Stephane said that the biggest problem he had with Monticello was that
loading a package was not atomic. It compiles methods one at a time, and sometimes you need to load an entire package at once, because loading half a package might break the compiler or some part of the system that the package system depends on. I decided to take a look at Monticello, because I've built other tools that had to solve this problem. I have attached a first attempt at a solution. This change makes loading a package atomic, but not unloading it. I will create a similar solution for unloading if people like this. I did not test it on any packages that require atomic loading because I don't have any packages like that. However, it does run the Monticello tests, and I tested it on a couple of other packages. The tests only pass if you load the Make39Green.cs patch. I don't know why, but I will figure it out some other time. I am going to give a description of what I did. Feel free to ignore everything after this, but to just try out the code. If you discover a package that does not load properly, please let me know. I particularly want to know how this works on packages that couldn't load before. The Monticello code is fairly easy to read in spite of lacking comments. Class comments in particular would be useful. There is a large test suite that did a good job of pointing out my errors. The key method is the basicLoad method in class MCPackageLoader. The original version is basicLoad errorDefinitions := OrderedCollection new. [[additions do: [:ea | self tryToLoad: ea] displayingProgress: 'Loading...'. removals do: [:ea | ea unload] displayingProgress: 'Cleaning up...'. self shouldWarnAboutErrors ifTrue: [self warnAboutErrors]. errorDefinitions do: [:ea | ea loadOver: (self obsoletionFor: ea)] displayingProgress: 'Reloading...'. additions do: [:ea | ea postloadOver: (self obsoletionFor: ea)] displayingProgress: 'Initializing...'] on: InMidstOfFileinNotification do: [:n | n resume: true]] ensure: [self flushChangesFile] The problem with this is that classes and methods are loaded by the tryToLoad: method, one at a time. In fact, they are also added by the loadOver: method a little later. I think that an errorDefinition is a method that started out in additions but couldn't compile, so the PackageLoader will wait until all the classes are defined and then try to compile it again. tryToLoad: wraps loadOver: in an exception handler and, if anything goes wrong, puts the offending method definition in errorDefinitions. loadOver: calls a method in ClassDescription to compile the method, and then calls the following method to insert the method in the class. addAndClassifySelector: selector withMethod: compiledMethod inProtocol: category notifying: requestor | priorMethodOrNil | priorMethodOrNil _ self compiledMethodAt: selector ifAbsent: [nil]. self addSelectorSilently: selector withMethod: compiledMethod. SystemChangeNotifier uniqueInstance doSilently: [self organization classify: selector under: category]. priorMethodOrNil isNil ifTrue: [SystemChangeNotifier uniqueInstance methodAdded: compiledMethod selector: selector inProtocol: category class: self requestor: requestor] ifFalse: [SystemChangeNotifier uniqueInstance methodChangedFrom: priorMethodOrNil to: compiledMethod selector: selector inClass: self requestor: requestor]. Note that addSelectorSilently:withMethod: finally inserts the method into the class. This is the step that must be avoided. So, I changed this method to leave out this message, and instead returned the compiled method. The new method is MCaddAndClassifySelector: selector withMethod: compiledMethod inProtocol: category notifying: requestor | priorMethodOrNil | priorMethodOrNil _ self compiledMethodAt: selector ifAbsent: [nil]. SystemChangeNotifier uniqueInstance doSilently: [self organization classify: selector under: category]. priorMethodOrNil isNil ifTrue: [SystemChangeNotifier uniqueInstance methodAdded: compiledMethod selector: selector inProtocol: category class: self requestor: requestor] ifFalse: [SystemChangeNotifier uniqueInstance methodChangedFrom: priorMethodOrNil to: compiledMethod selector: selector inClass: self requestor: requestor]. Note that the new method tells the SystemChangeNotifier that a method was added but doesn't actually add it until later. I hope this doesn't cause a problem! An alternative would be to first insert the methods and then