Announcing JSqueak 2013 ALPHA

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Announcing JSqueak 2013 ALPHA

Giovanni Giorgi-5
Hi Squeakers!
It has passed a long time from my last "squeakie" on this
list :)
In this week I have started to work to on 2008's JSqueak source base.

JSqueak is a Java implementation of the Squeak Smalltalk virtual
machine first born in 2008 by Dan Ingalls.

You can take a peek look here to my fork:
Original announce

Please be patient because the code is still alpha quality and
unfinished. Every bug fix/unit test in the form of a Git Pull Request is
very appreciated :)

Give me your feedback!
Giovanni Giorgi

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Re: Announcing JSqueak 2013 ALPHA

Stefan Marr-3
Hi Giovanni:

On 06 Dec 2013, at 22:03, Giovanni Giorgi <[hidden email]> wrote:

> JSqueak is a Java implementation of the Squeak Smalltalk virtual machine first born in 2008 by Dan Ingalls.
> You can take a peek look here to my fork:
> Original announce

Have you seen Potato?

Might be relevant for you. If I remember correctly, they improved JSqueak in a couple of places.

Best regards

Stefan Marr
Software Languages Lab
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Pleinlaan 2 / B-1050 Brussels / Belgium
Phone: +32 2 629 2974
Fax:   +32 2 629 3525

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Seaside and/or SqueakSource question

David T. Lewis
I have been trying to figure out why our server
displays the header "Squeak Development" at the top of the page, when
instead it is supposed to be "SqueakSource". I don't know a lot about
Seaside and web development, so maybe someone can point me to the obvious.

In this case the SqueakSource repository seems to be configured right,
and the actual html being sent to my browser looks right also. The header
section has has a title of "SqueakSource" exactly as expected:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
 <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/@jhHhM7Zj_WTuhGPs"></link>
 <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="SqueakSource" href=""></link>
 <link rel="shortcut icon" href=""></link>
 <meta name="verify-v1" content="8GYvoqpWAQKRrqNkRtl24Eo/Phco14ibjhO4kDDXgDo="></meta>

Somehow this ends up being displayed as "Squeak Development" on the title bar.
I am guessing that this might be somehow related to the CSS style sheet, but
I don't know where that comes from. Can someone point me in the right direction?


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Re: Announcing JSqueak 2013 ALPHA

Giovanni Giorgi-5
In reply to this post by Stefan Marr-3
Hi, my JSqueak fork is heavly based on potato (see full readme on github)

Inviato da iPhone

Il giorno 08/dic/2013, alle ore 21:37, Stefan Marr <[hidden email]> ha scritto:

> Hi Giovanni:
> On 06 Dec 2013, at 22:03, Giovanni Giorgi <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> JSqueak is a Java implementation of the Squeak Smalltalk virtual machine first born in 2008 by Dan Ingalls.
>> You can take a peek look here to my fork:
>> Original announce
> Have you seen Potato?
> Might be relevant for you. If I remember correctly, they improved JSqueak in a couple of places.
> Best regards
> Stefan
> --
> Stefan Marr
> Software Languages Lab
> Vrije Universiteit Brussel
> Pleinlaan 2 / B-1050 Brussels / Belgium
> Phone: +32 2 629 2974
> Fax:   +32 2 629 3525

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Re: Seaside and/or SqueakSource question

Balázs Kósi-2
In reply to this post by David T. Lewis
Hi Dave,

The thing ultimately responsible for displaying "Squeak Development" at the top of the squeaksource page is the SSGenericFrame's class instance variable named Logo, and you can change it with SSGenericFrame >> makeLogo:

I've discovered this via the following steps:

Opened up with chrome, right-clicked on "Squeak Development" and selected "Inspect Element" from the context menu.

It shows that the responsible part for displaying "Squeak Development" in the html is the <div id="top">...</div> tag, and that
it has a background css property associated via its id: #top { ... background: url("/@k9MDSLXvXkJLBWh5") ... }

I've loaded SqueakSource-bf.1066 into an image, and looked for the string '#top'. This popped up the SSGenericFrame >> renderStyleTopOn: method. I've followed through the message sends, and finally arrived at the Logo class instance variable.


