Applications Suite

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Applications Suite

Kirk Fraser
Since Squeak now has a fast virtual machine, how can one get developers moving to build a full applications suite to obsolete Microsoft, making it unnecessary for any computer user to leave Smalltalk as in the early vision?  A team converting open source C projects like Google Chrome and Open Office would be a start.  
Rant: Over the years I've experienced Microsoft's wrath many times. Starting with the PC Jr, when trying to upgrade it's memory, MS started deleting files.  The full experience came with Windows Vista where turning off updates caused many serious errors.  I even tried Ubuntu then but coped by keeping the Vista CD in the drive so it would always know it was legal. Microsoft's insidious nature didn't really get my attention until I moved and changing peripherals caused MS to ask for the CD for MS Word, which I can't locate.  It quickly decided to not only block further use of MS Word but also disabled the print spooler so no other editor can print.  Seeing a similar pattern on a computer I was using as a webpage server (so I chose no updates to keep it running continuously), it appears Microsoft again supplied a virus or malware to require updates by slowly degrading the video.  All that past experience and more didn't gel for me until I thought about it.  Anyone wanting a reliable computer must migrate away from Microsoft.
I found Ubuntu has part of the same problem, with frequent updates causing errors that weren't there before the update.  So I'm thinking what computer users really need for every program is readable source code that works which they can update if they choose.  The original Smalltalk dream can make it happen.  When Squeak can do everything from formatting disks to distant control of a webserver, we can finally say goodbye to the operating system.

Kirk W. Fraser - Replace the fraud churches with the true church. - Fix America by first fixing its Christian foundation. - Example of False Justice common in America

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