to notify the SystemChangeNotifier, but to do it all at the end of basicLoad. I changed the method that calls it to return the compiled method. MCcompile: text classified: category withStamp: changeStamp notifying: requestor logSource: logSource "Note that I return methodAndNode, while the old version returned a selector" | methodAndNode | methodAndNode := self compile: text asString classified: category notifying: requestor trailer: self defaultMethodTrailer ifFail: [^nil]. logSource ifTrue: [ self logMethodSource: text forMethodWithNode: methodAndNode inCategory: category withStamp: changeStamp notifying: requestor. ]. self MCaddAndClassifySelector: methodAndNode selector withMethod: methodAndNode method inProtocol: category notifying: requestor. self instanceSide noteCompilationOf: methodAndNode selector meta: self isClassSide. ^ methodAndNode So now, we can define methods in MCMethodDefinition. loadOver is a method that compiles the method. It was changed to return the method rather than installing it. load will both compile and install the method. loadOver: aDefinition "Note that this doesn't actually load the method, it just compiles it and returns the compiled method for loading later." ^self actualClass MCcompile: source classified: category withStamp: timeStamp notifying: (SyntaxError new category: category) logSource: self actualClass acceptsLoggingOfCompilation load | methodAndNode | methodAndNode := self loadOver: nil. self actualClass addSelectorSilently: selector withMethod: methodAndNode method Here is the new version of basicLoad in MCPackageLoder. Note that it uses tryToLoad:in: to compile methods, but saves them in methodsToLoad instead of installing them. It collects some more methods from errorDefinitions, and then installs all methods after it has processed the errorDefinitions. Note that the installing just uses pairsDo: on OrderedCollection and addSelectorSilently:withMethod: on Class. So, it basically uses only Collection and Behavior methods. I could make it use even less code if that were important. basicLoad | methodsToLoad | errorDefinitions := OrderedCollection new. methodsToLoad := OrderedCollection new: 10. [[additions do: [:ea | self tryToLoad: ea in: methodsToLoad] displayingProgress: 'Loading...'. removals do: [:ea | ea unload] displayingProgress: 'Cleaning up...'. self shouldWarnAboutErrors ifTrue: [self warnAboutErrors]. errorDefinitions do: [:ea | self load: ea in: methodsToLoad] displayingProgress: 'Reloading...'. methodsToLoad pairsDo: [:class :eachMaN | class addSelectorSilently: eachMaN selector withMethod: eachMaN method ]. additions do: [:ea | ea postloadOver: (self obsoletionFor: ea)] displayingProgress: 'Initializing...'] on: InMidstOfFileinNotification do: [:n | n resume: true]] ensure: [self flushChangesFile] |
Did you had a look at the work of Colin? In the description it says: "SystemEditor is a mechanism for atomically loading a set of changes to the system. It's intended to be used by tools such as that move classes (or parts of classes) between images, such as Monticello, Monticello2, change sets, fileIns etc. It provides a familiar interface for making changes, but does not execute the changes until it receives a #commit message. This makes it easier to update existing tools to load their changes atomically." -- Lukas Renggli |
On Nov 26, 2006, at 10:26 PM, Lukas Renggli wrote: > Did you had a look at the work of Colin? > > > > In the description it says: > > "SystemEditor is a mechanism for atomically loading a set of changes > to the system. It's intended to be used by tools such as that move > classes (or parts of classes) between images, such as Monticello, > Monticello2, change sets, fileIns etc. > > It provides a familiar interface for making changes, but does not > execute the changes until it receives a #commit message. This makes it > easier to update existing tools to load their changes atomically." I posted about this in response to Ralph's last message, but the message seems to have dissipated in the ether somewhere. Here it is again: On Nov 24, 2006, at 9:32 PM, Ralph Johnson wrote: > I am far from a Monticello expert, but I have been looking at the > code. > It looks to me that class PackageLoader could be changed to load > atomically. > Basically, instead of making one pass through MCDefinitions (such as > MCMethodDefinition, MCCLassDefinition and MCScript) and loading each > one, the