Recent addition, montgomery multiplication, has a bug:
it fails to correctly take last carry into account...
You can see it with this example (if you have the Smalltalk mock up) :
| m mInv a b |
m := 15485863.
mInv := 256 - ((m bitAnd: 255) reciprocalModulo: 256).
a := 8826019 digitMontgomeryTimes: 8826019 modulo: m mInvModB: mInv.
b := 8826019 naiveMontgomeryTimes: 8826019 modulo: m mInvModB: mInv.
self assert: a = b
Correct result is given by naive mock up : 10626344
The primitive gives a wrong result.
I attach a correction for the LargeInteger plugin (and for the
Smalltalk mock up too).
Sorry for uncomplete tests.
Please, update VMMaker ASAP.