundIn: (aDescription pages
collect: [:p| p asString])) do: [:subclass |
                topic subtopics add: subclass asHelpTopic ].

but when I instantiate a new Help Browser I get a dialog with

   Error: Help for the help system is removed

so I reverted it back (lack of time) and it is not in the change set attached.
Nevertheless I would be interested in the feature if somebody else
find it useful and
the time to implement it.

Hope it helps
Enrico Spinielli
"Do Androids dream of electric sheep?"— Philip K. Dick
"Hear and forget; see and remember;do and understand."—Mitchel Resnick

SquickReferenceGuide.1.cs (6K) Download Attachment
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Re: [Ann] SquickReferenceGuide: a Squeak Quick Reference Guide

Hi all,
I create a read/write package in Squeak Source [1].
Feel free and enthusiastic to contribute.


[1] SquickReferenceGuide, http://www.squeaksource.com/SquickReferenceGuide.html

On Sat, Aug 14, 2010 at 18:28, Enrico Spinielli
<[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have been studying/playing around with HelpSystem and assembled the first
> topics of SquickReferenceGuide to appear inside Help Browser.
> (NOTE: Squick not Squeak, it is not a typo !-)
> Please find it as a change set in attachment.
> It would be great to have these artifacts (Tutorial, QRG ...) in a
> separate repository
> where everybody could contribute...then from time to time (or
> automatically) they can be
> merged in a corresponding version in Trunk
> Bye
> Enrico
> PS: I noticed that subtrees are added after all pages while I would like
> to have them intermixed, i.e. I wanted 'FAQ' subtree before 'changeLog'.
> For example SquickReferenceGuideHelp>>pages would then be coded:
> SquickReferenceGuideHelp>>pages
>        "Returns a collection of method selectors to return the pages of the
> custom help book"
>        ^#(mouse shortcuts SquickReferenceGuideFAQHelp changeLog todo acknowledgments)
> I tried to to change the logic in as follows:
> CustomHelpHelpBuilder>>createTopicFrom: aDescription
>        "Create a topic from a description stored on a class"
>        |topic page |
>        topic := HelpTopic named: aDescription bookName.
>        topic key: aDescription key.
>        topic icon: aDescription icon.
>        aDescription pages do: [:pageSelector|
>                (aDescription subclasses contains: pageSelector asString)
>                        ifFalse: [page := aDescription perform: pageSelector.
>                                        topic addSubtopic: page.]
>                        ifTrue: [topic subtopics add: pageSelector asString asHelpTopic].
>        ].
>        (aDescription subclasses removeAllFoundIn: (aDescription pages
> collect: [:p| p asString])) do: [:subclass |
>                topic subtopics add: subclass asHelpTopic ].
>        ^topic
> but when I instantiate a new Help Browser I get a dialog with
>   Error: Help for the help system is removed
> so I reverted it back (lack of time) and it is not in the change set attached.
> Nevertheless I would be interested in the feature if somebody else
> find it useful and
> the time to implement it.
> Hope it helps
> Bye
> --
> Enrico Spinielli
> "Do Androids dream of electric sheep?"— Philip K. Dick
> "Hear and forget; see and remember;do and understand."—Mitchel Resnick

Enrico Spinielli
"Do Androids dream of electric sheep?"— Philip K. Dick
"Hear and forget; see and remember;do and understand."—Mitchel Resnick