[BUG]MultiByteFileStream(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #fileInObjectAndCodeForProject

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[BUG]MultiByteFileStream(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #fileInObjectAndCodeForProject

 I am getting the following error when I try to install ProgrammingMorphs (1.0.4) on Squeak 3.8 through SqueakMap. Please help.

10 July 2006 1:08:14 pm
VM: Win32 - a SmalltalkImage
Image: Squeak3.8 [latest update: #6665]
SecurityManager state:
Restricted: false
FileAccess: true
SocketAccess: true
Working Dir C:\MCS\CS598\Squeak
Trusted Dir C:\MCS\CS598\Squeak\amarbs
Untrusted Dir C:\My Squeak\amarbs
MultiByteFileStream(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #fileInObjectAndCodeForProject
 Receiver: MultiByteFileStream: 'C:\MCS\CS598\Squeak\Squeaklets\ProgrammingMorphs.4.pr'
 Arguments and temporary variables:
  aMessage:  fileInObjectAndCodeForProject
 Receiver's instance variables:

[] in ProjectLoading class>>openName:stream:fromDirectory:withProjectView: {[morphOrList := morphOrList fileInObjectAndCodeForProject]}
 Arguments and temporary variables:
  aFileName:  'ProgrammingMorphs.4.pr'
  preStream:  MultiByteFileStream: 'C:\MCS\CS598\Squeak\Squeaklets\ProgrammingMorp...etc...
  aDirectoryOrNil:  DosFileDirectory on 'C:\MCS\CS598\Squeak\Squeaklets'
  existingView:  nil
  morphOrList:  MultiByteFileStream: 'C:\MCS\CS598\Squeak\Squeaklets\ProgrammingMo...etc...
  proj:  nil
  trusted:  false
  localDir:  DosFileDirectory on 'C:\MCS\CS598\Squeak\Squeaklets'
  projStream:  MultiByteFileStream: 'C:\MCS\CS598\Squeak\Squeaklets\ProgrammingMor...etc...
  archive:  nil
  mgr:  nil
  projectsToBeDeleted:  nil
  baseChangeSet:  a ChangeSet named Unnamed
  enterRestricted:  false
  substituteFont:  TTCFont(BitstreamVeraSans 9 Bold)
  numberOfFontSubstitutes:  0
  exceptions:  a Set()
  ex:  nil
  mm:  nil
  obj:  nil
  ignored:  nil
 Receiver: [] in ProjectLoading class>>openName:stream:fromDirectory:withProjectView: {[morphOrList :...etc...
 Arguments and temporary variables:
  exception:  FontSubstitutionDuringLoading
  handlerAction:  [] in ProjectLoading class>>openName:stream:fromDirectory:withPr...etc...
  handlerActive:  true
 Receiver's instance variables:
  sender:  BlockContext>>on:do:
  pc:  604
  stackp:  0
  nargs:  0
  startpc:  601
  home:  ProjectLoading class>>openName:stream:fromDirectory:withProjectView:
[] in ProjectLoading class>>openName:stream:fromDirectory:withProjectView: {[[morphOrList := morphOrList fileInObjectAndCodeForProject]   on: FontSubsti...]}
 Arguments and temporary variables:
  aFileName:  'ProgrammingMorphs.4.pr'
  preStream:  MultiByteFileStream: 'C:\MCS\CS598\Squeak\Squeaklets\ProgrammingMorp...etc...
  aDirectoryOrNil:  DosFileDirectory on 'C:\MCS\CS598\Squeak\Squeaklets'
  existingView:  nil
  morphOrList:  MultiByteFileStream: 'C:\MCS\CS598\Squeak\Squeaklets\ProgrammingMo...etc...
  proj:  nil
  trusted:  false
  localDir:  DosFileDirectory on 'C:\MCS\CS598\Squeak\Squeaklets'
  projStream:  MultiByteFileStream: 'C:\MCS\CS598\Squeak\Squeaklets\ProgrammingMor...etc...
  archive:  nil
  mgr:  nil
  projectsToBeDeleted:  nil
  baseChangeSet:  a ChangeSet named Unnamed
  enterRestricted:  false
  substituteFont:  TTCFont(BitstreamVeraSans 9 Bold)
  numberOfFontSubstitutes:  0
  exceptions:  a Set()
  ex:  nil
  mm:  nil
  obj:  nil
  ignored:  nil

--- The full stack ---
MultiByteFileStream(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #fileInObjectAndCodeForProject
[] in ProjectLoading class>>openName:stream:fromDirectory:withProjectView: {[morphOrList := morphOrList fileInObjectAndCodeForProject]}
[] in ProjectLoading class>>openName:stream:fromDirectory:withProjectView: {[[morphOrList := morphOrList fileInObjectAndCodeForProject]   on: FontSubsti...]}
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ProjectLoading class>>openName:stream:fromDirectory:withProjectView:
[] in ProjectLoading class>>openFromDirectory:andFileName: {[ProgressNotification signal: '1:foundMostRecent'.  fileAndDir := self bestA...]}
[] in ComplexProgressIndicator>>withProgressDo: {[aBlock   on: ProgressInitiationException   do: [:ex | ex     sendNotificati...]}
ProjectLoading class>>openFromDirectory:andFileName:
[] in MenuItemMorph>>invokeWithEvent: {[(selArgCount := selector numArgs) = 0   ifTrue: [target perform: selector] ...]}

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Re: [BUG]MultiByteFileStream(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #fileInObjectAndCodeForProject

Herbert König
Hello amarbs,

agc> Hi,
agc>  I am getting the following error when I try to install
agc> ProgrammingMorphs (1.0.4) on Squeak 3.8 through SqueakMap. Please
agc> help.

to successfully load that project, it is from

If google doesn't find it for you (I have a local copy of the swiki),
send me a mail, I'll email it to you.

Dropping the file into Squeak starts the project, tried in a 3.8 and a
3.6 image.


Herbert                            mailto:[hidden email]

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Re: [BUG]MultiByteFileStream(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #fileInObjectAndCodeForProject

Lex Spoon-3
In reply to this post by amarbs
<[hidden email]> wrote:
> I am getting the following error when I try to install
> ProgrammingMorphs (1.0.4) on Squeak 3.8 through
> SqueakMap. Please help.

Simply load it in 3.7 and it works fine.

I do not plan to migrate ProgrammingMorphs to later Squeak versions, but
if someone does that work I will happily add the appropriate SqueakMap


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Re: [BUG]MultiByteFileStream(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #fileInObjectAndCodeForProject

Edgar J. De Cleene
Lex Spoon puso en su mail :

> I do not plan to migrate ProgrammingMorphs to later Squeak versions, but
> if someone does that work I will happily add the appropriate SqueakMap
> entry.
>  -Lex

ProgrammingMorphs should be one of first things what a beginner study when
he/she get Squeak.

Say where the last version is and I do my best for have it working on 3.8
and 3.9 (and cook a appropriate thing for SqueakLight).

Of course I send the versions to you for final check.


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