Any Croqueteers going to Educonn this summer & want to co-present?

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Any Croqueteers going to Educonn this summer & want to co-present?

I have a spot at Educonn (June 18th & 19th in Las Vegas) with the Smarttech
corporation and will be doing a demo of Croquet on their Smartboard but was
wondering (since Educonn is geared more toward Higher Ed.) if anyone from the
college ranks (I am more of a K-12 specialist) would be willing to co-present
and discuss the fundamental architecture of Croquet - some of its deeper
possibilities - discuss the Cobalt project & direction - then I would do the
Croquet on a smartboard tips and tricks piece?

If anyone is interested just drop me a line ([hidden email]) and Ill
send you more details.