PackageLoader should first make a pass doing a preload and > then > a pass doing a load. Classes will be loaded during the preload and > methods will be compiled during the preload, but actually installed > during > the load.This would mean that you wouldn't run the compiler during the > actualy loading of methods. Something similar would have to be done > for unloading. > > Do people who know more about MC than I do think this would work? > Yeah, sounds reasonable. For MC2, I created a package called SystemEditor that uses roughly the same approach. It presents an "editing" interface with the same protocol as the real system. I'm sure it's not quite identical, but it's close enough that MC2 can have atomic loading turned on or off with a one-line change. It probably wouldn't be much work to make MC1 load definitions through SystemEditor rather than SystemDictionary. More work would have to go into SystemEditor to make it solid enough for production use, but it's still probably less work than starting from scratch. Colin |
In reply to this post by Lukas Renggli
> "SystemEditor is a mechanism for atomically loading a set of changes
> to the system. It's intended to be used by tools such as that move > classes (or parts of classes) between images, such as Monticello, > Monticello2, change sets, fileIns etc. > > It provides a familiar interface for making changes, but does not > execute the changes until it receives a #commit message. This makes it > easier to update existing tools to load their changes atomically." I am not sure how it is supposed to be used. I couldn't find any tests that actually tie it in to anything. Are ClassEditor and MetaclassEditor supposed to replace Class and Metaclass? It looks ot me like I would have to change the MCPackageLoader to use ClassEditor and MetaclassEditor whenever it currently uses Class and Metaclass. Is that the idea? -Ralph |
On Nov 27, 2006, at 3:27 AM, Ralph Johnson wrote:
>> "SystemEditor is a mechanism for atomically loading a set of changes >> to the system. It's intended to be used by tools such as that move >> classes (or parts of classes) between images, such as Monticello, >> Monticello2, change sets, fileIns etc. >> >> It provides a familiar interface for making changes, but does not >> execute the changes until it receives a #commit message. This >> makes it >> easier to update existing tools to load their changes atomically." >> >> > > I am not sure how it is supposed to be used. I couldn't find any > tests that actually tie it in to anything. > > Are ClassEditor and MetaclassEditor supposed to replace Class and > Metaclass? It looks ot me like I would have to change the > MCPackageLoader to use ClassEditor and MetaclassEditor whenever it > currently uses Class and Metaclass. Is that the idea? > > Yes, ClassEditor and MetaclassEditor are meant to be standins for real classes and metaclasses. However, the idea is to create a SystemEditor to use in place of a SystemDictionary. So you'd do something like "aSystemEditor at: #String" to fetch a ClassEditor on String. On the other hand, SystemEditor is fairly ambitious in that it aims for truly atomic loading - all changes are installed using a single primitive call, so the only possibility for an incomplete load is misbehavior of the primitive. This code has lots of unit tests, but hasn't had much real world usage. I agree that your earlier approach of splitting loading into two passes gives a better balance of risk- of-incomplete-loads vs risk-of-bugs-in-the-loading-code, at least for the short term. At some future point, we can look at either modifying MC1 to use SystemEditor, or moving to MC2. I do intend to keep moving forward with both MC2 and SystemEditor, though progress is slow because I don't have much free time. It may or may not be useful in time to incorporate into the 3.10 process, but either way, I think your focus on process rather than technology is what's needed to keep Squeak vital. Colin |
I assume we'll move to MC2 eventually. It is probably better to work
on that than to retrofit SystemEditor into MC1. I'll just patch up MC1 for the short term. -Ralph |
On Nov 27, 2006, at 6:20 PM, Ralph Johnson wrote: > I assume we'll move to MC2 eventually. It is probably better to work > on that than to retrofit SystemEditor into MC1. I'll just patch up > MC1 for the short term. Sounds good. Colin |
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