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Chuck Hipschman
I'm pretty new to squeak, please let me know if I should be looking
for help elsewhere, (and where that would be :) TIA

I'm trying to follow a OpenGL tutorial posted on YouTube by user
sparaig.  It's only 9 lines of code

(Installer repository: 'http://source.squeak.org/FFI')
        install: 'FFI-Pools';
        install: 'FFI-Kernel';
        install: 'FFI-Tests'.
(Installer repository: 'http://www.squeaksource.com/CroquetGL')
        install: '3DTransform';
        install: 'OpenGL-Pools';
        install: 'OpenGL-Core'.
OpenGL example  "this is where the trouble begins"

The transcript shows:

reading http://source.squeak..org/FFI...
reading http://source.squeak.org/FFI...
finding FFI-Pools... found FFI-Pools-eem.3.mcz...
reading http://source.squeak.org/FFI...
finding FFI-Pools... found FFI-Pools-eem.3.mcz...
finding FFI-Kernel... found FFI-Kernel.threaded-eem.25.mcz...
reading http://source.squeak.org/FFI...
finding FFI-Pools... found FFI-Pools-eem.3.mcz...
finding FFI-Kernel... found FFI-Kernel.threaded-eem.25.mcz...
finding FFI-Tests... found FFI-Tests-ar.5.mcz...
reading http://www.squeaksource.com/CroquetGL...
finding 3DTransform... found 3DTransform-ar.21.mcz...
reading http://www.squeaksource.com/CroquetGL...
finding 3DTransform... found 3DTransform-ar.21.mcz...
finding OpenGL-Pools... found OpenGL-Pools-jcg.9.mcz...
reading http://www.squeaksource.com/CroquetGL...
finding 3DTransform... found 3DTransform-ar.21.mcz...
finding OpenGL-Pools... found OpenGL-Pools-jcg.9.mcz...
finding OpenGL-Core... found OpenGL-Core-hmm.15.mcz...

and here's the output I get in the debugger

1 March 2012 2:12:18.278 pm

VM: Win32 - Smalltalk
Image: Squeak4.1 [latest update: #9957]

SecurityManager state:
Restricted: false
FileAccess: true
SocketAccess: true
Working Dir C:\Documents and Settings\Chuck\My Documents\Squeak 4.1
Trusted Dir C:\Documents and Settings\Chuck\My Documents\Squeak 4.1\Chuck
Untrusted Dir C:\Documents and Settings\Chuck\My Documents\My Squeak

        Receiver: an OGLWin32
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                aString: 'External function is invalid'
        Receiver's instance variables:
                handle: 0
                bufRect: 0@0 corner: 400@400
                glExt: a *OGLExtManager
                extensions: nil
                frontFace: 2305
                maxPortalDepth: 5
                changeTexture: true
                test: false
                timeStamp: 0
                formManager: nil
                textureManager: an OGLTextureManager
                fontManager: an OGLFontManager
                shaderManager: an OGLShaderManager
                glListRegistry: a WeakIdentityKeyDictionary()
                isMirror: false
                inPortal3D: false
                camera: nil
                forceWire: false
                numVtx: 0
                numPrims: 0
                inGLBlock: false
                distance: nil
                harness: nil
                eventPointer: nil
                avatar: nil
                forcePick: false
                forceHilite: nil
                suppressPortals: false
                noSwap: false
                fogOn: false
                transparency: 1.0
                matrixStack: nil
                portalDepth: 0
                bufferObjects: a Dictionary()

        Receiver: an OGLWin32
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                errCode: 17
        Receiver's instance variables:
                handle: 0
                bufRect: 0@0 corner: 400@400
                glExt: a *OGLExtManager
                extensions: nil
                frontFace: 2305
                maxPortalDepth: 5
                changeTexture: true
                test: false
                timeStamp: 0
                formManager: nil
                textureManager: an OGLTextureManager
                fontManager: an OGLFontManager
                shaderManager: an OGLShaderManager
                glListRegistry: a WeakIdentityKeyDictionary()
                isMirror: false
                inPortal3D: false
                camera: nil
                forceWire: false
                numVtx: 0
                numPrims: 0
                inGLBlock: false
                distance: nil
                harness: nil
                eventPointer: nil
                avatar: nil
                forcePick: false
                forceHilite: nil
                suppressPortals: false
                noSwap: false
                fogOn: false
                transparency: 1.0
                matrixStack: nil
                portalDepth: 0
                bufferObjects: a Dictionary()