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Re: Seaside and/or SqueakSource question

David T. Lewis
On Mon, Dec 09, 2013 at 01:59:06PM +0100, Bal??zs K??si wrote:
> Hi Dave,
> The thing ultimately responsible for displaying "Squeak Development" at the
> top of the squeaksource page is the SSGenericFrame's class instance
> variable named Logo, and you can change it with SSGenericFrame >> makeLogo:

Thank you very much!


> I've discovered this via the following steps:
> Opened up with chrome, right-clicked on "Squeak
> Development" and selected "Inspect Element" from the context menu.
> It shows that the responsible part for displaying "Squeak Development" in
> the html is the <div id="top">...</div> tag, and that
> it has a background css property associated via its id: #top { ...
> background: url("/@k9MDSLXvXkJLBWh5") ... }
> I've loaded SqueakSource-bf.1066 into an image, and looked for the string
> '#top'. This popped up the SSGenericFrame >> renderStyleTopOn: method. I've
> followed through the message sends, and finally arrived at the Logo class
> instance variable.
> HTH,
> Balazs


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Re: Seaside and/or SqueakSource question

David T. Lewis
In reply to this post by Balázs Kósi-2
On Mon, Dec 09, 2013 at 01:59:06PM +0100, Bal??zs K??si wrote:

> Hi Dave,
> The thing ultimately responsible for displaying "Squeak Development" at the
> top of the squeaksource page is the SSGenericFrame's class instance
> variable named Logo, and you can change it with SSGenericFrame >> makeLogo:
> I've discovered this via the following steps:
> Opened up with chrome, right-clicked on "Squeak
> Development" and selected "Inspect Element" from the context menu.
> It shows that the responsible part for displaying "Squeak Development" in
> the html is the <div id="top">...</div> tag, and that
> it has a background css property associated via its id: #top { ...
> background: url("/@k9MDSLXvXkJLBWh5") ... }
> I've loaded SqueakSource-bf.1066 into an image, and looked for the string
> '#top'. This popped up the SSGenericFrame >> renderStyleTopOn: method. I've
> followed through the message sends, and finally arrived at the Logo class
> instance variable.

Hi Bal??zs,

Brilliant! Thank you. I feel like I'm debugging in a hall of mirrors, but
I think you have pointed me in the right direction.

I looks like the Logo class instance variable contains a cached MIMEDocument
that was created from a JPEG file that someone made with the "SqueakSource"
text and a nice blue graphic background. I do not have the original file, but
it looks like I can recreate it from the data stored in the MIMEDocument.

I will see if I can extract this graphic and use it to update the image on
the server.

Much appreciated,

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Re: Seaside and/or SqueakSource question

Balázs Kósi-2
Hi Dave,

It seems that the original squeaksource logo is stored in the code in SSFrame class >> formLogo, and it is loaded in the class side initialize method.

Maybe it's enough to evaluate "SSFrame initialize" in the squeaksource server image to get back to the original logo.


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Re: Seaside and/or SqueakSource question

David T. Lewis
On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 08:31:20AM +0100, Bal??zs K??si wrote:
> Hi Dave,
> It seems that the original squeaksource logo is stored in the code in
> SSFrame class >> formLogo, and it is loaded in the class side initialize
> method.
> Maybe it's enough to evaluate "SSFrame initialize" in the squeaksource
> server image to get back to the original logo.

Hi Bal??zs,

Thanks for this, I had not seen the #formLogo method.

I was able to correct the logo on the site last night
by exporting the logo from the original squeaksource image, then using
it to initialize our current image on the server.

It may be that the SqueakSource source code should be updated to
capture the two different header logos. I cannot check this right now
but I will follow up on it later.

For the record in case others are following this, I am attaching a
copy of the logo image (SSPageHeaderBytes.jpg) as well as the workspace
(Update the header logo.text) that I used to update the running image
last night. I created SSPageHeaderBytes.jpg file by writing out the
contents of the logo from the old (SCG) image.

Thanks again for your help!


SSPageHeaderBytes.jpg (19K) Download Attachment
Update the header logo.text (750 bytes) Download Attachment
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JSqueak 2013 Red Bean / Java Interop just here

Giovanni Giorgi-5
In reply to this post by Giovanni Giorgi-5
Hi Squeakers!
I am very happy to announce availability of J(ava)Squeak 0.3
at GitHub

This version spot java inteorperability.
At the time of writing you can pass easily String, Integers and java object back and forward between Squeak and Java.

Please give me your feedback and...
happy hacking!

Giovanni Giorgi