[BUG] Squeak not started when cant find TTFont files

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[BUG] Squeak not started when cant find TTFont files

Denis Kudriashov
Hello, I found strange and very bad bug

Just open clean squeak4.1 image. Load some TTFont (TTFileDescription installFamilyNamed: 'Verdana'). Set font verdana as default system font (World menu/appearance/systemfonts). Save and quit.

Now remove from your Windows/Fonts catalog all verdana font files.

Start your image.

You will see infinit image loading (only splash screen) with continous ram eating.

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Re: [BUG] Squeak not started when cant find TTFont files

Igor Stasenko
On 21 May 2010 12:10, Denis Kudriashov <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hello, I found strange and very bad bug
So, you found it yourself. Good.

This is because most people here is a bunch of ascetic developers,
who don't need fancy UI & graphics, and feel themselves comfortable
with bare minimum,
provided by default.
So, not a surprise, that some parts, related to 'fancy' things left
unattended. :)

> Just open clean squeak4.1 image. Load some TTFont (TTFileDescription
> installFamilyNamed: 'Verdana'). Set font verdana as default system font
> (World menu/appearance/systemfonts). Save and quit.
> Now remove from your Windows/Fonts catalog all verdana font files.
> Start your image.
> You will see infinit image loading (only splash screen) with continous ram
> eating.

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.