        Receiver: an OGLWin32
        Arguments and temporary variables:
                pname: 3317
                param: 4
        Receiver's instance variables:
                handle: 0
                bufRect: 0@0 corner: 400@400
                glExt: a *OGLExtManager
                extensions: nil
                frontFace: 2305
                maxPortalDepth: 5
                changeTexture: true
                test: false
                timeStamp: 0
                formManager: nil
                textureManager: an OGLTextureManager
                fontManager: an OGLFontManager
                shaderManager: an OGLShaderManager
                glListRegistry: a WeakIdentityKeyDictionary()
                isMirror: false
                inPortal3D: false
                camera: nil
                forceWire: false
                numVtx: 0
                numPrims: 0
                inGLBlock: false
                distance: nil
                harness: nil
                eventPointer: nil
                avatar: nil
                forcePick: false
                forceHilite: nil
                suppressPortals: false
                noSwap: false
                fogOn: false
                transparency: 1.0
                matrixStack: nil
                portalDepth: 0
                bufferObjects: a Dictionary()

        Receiver: an OGLWin32
        Arguments and temporary variables:

        Receiver's instance variables:
                handle: 0
                bufRect: 0@0 corner: 400@400
                glExt: a *OGLExtManager
                extensions: nil
                frontFace: 2305
                maxPortalDepth: 5
                changeTexture: true
                test: false
                timeStamp: 0
                formManager: nil
                textureManager: an OGLTextureManager
                fontManager: an OGLFontManager
                shaderManager: an OGLShaderManager
                glListRegistry: a WeakIdentityKeyDictionary()
                isMirror: false
                inPortal3D: false
                camera: nil
                forceWire: false
                numVtx: 0
                numPrims: 0
                inGLBlock: false
                distance: nil
                harness: nil
                eventPointer: nil
                avatar: nil
                forcePick: false
                forceHilite: nil
                suppressPortals: false
                noSwap: false
                fogOn: false
                transparency: 1.0
                matrixStack: nil
                portalDepth: 0
                bufferObjects: a Dictionary()

--- The full stack ---
 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[] in OpenGL class>>example
OpenGL class>>example
[] in SmalltalkEditor(TextEditor)>>evaluateSelection

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Re: [BUG]OGLWin32(Object)>>error:

Nicolas Cellier
Most probably, some library was not found (I see the handle is 0).
If I open a browser on OGLWin32
    OGLWin32 browse.
In class definition, you see that handle is an instance variable.
Then looks at instance variable assignment (menu assignment... or
CTRL+a in class pane)
I get these two methods

OpenGL>>initializeIn: bounds
        handle := self primCreateRenderer: 1 "B3DSoftwareRenderer" + 2
"B3DHardwareRenderer" + 4 "B3DStencilBuffer"
                x: bounds left y: bounds top w: bounds width h: bounds height.
        bufRect := bounds.
        handle ifNotNil:[glExt := OGLExtManager new ogl: self].
        ^handle ifNotNil:[self]

If I browse implementors of primCreateRenderer:x:y:w:h:, I get
OpenGL>>primCreateRenderer: flags x: x y: y w: w h: h
        <primitive: 'primitiveCreateRendererFlags' module:'B3DAcceleratorPlugin'>

It could be that your VM does not have the optional module

I see you are using Squeak 4.1, and don't remember if it was already
But you could search for top menu bar item  help->about this system.
If you have it, in the resulting window, select VM Modules and report
if B3DAcceleratorPlugin was loaded.
Also select VM General and report your results.

If you don't have this tool, then try

    SmalltalkImage current listBuiltinModules , SmalltalkImage current


    SmalltalkImage current vmVersion.


