> From: Lukas Renggli
> Sent: Friday, June 09, 2006 2:11 AM
> > I'm pretty confident that the problem's due to the
> > String changes, but beyond that I'm stuck. Any
> > ideas on what might be happening?
> Please can somebody fix that in 3.9? It annoys me since it first noticed
> it.
> Cheers,
> Lukas
http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/pipermail/squeak-dev/2005-April/090974.html Martin says:
I just checked other Smalltalks
Dolphin VSE VW NewSqueak OldSqueak
'A' < 'b' true true true true true
'a' < 'B' true true true true false
'a' <= 'A' true true false false false
'A' <= 'a' true true true true true
'Az'<'aa' false false false true true
'A' = 'a' false false false false false
VW does it best. VSE and Dolphin do it like I proposed, or whatsoever
that was.
(self compare: aString caseSensitive: false) for #< #<= #> #>=
(self compare: aString caseSensitive: true) for #=
Given that the current Squeak sorting is still funny ('Az' < 'aa')
and Dolphin and VSE seem not worried about logical implications like
'A'<='a' and 'a'<='A' must that mean that 'A'='a' ??
perhaps an interesting alternative?
I like Dolphin and VSE and I'm not concerned with 'A'='a'. I would also
rather see this go away and be replaced by plain AsciiOrder as Andreas
Ron Teitelbaum