I am new to (Pharo) UI programming, but appearently the way to go in
Pharo is with Spec. As such, your starting point for these kinds of
questions is to look in the trait TEasilyThemed (a class that makes
use of this trait is ComposableMorph).
My first stop were the methods such as "newTextEntryFor:getText:setText:help:".
Following them, you can see that a similar method is invoked on the
(current) "theme".
In UITheme, take a look inside of
There you find the answer to your question: PluggableTextFieldMorph.
Hope it helps!
Best regards,
2012/11/29 irfankhan1 <
[hidden email]>:
> Hi i want to know which class would be a better option i can use in pharo 1.4
> in order to display and update text as class EntryFieldMorph is no more.
> --
> View this message in context:
http://forum.world.st/Better-replacement-for-EntryFieldMorph-in-pharo1-4-tp4657342.html> Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.