Le 1 mars 2012 22:33, Chuck Hipschman <[hidden email]> a écrit :

> I'm pretty new to squeak, please let me know if I should be looking
> for help elsewhere, (and where that would be :) TIA
> I'm trying to follow a OpenGL tutorial posted on YouTube by user
> sparaig.  It's only 9 lines of code
> (Installer repository: 'http://source.squeak.org/FFI')
>        install: 'FFI-Pools';
>        install: 'FFI-Kernel';
>        install: 'FFI-Tests'.
> (Installer repository: 'http://www.squeaksource.com/CroquetGL')
>        install: '3DTransform';
>        install: 'OpenGL-Pools';
>        install: 'OpenGL-Core'.
> OpenGL example  "this is where the trouble begins"
> The transcript shows:
> reading http://source.squeak..org/FFI...
> reading http://source.squeak.org/FFI...
> finding FFI-Pools... found FFI-Pools-eem.3.mcz...
> loaded
> reading http://source.squeak.org/FFI...
> finding FFI-Pools... found FFI-Pools-eem.3.mcz...
> finding FFI-Kernel... found FFI-Kernel.threaded-eem.25.mcz...
> loaded
> reading http://source.squeak.org/FFI...
> finding FFI-Pools... found FFI-Pools-eem.3.mcz...
> finding FFI-Kernel... found FFI-Kernel.threaded-eem.25.mcz...
> finding FFI-Tests... found FFI-Tests-ar.5.mcz...
> loaded
> reading http://www.squeaksource.com/CroquetGL...
> finding 3DTransform... found 3DTransform-ar.21.mcz...
> loaded
> reading http://www.squeaksource.com/CroquetGL...
> finding 3DTransform... found 3DTransform-ar.21.mcz...
> finding OpenGL-Pools... found OpenGL-Pools-jcg.9.mcz...
> loaded
> reading http://www.squeaksource.com/CroquetGL...
> finding 3DTransform... found 3DTransform-ar.21.mcz...
> finding OpenGL-Pools... found OpenGL-Pools-jcg.9.mcz...
> finding OpenGL-Core... found OpenGL-Core-hmm.15.mcz...
> loaded
> and here's the output I get in the debugger
> 1 March 2012 2:12:18.278 pm
> VM: Win32 - Smalltalk
> Image: Squeak4.1 [latest update: #9957]
> SecurityManager state:
> Restricted: false
> FileAccess: true
> SocketAccess: true
> Working Dir C:\Documents and Settings\Chuck\My Documents\Squeak 4.1
> Trusted Dir C:\Documents and Settings\Chuck\My Documents\Squeak 4.1\Chuck
> Untrusted Dir C:\Documents and Settings\Chuck\My Documents\My Squeak
> OGLWin32(Object)>>error:
>        Receiver: an OGLWin32
>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>                aString:        'External function is invalid'
>        Receiver's instance variables:
>                handle:         0
>                bufRect:        0@0 corner: 400@400
>                glExt:  a *OGLExtManager
>                extensions:     nil
>                frontFace:      2305
>                maxPortalDepth:         5
>                changeTexture:  true
>                test:   false
>                timeStamp:      0
>                formManager:    nil
>                textureManager:         an OGLTextureManager
>                fontManager:    an OGLFontManager
>                shaderManager:  an OGLShaderManager
>                glListRegistry:         a WeakIdentityKeyDictionary()
>                isMirror:       false
>                inPortal3D:     false
>                camera:         nil
>                forceWire:      false
>                numVtx:         0
>                numPrims:       0
>                inGLBlock:      false
>                distance:       nil
>                harness:        nil
>                eventPointer:   nil
>                avatar:         nil
>                forcePick:      false
>                forceHilite:    nil
>                suppressPortals:        false
>                noSwap:         false
>                fogOn:  false
>                transparency:   1.0
>                matrixStack:    nil
>                portalDepth:    0
>                bufferObjects:  a Dictionary()
> OGLWin32(Object)>>externalCallFailed
>        Receiver: an OGLWin32
>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>                errCode:        17
>        Receiver's instance variables:
>                handle:         0
>                bufRect:        0@0 corner: 400@400
>                glExt:  a *OGLExtManager
>                extensions:     nil
>                frontFace:      2305
>                maxPortalDepth:         5
>                changeTexture:  true
>                test:   false
>                timeStamp:      0
>                formManager:    nil
>                textureManager:         an OGLTextureManager
>                fontManager:    an OGLFontManager
