Thanks for reminding me. I just committed a fix which will use the
user's "My Documents\My Squeak" directory instead of "C:\My
Squeak\Username". This will be in the next bunch of VMs by default.
- Andreas
Vagelis Savvas wrote:
> Hello to all,
> The Windows VM, as downloaded from, fails to start
> the image when the Windows system drive isn't C: (but G: as is in
> my case). I tracked down the problem in SecurityPlugin and
> particularly in ioInitSecurity where i can see:
> /* establish untrusted user directory */
> lstrcpy(untrustedUserDirectory, TEXT("C:\\My Squeak\\%USERNAME%"));
> I can see the same path in the Debugger when, during image start-up,
> some other primitive fails while trying to create this directory on
> the non-existant drive C:.
> If i 'subst c: g:\' the image starts up just fine.
> Happy new year!
> Vagelis