>                shaderManager:  an OGLShaderManager
>                glListRegistry:         a WeakIdentityKeyDictionary()
>                isMirror:       false
>                inPortal3D:     false
>                camera:         nil
>                forceWire:      false
>                numVtx:         0
>                numPrims:       0
>                inGLBlock:      false
>                distance:       nil
>                harness:        nil
>                eventPointer:   nil
>                avatar:         nil
>                forcePick:      false
>                forceHilite:    nil
>                suppressPortals:        false
>                noSwap:         false
>                fogOn:  false
>                transparency:   1.0
>                matrixStack:    nil
>                portalDepth:    0
>                bufferObjects:  a Dictionary()
> OGLWin32(OpenGL)>>glPixelStorei:with:
>        Receiver: an OGLWin32
>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>                pname:  3317
>                param:  4
>        Receiver's instance variables:
>                handle:         0
>                bufRect:        0@0 corner: 400@400
>                glExt:  a *OGLExtManager
>                extensions:     nil
>                frontFace:      2305
>                maxPortalDepth:         5
>                changeTexture:  true
>                test:   false
>                timeStamp:      0
>                formManager:    nil
>                textureManager:         an OGLTextureManager
>                fontManager:    an OGLFontManager
>                shaderManager:  an OGLShaderManager
>                glListRegistry:         a WeakIdentityKeyDictionary()
>                isMirror:       false
>                inPortal3D:     false
>                camera:         nil
>                forceWire:      false
>                numVtx:         0
>                numPrims:       0
>                inGLBlock:      false
>                distance:       nil
>                harness:        nil
>                eventPointer:   nil
>                avatar:         nil
>                forcePick:      false
>                forceHilite:    nil
>                suppressPortals:        false
>                noSwap:         false
>                fogOn:  false
>                transparency:   1.0
>                matrixStack:    nil
>                portalDepth:    0
>                bufferObjects:  a Dictionary()
> OGLWin32(OpenGL)>>beginFrame
>        Receiver: an OGLWin32
>        Arguments and temporary variables:
>        Receiver's instance variables:
>                handle:         0
>                bufRect:        0@0 corner: 400@400
>                glExt:  a *OGLExtManager
>                extensions:     nil
>                frontFace:      2305
>                maxPortalDepth:         5
>                changeTexture:  true
>                test:   false
>                timeStamp:      0
>                formManager:    nil
>                textureManager:         an OGLTextureManager
>                fontManager:    an OGLFontManager
>                shaderManager:  an OGLShaderManager
>                glListRegistry:         a WeakIdentityKeyDictionary()
>                isMirror:       false
>                inPortal3D:     false
>                camera:         nil
>                forceWire:      false
>                numVtx:         0
>                numPrims:       0
>                inGLBlock:      false
>                distance:       nil
>                harness:        nil
>                eventPointer:   nil
>                avatar:         nil
>                forcePick:      false
>                forceHilite:    nil
>                suppressPortals:        false
>                noSwap:         false
>                fogOn:  false
>                transparency:   1.0
>                matrixStack:    nil
>                portalDepth:    0
>                bufferObjects:  a Dictionary()
> --- The full stack ---
> OGLWin32(Object)>>error:
> OGLWin32(Object)>>externalCallFailed
> OGLWin32(OpenGL)>>glPixelStorei:with:
> OGLWin32(OpenGL)>>beginFrame
>  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> OGLWin32>>beginFrame
> [] in OpenGL class>>example
> BlockClosure>>ensure:
> OpenGL class>>example
> UndefinedObject>>DoIt
> Compiler>>evaluate:in:to:notifying:ifFail:logged:
> [] in SmalltalkEditor(TextEditor)>>evaluateSelection
> ...etc...